Forum Thread
Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE](Oh boy)
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Suko Nobu
Suko hummed to themself as they ushered Koda into a chair, placed her plate in front of her, and then claimed their own. This was nice. The cafeteria was free of memories, good or bad. It was also silent- only he and Koda were here, no one else, no Kowai to drag them into a room away.
Kowai's dead, they thought. The thought ebbed away into the river of their mind. She's gone forever now. And we're all safe forever.
But was that true? Enemies lurked around every corner. Kowai's smile could exist on anyone- they could kill, and they would kill.
And Suko would be helpless to save themself.
But Koda could die, if only Suko could live.
The revelation hit them. Just like Femi had died for Suko, Koda could die for Suko and Suko could live.
All of a sudden, they hated her. They'd never loved her. They'd loved Femi and she was the one who dragged Suko away, she was the one who dropped the match. Every instance of that smiling girl, every flicker of her purple hair or her sharp eyes- it melted into Koda, and all he could see was that they were one in the same.
That they had both been guilty for Femi's death.
And they hated her as much as they hated themself.
They smashed their hands into the table and lunged to their feet. They seized her by the collar and dragged her face in close. "Would you die for me?" they demanded, giving her a shake. "Answer me!"
Keiki stuck their tongue out at Hisoka. "I heard a loud screaming noise, coming from you, I suppose. Came here to investigate with Niwa-face." They pointed at Niwa. "Everything seems fine here, no dead body lying around, thank god. Soo- any trouble here? Is everything alright, Hisoka?"
Asahi slipped away quietly. Being practically invisible, no one noticed her leave. She didn't want to talk to Niwa and Keiki.
Hisoka Yamanaku
Hisoka's eye twitched. Can a person get a minute of privacy, here? "No," he said as calmly as he could manage. "No trouble. I assure you, I have no intention of stirring any up."
Though I can't say the same for you, he thought bitterly.
Niwa, the coward, squeaked and ducked behind Keiki.
But suddenly, in Suko's eyes, she saw someone else. Someone unforgiveable. Someone Koda... No. Koda closed her eyes, and was immediately flooded with memories of them. She snapped them open, beginning to tear up.
"He's dead, Koda. And if you don't die, then I'll be next."
"Us referring to me, Cyber and Kody. I won't let you try anything. I suggest you stay away, hmm?" Moonling barked a raspy laugh. "I can't guarantee you won't end up like her mother."
Then Koda started coughing.
They looked up, startled. And then they saw her face.
They went rigid.
Red eyes, fireworks, Femi, purple hair, that damn smile- She was smiling oh god she had Kowai's smile and Suko was alone with her and she would not die for them and they would die for her but NO NO SUKO COULDN'T DIE
Suko was on their feet and running out the cafeteria. I need my bag- they realized but NO KEEP RUNNING KEEP RUNNING, KEEP RUNNING-
They were screaming, long and drawn out.
Koda stared at the room, confused. Moon, what happened? | Helping you, don't you trust me, Kody? I know when things get dangerous. Hah! Experience! Koda snarled under her breathe. "Stupid, stupid."
Gazing at her hands, she realized how grateful she was for Moonling and her composure. She held a dangerous amount of power in those hands. Koda couldn't stop herself if anything were to happen. She had learned the hard way that nobody could be trusted. Time and time again. But Koda couldn't stop thinking about her mother. Would anyone end up like Avalanche? They mustn't. Koda didn't want to die.
Koda sat down. She pulled her knees close and buried her face in them. Tears streamed down her face and she choked down a wail. Koda needed to keep quiet, where here she was alone and vulnerable.
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"Everything is going to be okay."
Hisoka Yamanaku
Hisoka was alone. He felt sicker than ever.
I lost him.
He wrapped his arms around his knees, rocking against the wall. Kowai's portrait hung on the doorknob, her smiling face looking back at his. The red walls were bleeding, a coat of paint applied too freshly.
Red like fire.
Red like blood.
Red like Maji's hair.
He choked out a sob. "Why can't you just leave me alone?" He asked to thin air. "Why couldn't you have just died?"
He didn't know who he was talking to anymore. Kowai, his sister, himself- or even Maji, Maji who had believed and trusted him until he'd proven he couldn't be.
Maybe he just wanted the whole world to burn.
Niwa Atsushi
Niwa sat, cross-legged on the edge of his bed, reading through Frankenstein. Yet despite how he loved it, the words refused to focus for once.
He sighed, closing the book.
"How are you holding up, Keiki?"
Suko Nobu
Darkness enveloped Suko, yet they didn't sleep.
Blue eyes stared into the empty silence, piercing, catlike even without light. They couldn't sleep. They would live, no matter what happened.
Suzume Fujimori's POV
We need to find out what's going on. I don't think we have time for... whatever is going on with these two.
"I need to ask you a question, Majikaruman." Just get to the point.
"How did Hisoka know that Kowai was the killer?"
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"Everything is going to be okay."