"Oh, I kinda sorta accidently killed my mom, my dad threw me out on
the streets, yadda yadda." Kendo shrugged. "Got adopted by the
leader of a anarchy organiztion from a different dimension. You
know. Normal stuff."
"mh. Well, funny, something we have in common. I sorta accidentally
killed Scorpio's sister then sorta accidently destroyed my soul and
became a spirit of darkness and went beserk aaaaaannnnnnnd also
attempted to consume a universe"
"I also almost managed to kill Kioiki, Amber, Midnight, Rustle,
Luck and a few more by myself after I tried to destroy this island,
killed my adopptive father and uncle, killed a guy with an ice axe
and a few more people." Kendo casually flips a knife that came
outta nowhere.