Forum Thread
World Nations University
Forum-Index → Roleplay → World Nations University__________________________________________________________________________________________
Rustles grows poisonous vines ready to grab kendo.
My Pokemon go code (UpamaDutta): 1387 8685 8079
Or is it
You decide.
Rustle creates s dorm to shield his sister and charges at Kendo with spikey seeds.
My Pokemon go code (UpamaDutta): 1387 8685 8079
"I'll get her don't worry, but please stay here!" He commands midnight
My Pokemon go code (UpamaDutta): 1387 8685 8079
In a dark room, a man sat at a computer screen, typing away. A sound of the teleporter being activated rang across the room. The man to up. “Ah. Visitors. Stay here, little fox. I’ll tend to your injuries in a bit.”
Or is it
You decide.