Forum Thread
World Nations University
Forum-Index → Roleplay → World Nations UniversityMidnight nodded, hands glowing as spiky vines wrapped around Kendo. A shadowy wolf drifted toward them, lunging at Rustle and pinning him down. It snarled, a shadowy camel going for Midnight. She held it off, but only barely.
The seeds from Rustle's hand grow and and pin the animals down, "Do I need to kill them??" He asks as the animals are trapped unable to move
My Pokemon go code (UpamaDutta): 1387 8685 8079
Midnight walked next to Rustle, panting. She looked over at Amber, frowning.
"Hey! Are you alright miss?" He asks concerned, "Do you need help?"
My Pokemon go code (UpamaDutta): 1387 8685 8079
Amber nodded. "Have you seen my fox?" She asked, worried. Midnight shook her head.
"I haven't seen either, but I can help you look for them, maybe they got trapped with other animals who attacked me" he says, "night come with me, I am leaving you alone in this commotion."
My Pokemon go code (UpamaDutta): 1387 8685 8079
The girl nodded, looking around. "Her name is Paws, she's about this high." She pointed up to her stomach. That is a big fox.
"Whoa that's a big fox! I think it's the one I mistook for wolf" he says, "I'll show you where she is, come"
My Pokemon go code (UpamaDutta): 1387 8685 8079
They all reach the beach and he slightly uncovers the faces as to not let them attack again, "You see paws?" He asks
My Pokemon go code (UpamaDutta): 1387 8685 8079
Kioiki looks at Amber, "we'll find her, I promise" she assures
My Pokemon go code (UpamaDutta): 1387 8685 8079
Rustles gets ready with his seeds.
My Pokemon go code (UpamaDutta): 1387 8685 8079