Forum Thread
🌻300PD mons🌻 [CLOSED]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → 🌻300PD mons🌻 [CLOSED]Please Check box sell29. It has all Unowns available and new leftover mons from Kalos from my Pokedex box.
Pokemon: Skiploom
Box#: 1
Pokemon: Quagsire
Box#: 1
Pokemon: Girafarig
Box#: 2
Pokemon: Sunkern
Box#: 2
Pokemon: Qwilfish
Box#: 4
Pokemon: Seadra
Box#: 4
Pokemon: Shuckle
Box#: 4
Pokemon: Slugma
Box#: 4
Pokemon: Magcargo
Box#: 6
Pokemon: Xatu
Box#: 8
Pokemon: Piloswine
Box#: 9
Pokemon: Stantler
Box#: 10
Pokemon: Smeargle
Box#: 13
Pokemon: Swinub
Box#: 14
Pokemon: Misdreavus
Box#: 19
Pokemon: Teddiursa
Box#: 20
Pokemon: Yanma
Box#: 23
Pokemon: Totodile
Box#: 27
Pokemon: Totodile
Box#: 28
Pokemon: Sentret
Box#: 28
Pokemon: Ledyba
Box#: 29
Pokemon: Unown J
Box#: 29
Pokemon: Unown R
Payment: PD
Anything else?: Please put an everstone on Slugma, Piloswine, Swinub, Teddiursa, Yanma, both Totodile, Sentret, and Ledyba. Thanks so much!
You guys can buy about Two Eiscues now. I'll remove this limit later on.
Also Please Check box sell29. It has all Unowns available and new leftover mons from Kalos from my Pokedex box.
Pokemon: shinx, roserade, cranidos, ranpados, shieldon, burmy ,aquainid, komala
Box#: 4
Pokemon: aniversary cupcakes x 2, chazabug
Box#: 10
Pokemon: mudsdale
Box#: 14
Pokemon: Crabrawler
Box#: 20
Pokemon: marshadow
Box#: 25
Pokemon: cutiefly
Payment: PD
Anything else?: Nothing, tysm should be 3k pd