Forum Thread
The Moonshine Cafe! ( REOPENED )
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → The Moonshine Cafe! ( REOPENED )Welcome to the MoonShine Cafe! Where nobody leaves without a smile!
Please enjoy ur stay!
We now give out free art ( Ordering is required. )
Milcery and Cutieflies are free so just ask for one

- Bulk Shake ( 10 pd ) ( now 5 pd )
- Pomeg Soda ( 50 Pd ) ( there's no half for 50 so I'll just say 30 off )
- Mystery ( I wonder what you'll get? ) ( 1,000 pd ) ( Now 500 )
-Biscuits! ( Only One Left! ) ( 200 pd ) ( now 100 pd )
-Snom Gummies ( 2 per pack ) ( 670 pd )// ( Snom ) ( now 330 pd )
- Mystery ( I wonder what you'll get? ) ( 1,000 pd ) ( now 500 )
-Water Pokemon Box ( I wonder what you'll get? ) ( 1,100 pd ) ( Now 550 pd )
-Icey Icecream Cone! ( 100 pd )// (Vanillite ) ( Now 50 pd )
We are doing a Pichu giveaway!
If you want a Pichu they are free!
( unless its shadow then that has a cost )
Just ask for one bc I'm doing a shiny pikachu hunt
Nothing - 0 PD ( use if u really need art for ur profile / rp / post. Make sure to credit me )
Employment Papers
Pika Pika!
I Wanna Sign Up For A Job!
Job: ( Insert What Job You Want Here! )
Password: Pika-Chu!
Any Special Requirements For Ur Job?: Yes/No/Maybe
Any Special Talents?: Yes/No/Maybe
Pikachu_Playz I Wanna Donate!
Item(s): ( Insert Item(s)
Gift Items To Me Or A Cook.
- Nida96
- Lychee1123
- Luciel_Hughes
Any Art For The Cafe Is Accepted!
If you have any questions ask me or an employee
Also donate me the money k
Title: Re-Opened
Title: Job Application
I Wanna Sign Up For A Job!
Job: Artist? (I could draw for the shop)
Password: Pika-Chu!
Any Special Requirements For Ur Job?: I don’t think so
Any Special Talents?: Yes, I make digital art, I could add some examples if I can figure out how.
Title: Related to job
Yknow I never thought abt that
Well the customers can pay u guys too I'm kinda low on budget
I Wanna Sign Up For A Job!
Job: BBCoder / Secondary Artist
Password: Pika-Chu!
Any Special Requirements For Ur Job?: None that I can think of.
Any Special Talents?: I'd call myself talented in the art department. Im a little savvy in writing BBCode to make threads look pretty and appealing too. :> The buttons in my signature lead to threads that I've coded.
I have no idea if an image is showing up or not
Milcery is free so you don't have to pay!