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Emera beach update: More Fishing spots

Forum-Index Suggestions Emera beach update: More Fishing spots
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 1,135
Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 22:33 (3 Years ago)
Hello trainers of emera town! Im sure you have been fishing since the eternal rock update, you see, there are a lot of pokemon that live on the water that we currently arent available on the beach, but i think that they shouldnt be on the same place, so i suggest: being able to visit other fishing spots.
Each fishing spot will have diferent pokemon and diferent items available

but, you may ask, how do you unlock the diferent fishing spots?

well, i was thinking that you could unlock it thanks to Los Seashellos
Once you waste certain amount of money you will get a mesage saying:
Quote"Hey is (username)! Our favorite customer! You see, our boss wants to open more restaurants on diferent parts of emera town, we were wondering if you would like to visit the new restaurants as long as you waste your money whit us...

once that happen, you now will be able to go to the diferent fishing spots

Okay so, we already said how to unlock them, but what would be the new fishing spots?
well, here are my ideas:
Emera Swamp
A very popular swamp where a lot of tourist, bug, flying and poison types like to visit.
Some example of pokemon you can get are grimer, lotad, ducklet, gulpin, surskit, carnivine, stunfisk (pokemon that normally live on swamps and lakes)
Iceberg Park
Here due of the cold temperatures, a lot of ice types like to live here
Some of the pokemon you can find here, are beartic, seel, eiscue, spheal or buizel (pokemon that likes cold places)
Emera Reef
Here a lot of diferent variety of pokemon likes to visit
you can find pokemon like corsola, mareanie, slowpoke, pyukumuku, vaporeon, luvdisk, slugua...
S. S. Anne
A very spooky place for the most brave tourists
You can find pokemon like dreepy, basculegion, sharpedo, crawdaunt...
Emera Spring
This beautifull cave is home to a lot of pokemon that rarelly can be found on top of land
You can find binacle, Relicant, omanyte, Kabuto, wimpod, anorith...
You can also very very very rarelly get a saphire or a frozen lava
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,678
Posted: Sat, 02/10/2021 12:26 (3 Years ago)
Thread has received Mod approval and is now open for discussion.
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
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Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 1,135
Posted: Wed, 03/11/2021 15:56 (3 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Wed, 03/11/2021 16:23 (3 Years ago)
Emera Swamp
grimer does not live in water, more likely to live in sewers.
lotad ( in Omega Ruby ) live in ponds and lakes.
ducklet live in freshwater, ponds or lakes.
their is no evidence surskit live in swamps.
carnivine doesn't live in water.
stunfisk doesn't live in water.

Iceberg Park
delibird doesn't live in water

S. S. Anne
dreepy does not live in water
basculegion isn't officially added in-games

Emera Spring would make it too easy to get fossil pokemon
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 605
Posted: Wed, 03/11/2021 16:29 (3 Years ago)
I was going to make a sugestion like this lol

maybe a quest from the waiter who lost some papers, then asks you to help find them


part 1- you find the first paper at the fountain while you were tossing a coin in there
reward- recipe to make a bubbly berry beverage and a marill ice cream (you cant bring outside food into the beach tho)

part 2- you have to organize the trash at the berry garden inside the tool shed to find the second paper
reward- coupon discount to Los Seashellos ( and can now be found in mystery boxes)

part 3- you have to put some bubbly berry beverage on the honey tree to lure the ursaring off the third paper
reward- ticket to S. S. Anne

part 4- you have to head out to the safari zone to find the forth paper
reward- Bug spray (to keep the bugs away while you fish at the swamp

part 5- you have to lv up a seel to lv 100 to gie to Rowan in exchange for the fifth paper
reward- ice drill to fish at Iceberg park

part 6- you have to get 1 mil game chips to get the sixth paper (cuz Mewton is a nasty little-)
reward- waterproof leggings (to find better fishing spots at Emera reef)

Part 7- you have to spin the wheel of fortune with a Male Kabutops to accedently break off a piece of the wheel and find the seventh paper stuck in the wheel
reward- membership card to get into Emera spring

Part 8- you have to find the paper inside the pro path (or lesser path) (dont have to finish the path tho)
reward- recipe to make the Sharpelone and the Pink Cold Angel (cant bring extra food)

Part 9- head out to the daycare at a foggy day (he was trying to find one of the mareeps he lost, when he found the paper)
reward- retro goldeen!!

Part 10- trade with leah with the most complicated trade ever
reward- a plushie

Part 11- trade with the gem collector
reward- license to fish at Emera falls

Part 12- 50 k interactions (or higher)
reward- location to the secret cove

if you are redoing this quest (he lost the papers again), you will get other items like a mega stone or mystery boxes or maps or something

hopefully this gets implemented!!!!

Help my pokes down here


Hail yeah




Fishy Fish

our lord and savior
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 1,135
Posted: Wed, 03/11/2021 20:29 (3 Years ago)
Emera Swamp
Acording to wikipedia, a swamp is a place whit a lot of stagnant water and plants.
Acording to the pokedex and the anime, grimer borns submerged in poisonous water and sludge, mainly in polited oceans and ponds, swamps have the fame of being a place where a lot of toxins like to concentrate.

Lotad is a lily pad and surskit is a pond skater so yeah, i think they can live in swamps.

Quote from Pokemon Black Ducklett's pokedex entryThese bird Pokémon are excellent divers. They swim around in the water eating their favorite food--peat moss.

Peat moss is the result of decomposed sphagnum moss, which lives on certain swamps.
I added carnivine to the list because the plant is based on grows on floded lands in swamps and other nutrients poor soil
Stunfisk is a fish, lives underwater on swamps in unova and kalos

Iceberg Park
I put delibird since is a penguin, i tough it could make sence that they could be found underwater, i just checked and it seems it prefers mountains (by some reason lol), im correcting it, thanks for pointing it.

S. S. Anne
Quote from Pokemon Sword Dreppy's pokedex entryAfter being reborn as a ghost Pokémon, Dreepy wanders the areas it used to inhabit back when it was alive in prehistoric seas.

Maybe basculegion will get added after pokemon legend arceus gets released 👍

Emera Spring
You can already get fossils as an item on emera beach, i dont think it will make much diference

thanks for your feedback :)