Forum Thread
RosySylveon’s Art Shop
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → RosySylveon’s Art ShopSecond: I am new to the whole digital concept. I can manage
3rd let’s keep going

Slot 1: Open
Slot 2: ~Imagine~
Slot 3: -Flamey-
Nuggets or pd?:
Icon: 15k pd or 10 nuggets
Bust/headshot: 20k pd or 15 nuggets
Half body: 30k pd or 25 nuggets
Full body sketch: 5k pd
Full body line art : 10k pd or 5 nuggets
Full body colored: 40k pd or 35 nuggets
Full body shaded and colored: 75 k pd or 70 nuggets
Alternative payments:
Dragon gems = 20k pd or 15 nuggets
Nebula stones = 15k pd or 10 nuggets
Electric gems = 2k pd
Normal gems = 3k pd
Bottle messages = 18k pd or 12 nuggets
Star pieces = 24k pd or 19 nuggets
Other alternatives are welcome
Link: this boi here
Type: any you’d like
Nuggets or pd?: ummmmm nuggets
Other: T_’’_T
Link: Robin
Type: Icon
Nuggets or pd?: PD; I'll probably tip you tho :)
Other: Your art's cute!!
|| My - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||

Thank you for taking your time reading this :)

Thank you for taking your time reading this :)