Forum Thread
Free Pokémons [!CLOSED!]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Free Pokémons [!CLOSED!]
From these four boxes;
Free Box No. 1
Free Box No. 2
Free Box No. 3
Free Box No. 4
All of the ‘mons, of course, are free.
All what you have to do (rules:), is just,
- Post the form below by filling it,
- YOU have to set up the Private trade to me. (please) with the junk ‘mons. ^^'
[b]Which Pokémon(s) and from which boxes[/b] (Please state them clearly):
[b]Will you set up the PT, right? Otherwise-[/b]:
No more requests please!
Username: tristan999
Which Pokémon(s) and from which boxes (Please state them clearly): dreepy breeding pair, box2
Will you set up the PT, right? Otherwise-: Yes, I’ll of course.
Other: Thank you
I want to adopt some ‘mons.
Username: ~Froakie~Which Pokémon(s) and from which boxes (Please state them clearly): A Dreepy breeding pair from any box (preferably perfect) and the Delphox pair from box 3.
Will you set up the PT, right? Otherwise-: Yes
Other: Thank you ^^
Username: tristan999
Which Pokémon(s) and from which boxes (Please state them clearly): 3 retro bulbasaurs, 3 Chikorita (Retro),3 Cyndaquil (Retro), 1otodile (Retro), box1
Will you set up the PT, right? Otherwise-(This is just for confimation, lol): Yes, I’ll.
Other: (anything here)
I want to adopt some ‘mons.
UsernameFreeHugz:Which Pokémon(s) and from which boxesretro bulbasaur, charizard, fearow, pidgeotto, raticae, retro totodile, hitmonlee, cursola, sneasel, grimmsnarl, venemoth, baltoy, drampa, solrock, carbink (Please state them clearly):box 1,box 2 and from box 3
Will you set up the PT, right? Otherwise-: yeah sure!
Other:thank you:)
I want to adopt some ‘mons.
Username: ~Weird_Pichu~Which Pokémon(s) and from which boxes (Please state them clearly): box 3 Beartic breeding pair and a pyroar breeding pair
Will you set up the PT, right? Otherwise-: ye
Other: no, tysm!
♡ Art Shop ♡ ♡ Adoption Center ♡
I want to adopt some ‘mons.
Username: RainbowEeveeWhich Pokémon(s) and from which boxes (Please state them clearly): 1. Box: Free 3, Garbodor breeding pair 2. Box: Free 2: Dreepy breeding pair 3. Box: Free 1, 3 Miltank
Will you set up the PT, right? Otherwise-: Yes
Other: Thank you!
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Username: tristan999
Which Pokémon(s) and from which boxes (Please state them clearly): Quilava breeding pair,box3
Will you set up the PT, right? Otherwise-: Yes, I’ll of course.
Other: Thank you
Username: DigitalDialga
Which Pokémon(s) and from which boxes? (Please state them clearly): The MissingNo from box 1. The Talonflame pair from box 3 and any dreepy pair please!
Will you set up the PT, right? Otherwise-: Absolutely. I'll do it rn
Other: Tysm!
I want to adopt some ‘mons.
Username: ~Weird_Pichu~Which Pokémon(s) and from which boxes (Please state them clearly): Delphox pair from box 1
Will you set up the PT, right? Otherwise-: right after this :3
Other: tysm :333
♡ Art Shop ♡ ♡ Adoption Center ♡
@MarshadowMan, accepted.
And @DigitalDialga, I can’t trade Missing no. with you as you haven’t unlocked the Missing No.’s eggdex yet. You need it to trade. :/
Username: tristan999
Which Pokémon(s) and from which boxes (Please state them clearly): 2 evees and 2 pichus and lycanroc and 2 delphoxes all from box 1, 2 eevees box3
Will you set up the PT, right? Otherwise-: Yes, I’ll of course.
Other: Thank you
I want to adopt some ‘mons.
Username: ~Weird_Pichu~Which Pokémon(s) and from which boxes (Please state them clearly): retro ducklett from box 3
Will you set up the PT, right? Otherwise-: yus
Other: tysm!
♡ Art Shop ♡ ♡ Adoption Center ♡