Username: Torracat Shiny (and quantity): 1 Fenniken Breeder: Prince Sparks Payment: 120 nuggets You need to set up a private trade to the breeder with payment
and Pokémon equal to the amount you ordered as soon as they accept
you...are you going to do that? (You better be answering yes or
else-): yep! Other:
i like hard boiled eggs for breakfast; please put an everstone on
Username: ~Weird_Pichu~ Shiny (and quantity): 1 shiny fennekin Breeder: Sparks Payment: Meltan candy & 30k pd You need to set up a private trade to the breeder with payment
and Pokémon equal to the amount you ordered as soon as they accept
you...are you going to do that? (You better be answering yes or
else-): yep! After I fill This out Other: I like pancakes and bacon for breakfast :9 and please
put an ever stone on it please ty :3
Username: LelouchViBritannia Shiny (and quantity): 1x Braixen Breeder: Sparks Payment: 200k PD You need to set up a private trade to the breeder with payment
and Pokémon equal to the amount you ordered as soon as they accept
you...are you going to do that? (You better be answering yes or
else-): Yes, I'll Other: I like milk and fish in breakfast :D
Username: ~Techno Shiny (and quantity): 3x Fennekin Breeder: Sparks Payment: PD You need to set up a private trade to the breeder with payment
and Pokémon equal to the amount you ordered as soon as they accept
you...are you going to do that? (You better be answering yes or
else-): ya ya ofc Other: Umm Poha? xD