Forum Thread
Royal Academy: Mages And Knights
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Royal Academy: Mages And KnightsThe table was definitely busy. Students had made their way back from the forest after the call and had started settling down into the meal after the unsuccessful exam. Mouths were busy but there wasn't much talking to be had it seemed. The 18 year old looked down, forking the yolk soaked toast, stuffing it wholly into his mouth without hesitation.
People talked over her thoughts as Cherali vetoed the idea of getting a strawberry shortcake from the table. Hands were everywhere and the mage retracted her gaze to her lap. The red, crystalized spellbook was sitting there, staring at her. The young mage tucked her book into her lap and begin eating the makeshift strawberry tart.
"Rather strange familiars you have, Miss Feyrer. I was under the impression that they're dark elementals? Rather strange to see them not keeping away from a light element user such as myself."
"Students, after you have finished your breakfast, head to your dorms preparing for classes. Today, both the knight and mage divisions will have a combined class." Sparmi announced. Then he came towards Samton. "You may take it easy today, if you wish."
"Thank you for the offer, sir. I've gotten much better, I believe, so I will attempt to attend."
Bacon, left for last on the plate, had to be consumed before he could stand. This wouldn't take much effort.
"Pardon me, then. I have somewhere to be before our classes start today" He excuses and lifts himself from the table, giving an offhanded wave and trots his way down the hill towards the lake. It would almost triple the intended walk distance to go from the shrine to the infirmary and then back to the dorms but as tired as he already was for the day, Kynik was determined.
It would be better, afterall, to get the claw marks looked at instead of letting them get infected.
He spun on his heels, hoping his stamina would hold out. Did he really loose that much fluids? Kynik wasn't exactly sure but that woozy feeling was still lingering even after breakfast. He pauses at the lake, looking out towards the bridge at its far side and groans before continuing.
The spacious classroom furnished with wood could easily house over a hundred students. There were 10 rows, each row were divided into three columns, the ones in the middle slightly bigger than the others. Each row was a step higher than the one before, and formed a semicircular shape around the professor's podium. This was to be their common room, the classroom used when both the knight and mages were to learn together. The tables and chairs gave of a fresh and traditional feeling.
Samton was the first to enter, having arrived at 8:15. Perhaps the strict rules of the court had rubbed off on him, but he was, almost always, early. Picking a seat on the second row, Samton walked to the middle column. Setting his book down, he opened the drawer, took out the quill pen and ink provided by the academy. Along with this was the key for the drawer, which he left in there for the time being.
"Look who's here already, your highness." Tien's voice caused Samton to flinch a little.
"Does it really hurt you to not call me that."
"Perhaps. I see you already chose your seat."
"Sorry for stealing this off of you."
Samton was, not at the very least, sorry.
Tien chose the seat right next to Samton's. Putting his book down, he sat down and let out a sigh.

The Extremely Convenient Locker System
Students must already be aware that every living creature has a certain amount of magical energy in them. After it exceeds a certain level, one is able to use magic. One slightly lesser known fact is that every being has a certain magical signature, which is completely unique.
When you pick up a key for the School Lockers, that key records your own magical signature, or magisign to be short. The contents of all the lockers in the school will change depending on the magisign recorded in the key. It is also impossible to use another person's key. This locker system was developed 26 years ago by yours truly, and The Royal Palace is the only other place where this technology can be found.
He glances at a nearby clock once inside. If this took too long he might end up late to class. A breath of air escaped his nostrils but he'd check in, let the nurse do her thing, listen to her yammering, probably something about avoiding reopening the wounds, and potentially a few joking remarks before being sent on his way.
No good, not enough time to change completely. The student makes his way back to the male dorms, stopping in to grab an outer top from a spare uniform in his bedroom and sprints towards the main academy's building. His pants were still dirty but the outer top would at least cover the stains and tears on the undershirt from this morning's exam. This would be fine, most of it would be hidden and people were supposed to pay attention to the teacher anyways.
He'd likely be one of the last to arrive, though just barely on time. Pale in the face from already exerting so much effort so early in the day with limited resources, he glances around to find a spare seat and sits himself quietly.
"Greetings and good day to you, students! I am Carr Notbus. You may refer to me as 'Prof. Carr'. If you have any problems or wish to ask any questions, feel free to approach me. In the coming years you are to work your hardest, putting as much effort as you can into your studies. After graduation, the life to follow will not be easy. I want every single one of you to procure every bit of knowledge, experience and skill that you can from this institution, so long as you don't break any rules. The moment you step out of here, your life will be filled with hardships and risks. DO NOT LOSE TO THEM. To win then, work now. If the Academy deems you unfit, you might be kicked the very next day. If you do not want that, then work now.
"Do not cause trouble for others. Do not put yourself above anyone else.
When doom comes at you with blinding speed,
It won't mind your rank, whether a king or steed.
Treat everyone here equally. The ranks of your parents belong to your parents. The pedigree of your own is all that matters."
"So, doesn't that mean your highness is still your highness, your highness?" Tien gave Samton a nudge.
"Technically." Samton said indifferently. He was getting used to Tien continuously breaking his only request.
Prof. Carr continued his lecture, stating the different rules to be followed at the Academy. A slight kick from Samton every now and then kept Tien from breaking into a yawn. After about an hour of this, Prof. Carr picked up the book he had brought in.
"This book, a copy of which is present with every teacher, is used for recording 'incidents'. If any teacher writes anything in theirs, it will be visible to all of us. So keep to the rules.
"Finally, I'd like to inform all of you of the rank system prevalent in the Academy. Starting from Rank 'Fex', students have ranks up until 'Auno'. A special rank of 'Sulla' is granted to those who meet certain criteria. You can increase your ranks through achievements, top scores, etc. The benefits of higher ranks? Try to discover them yourself.
"With that, I will stop for the day. Use the time until the 17th hour to get to know each other better. Prof. Angler and Sir Fisch will begin your practical classes today. I hope you enjoy your time at the Academy."
Perhaps Cherali was paranoid of this object she was given, she preferred that she was hallucinating than this book being alive. Yet, her silence echoed on, it's like the young mage wanted to see the book jump upwards and burn the entire school down just to prove her insane mind correct.
No. I won't let you rule my mind, Ms. Spellbook. Cherali grunted that in her head, as a slight frown appeared on her face. She grabbed the book's cover and flipped to a random page.
To be safe in a fire is the most important thing you could possibly want! Remember, if you are on fire, stop, drop, and roll. If a convent water source is near, maybe try inserting yourself into it.
Now Cherali really, really wants to burn this book. It is mocking her now? Is this Ms. Spellbook's plan? To make fun of the adept mage and use this page as an example of her destructive antics? Cherali took at deep breath and closed the book.
Juzi put her book on her table gently, then looked around at all the different faces she would be learning with this year. Ezria climbed onto her lap and put her paws on the table, eyes looking curiously at the cover of the book. Juzi stroked her slick back and sighed. 'Things aren't so hard at this Academy after all, but making friends is the problem.' She thought to herself. flipping open the book, she started reading.
- Oreki Houtarou

Meet Hiko~!
From the moment a rank system was mentioned, Kynik sprang to full attention, entirely in focus.
You can increase your ranks through achievements, top scores, ect.
At this point he would visibly perk up, maybe even looking less drowsy than he did before despite his pale exterior. Ranks? An achievement to earn through achievement? This pleased... No excited him. He was already planning to try his hardest to graduate with high marks but this? This was an extra tasty treat that just got dangled before him.
Even his form sat a little straighter, eyes boring into the teacher with an exuberance prevalent on his face. He wasn't going to attempt to hide it. This was a way to prove himself even without magic.
His eyes would glance around the class, especially at the students nearby to him. If eyes were met, he would give a friendly wave and introduce himself if they were near enough.