She hesitated and stared at Kariyaa with blank eyes. “Well... you
asked me to wait up, didn’t you?” She said as her head turned to
the sky above. Her voice was low and floaty, almost lazy. “So do we
need to stick together or...” she asked, seemingly not interested
in anything they had to say
Having wordlessly been keeping up with the group, Inugami ignored
the dissaray and confusion in favour of scouting ahead, brown
hakama blending in with the landscape. One hand stayed on the hold
of his blade but outwardly he didn't seem all that concerned. If
there was something wrong with Eichi village then it would be their
job to dispose of the filth. As Tyuga ran past him and towards the
village, he sighed and picked up the pace, beginning to run beside
the young swordsman. It would do them all good to at least have
some kind of partner to stick with
Kenji jumped over the two and stopped. He held his fist up to
signal something was wrong. There was absolute silence. Nothing was
heard from any building. " Something is very wrong... You guys
don't think..." He said as he looked around. No one was outside. No
activity can be seen inside the building.
1st OS Onicitricity (Club)
This Artwork was made by Akemie!
"I mean, sorry, you just stopped instantly and I thought something
was wrong. Best thing to do is to stick together and-... are you
picking up that scent?"
She sighed due to the “rambling” Kariyaa had brought to their
arrival. The peacefulness she had been indulged in before had been
broken by the scent they mentioned and their presence. “Yeah...”
was all she said, looking in the direction of the strange smell.
Glancing from side to side, Inugami knelt down on the ground,
taking out his sword and holding it before him. "Seventh Form:
Spatial Awareness." He chanted, letting his senses stretch out. The
sound of the earth and winds rushed into his ears as he focused,
letting the form flow through him. If any enemies were around,
Inugami would take notice of it right away
Kariyaa took action and walked over to the house holding onto his
Hilt in case of an attack. Once he looked in he immediately gasped.
"Hmm, looks like a demon was already here." He crouched down and
put his 2 fingers on one of the dead bodies' neck. "Theyre dead,
though the scent of blood continues that way into the forest. Best
thing to do is to follow it"
After taking a quick look at the situation, she simply sighed. She
was only standing at the door so she couldn’t look carefully at the
bodies. “You guys can go on ahead...” she said very plainly. She
stepped closer and kneeled beside Kariyaa, then gently placed her
hand over the victim’s faces to close their eyes. “I’ll deal with
these... You two can handle whatever you find without me...”
Kariyaa got up and looked at Sakura. "Well then, we should get
going. It seems a lot quiet than I imagined." He then ran into the
forest in the trail of the scent.
She started out by digging a hole in the yard right outside the
house, big enough for the bodies to fit in. She then went back into
the house and got the bodies, then carefully carried them outside.
After finishing the process, she knelt down in front of the graves,
then got back off and followed the two further into the forest. She
managed to find them quickly and quietly rejoined them.