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Tainted Souls- Sign Ups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Tainted Souls- Sign Ups
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 00:05 (4 Years ago)
This is the last time I will revamp this roleplay I swear

So, before I get into it, another note.
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This roleplay is a sequel to all the previous roleplays of the type(The Legendary Journey, Dormition of Peace, and The Ultimate Vengeance. All made by different people). However, you don't have to have joined to understand this one, or even catch up, as so little actually happened in those roleplays anyway. You will get most of the information by reading the plot. If you made a human character in those roleplays, you're free to play them here, granted you sign up. Let me know first! Otherwise I'll give them to someone else when the plot gets to that

With that said...


Tainted Souls, a Legendary Battle for Freedom

Driven mad by rage, a certain evil leader swore vengeance on a group of menaces that caused his life's work to be wasted within minutes. His team disbanded, himself humiliated...he vanished off the face of the planet for a considerable amount of time after that. The menaces? Trainers. A group of determined ten-year-olds that swore to destroy everything this man had worked toward. Giovanni, leader of Team Rocket. Team Rainbow Rocket now. And He plans on serving his vengeance on these 'heroic' gnats.

You see, in the time of his disappearance, Pokémon started to go missing, wild or otherwise. Trainers and law enforcement couldn't seem to track them down.

Some of these Pokémon were very special, however. Legendary, even. Before long, every single one was missing.

Where did they go? They were recruited into Giovanni's secret, corrupted army. They were taken prisoner, and turned into weapons for his revenge. And what's the best way to make a weapon? Remove any and all freedom, all soul from it. These creatures received painful and harsh punishments for any mistake, any disobedience, any resistance. They were not allowed to be numb to the pain, however, for each individual chastise was different, growing more unbearable for each consecutive offense, until they knew nothing but respect, fear, and loyalty to their dark master. They were then sucked of all emotion, all memory of who they once were, and turned into the lifeless husks known as Shadow Pokémon.

The good news, though? The Hope for freedom? For a light at the end of the darkness? The Legendary Pokémon. While unfortunately some legendaries were unable to resist Team Rainbow Rocket's power, The Legendary Pokémon are stronger than the rest. In spirit. Their souls can take so much...but not much more. The remaining legendary Pokémon, left imprisoned, and clinging onto hope, and their dwindling souls, have a goal to escape...before it's too late, and stop Giovanni, whatever his plans are. The Legendaries have been forced into weaker forms by Giovanni's goons, human forms. Gjinkas, and while they may be less powerful in this form, they may be the last hope for the shadow Pokemon

Can they pull this dangerous endeavor off? Is it possible to salvage their fellows' souls from the void? It's up to them to find out.


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Do not join unless you plan to be active! Do not bother taking up a slot if you plan to go inactive for long periods of time.

Do not bother signing up if you plan on posting one-liners. I will kick you immediately. In fact, I will not accept anyone without valid proof that you can make posts with substance on a consistent basis. (If I have roleplayed with you before, you don't need to provide me with this)

This is a semi-literate roleplay! I will only accept posts in paragraphs! This does not mean 1-2 lines. You'd better aim for 3 lines at a minimum! (Preferably 4+) This relates to my previous rule. If I have seen you post one liners, or just posts with a lack of substance frequently, I will not accept you! Lack of effort does not bode well with me. (exceptions will be made, of course, but lets try to stick to this rule)

Try not to spam the forum, please. I don't want the posts to end up coming out so fast that others can't keep up. Simply so we don't overwhelm those in other timezones. A part of the reason this is semi literate is so it doesn't go too fast. We aren't trying to make the most active forums, just to go at a reasonable pace, if that makes sense

All characters must be legendary! I might have made it confusing with the plot, but this roleplay centers around legendary Pokémon

Characters are to be Gjinkas! This is basically a furry Pokémon, if you weren't aware. Human forms of legendary Pokémon(Yes, you may use google images, but if you could, credit the artist). Descriptions are also fine

Slots are limited! Only one of each legendary! Technically two, but one must be shadow if both are used. For example, if normal Yveltal is taken, another user may sign up as Yveltal, but that Yveltal will be a shadow Pokémon. First come, first served. (Mewtwo is an exception, PP/PM me about this)

Yes, res is allowed

Password is Typhoon

More to be added...maybe


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[b]Character Name[/b]:
[b]Legendary/Mythical selected[/b]:
[b]Age[/b]: (18+)
[b]Personallity:[/b] (Strengths and Flaws)
[b]Alliance:[/b] (Shadow or Prisoner/Escapee)

My forms

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Username: FurryStar
Character Name: Spiri
Legendary/Mythical selected: Reshiram
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Appearance: X
Personallity(Strengths and Flaws):Emotional, Spiri is loyal but is extremely distrustful of those who betrayed her before. She doesn't understand most human emotions and is awkward with dealing with them, which can come across as her being prickly or just plain annoying.
Ability: Turboblaze
Alliance: Prisoner
Moveset: Blue flare, Fusion flare, Dragon pulse, Fly

Username: FurryStar
Character Name: Meka
Legendary/Mythical selected: Mew
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Appearance: Short and wiry. Pale skin and short pink hair that ends just past her neck, with the cat-like mew ears sticking out on top. A long tail sprouts of her rear. Wears a pink shirt and a matching skirt
Personallity(Strengths and Flaws): Energetic and fun. Nice with a fun sense of humor. Turns everything into a game. However, because of this, she usually can't tell the difference between a serious fight and a harmless game. Tend to make friends with anyone who can keep up with her child-like energy, but when she's bored, she will nag whoever is around and can come off as very annoying. Basically everyone's annoying little sister.
Ability: Synchronize
Alliance: Prisoner
Moveset: psychic, Aura sphere, Transform, Recover

Username: FurryStar
Character Name: Archion
Legendary/Mythical selected: Zekrom
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Appearance: Dark skin with a black full body suit. His tail is longer and brawny but still with glowing properties. He has Long, black spiky hair that's blue at the tips, resembling his headpiece, and wings out of his back
Personallity(Strengths and Flaws): He is very strong-willed and confident. Before being corrupted he had a very goofy, humourous, and almost playfully competitive personality. Since becoming corrupted though, he had become blunt and short-tempered, being cold in his words most of the time. His main flaw is that he isn't very bright, and tends to rush into things without thinking about it first, especially when he's angry or trying to prove something
Ability: Teravolt
Alliance: Shadow
Moveset: Fusion bolt, Wing attack, bolt strike, Dragon pulse

Username: FurryStar
Character Name: Zeta
Legendary/Mythical selected: Zeraora
Gender: male
Age: 35
Appearance: X
Personallity(Strengths and Flaws): Sneaky, conniving, and clever, tends to get on people's nerves, and loves doing it. He has a soft spot that is hard to reach, but can't help himself from loving cute things. He's also incredibly horrible at forgiving, and is straight awful at social interaction, being in a solitary existence most of his life
Ability: Volt Absorb
Alliance: Shadow
Moveset: Plasma fists| Volt switch | Fury swipes | Close combat

Username: FurryStar
Character Name: Fyssi
Legendary/Mythical selected:Lugia (Shadow)
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Appearance: Medium sized with long black hair. Wings drape down her back, and strange black skin
Personallity(Strengths and Flaws): Loyal, and mother like. Though since turning shadow she only has emotions through her son, Farore, who she is overprotective of. Falls in love waaay to easy.
Ability: pressure
Alliance: Prisoner(She's a special case. See previous roleplays)
Moveset: Roost, Hydro pump, Future sight, Sky attack

Username: FurryStar
Character Name: Flick
Legendary/Mythical selected: Mewtwo
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Appearance:medium-sized man with smooth hair and the mewtwo ears sticking out on top. He has a long purple tail that starts at his belly, but it is covered by a long silver jacket that ends at his waste. he has loose silver pants that end at his ankles. he has silver skin like the mewtwo. He also has the neck tube mewtwo has
Personallity(Strengths and Flaws): Too serious and antisocial. Despises humans, especially after what they have done to him. He's almost too easily angered and is almost impossible to talk too. He can be useful in battle but hates emotions being too strong when he supposedly 'bonds' with someone, seeing it as more a curse then anything else.
Ability: Pressure
Alliance: Prisoner/refugee
Moveset: Shadow ball, Recover, Psystrike, Aura sphere

Legendary List

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Note: All names in Blue Violet are shadow.

Gen 1 -

Mew - Meka
Mewtwo - Flick
Articuno -
Moltres -

Gen 2 -

Ho-oh -
Lugia - Fyssi - Fae
Suicune -
Raikou -
Celebi -

Gen 3 -

Rayquaza -
Groudon -
Latias -
Latios -
Jirachi -
Deoxys -

Gen 4 -

Arceus -
Giratina -
Dialga -
Palkia -
Shaymin -
Cresselia -
Darkrai -

Gen 5 -

Victini - Lola
Zekrom - Archion
Reshiram - Spiri
Cobalion -
Virizion -
Keldeo -
Genesect -
Meloetta -

Gen 6 -

Zygarde -
Xerneas - Scarlett
Yveltal -
Diancie - Diana
Hoopa -

Gen 7 -

Necrozma -
Lunala - Luxtra
Solgaleo -
Tapu Koko
Tapu Bulu
Tapu Fini
Tapu Lele - Lani
Type: Null/Silvally - Silv
Magearna -
Marshadow -
Zeraora - Zeta

Gen 8 -

Zacian -
Zamazenta -
Eternatus -
Articuno(Galarian) -
Zapdos(Galarian) -
Moltres(Galarian) -

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 00:10 (4 Years ago)
Character Name:Luxtra
Legendary/Mythical selected:Lunala
Age: (18+) 24
Personallity: (Strengths and Flaws) Luxtra, like steel, is cold hearted and emotionless. Instead of focusing on friends of happiness, she simply wants power. She serves mindlessly, not caring what she does or who she hurts.
Ability:Shadow Sheild
Alliance: (Shadow or Prisoner/Escapee)Shadow
Moveset: Shadow Ball, Psycho Cut, Dazziling Gleam, Trick Room

Reserve a spot? Need to draw an image out, and I will finish the form ASAP.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 00:11 (4 Years ago)
I can reserve you if you tell me whether your character is shadow or not
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 00:12 (4 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 00:13 (4 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 00:23 (4 Years ago)

Username: Xx_Squidkid_xX
Character Name: Diana
Legendary/Mythical selected: Diancie
Gender: she/her
Age: 18
Appearance: a short Grey skined girl with Red-ish pink eyes and long pink hair in a low ponytail. wears a short white dress with a gold collar and crystal decorations.
Personallity: Diana is a shy girl, not talking alot and barely fights actual pokemon. easily distracted by anything shiny, even her own crystals.
Ability: Clear body
Alliance: Escapee
Moveset: Diamond storm, protect, Light screen and draining kiss
Other: reserve Tapu Lele for me

I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 00:24 (4 Years ago)
Accepted. I'll add you one I get meh food
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 02:37 (4 Years ago)
Username: RainRipple
Character Name: Symphony
Mythical Selected: Meloetta
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Appearance: Short (4'10''), rosy pale skin, long, silky, iridescent silver-green hair with soft highlights of blue (if you look closely), turquoise eyes with dapples of sky blue, thin lips, soft features, amiable face (despite whatever emotions she may be feeling). She wears a black, sleeveless, turtleneck dress with a green sash (top included in image below, bottom has a slit a couple inches above her left knee and glides into a point behind a couple inches below her right knee), white tights, black dance flats with ties criss-crossing up her legs, long black gloves, black feline eye-liner, an earpiece with a microphone-like appendage to amplify her voice in the same design as the black decal from her Pokémon form, a thin, silver circlet on her head with a shimmery sky- and turquoise- blue gem in the center.
However, when she uses Relic Song, though this occurs rarely, her psychic power causes her hair, which turns a brilliant shade of amber, to be pinned into a large messy bun atop her head and the earpiece to become the clip. Her eyes and the gem on the circlet become a golden-amber and the sash on her dress turns orange, the dress's skirt morphing into more of a short, ruffled style, such as the art on the left here (artist unknown), though the top remains the same.
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Artist: Unknown, image from Pinterest
Personality: Bubbly and peppy, yet at times reserved, she bases her actions and emotions upon those of others. Though she trusts readily, her idea of trust is simply believing that the other party doesn't mean her harm; she's rather foreign to the concept of bonding with others, and has never managed to form deep relationships. This originated through no fault of her own, but due to its perpetuation, she has been unable to break free from it.
Ability: Serene Grace
Alliance: Prisoner
Moveset: Relic Song, Dazzling Gleam, Psyshock, Close Combat
Other: Symphony is exceedingly self conscious about her appearance and voice, and detests singing in front of others due to her hatred of the latter, which she deems inferior and pathetic, though in reality it is quite beautiful.

Username: RainRipple
Character Name: Faven
Legendary Selected: Ho-Oh
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Appearance: 6'1'', golden-orange hair in this style, facial structure similar to previous image, darker-olive skin, bottle green eyes with specks of gold, Ho-Oh wings sprouting from his back. Faven wears a ruddy-red dress shirt with the sleeves typically rolled up to the elbows, collar unkempt, and the top button or two undone, off-white khakis with nary a wrinkle, navy black dress shoes (in style of first pair here), black glasses, and has a tattoo in the shape and colors of a Rainbow Wing feather on the underside of the left wrist.
Personality: Typically calm and collected; he is very goal oriented, and finds it difficult to focus if he doesn't know what he's working towards. He possesses a very strong moral compass, to the point where it renders him unable to focus on the facts, the task at hand, and the best way to accomplish said task, as well as to override his own wishes and desires. Being in the presence of evil pains him, but he has learned to allow the pain to strengthen his resolve as opposed to weaken it.
Ability: Regenerator
Alliance: Prisoner
Moveset: Sacred Fire, Fly, Steel Wing, Earth Power

Quote“Cause You make mountains move,
You make giants fall.
You use songs of praise, to shake prison walls.
And I will speak to my fear, I will preach to my doubt;
You were faithful then, You'll be faithful now."
"Faithful Now," by Vertical Worship
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 02:57 (4 Years ago)
Right! Noted.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 02:58 (4 Years ago)
Form edited!
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 03:13 (4 Years ago)
Accepted! Please remove the password
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 13:40 (4 Years ago)
May I please reserve palkia?
Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 14:45 (4 Years ago)
Shadow or not? Also, I'll need an example of your roleplaying skill. Send a link to a roleplay you're active in.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 112
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 20:18 (4 Years ago)
Character Name:Margo
Legendary/Mythical selected:Suicune
Age: (18+)18
Appearance sorry
Personallity: (Strengths and Flaws)she is a bit afraid of heights, she can cintroll water and it makes her strong
Ability: presure
Alliance: (Shadow or Prisoner/Escapee)not shadow
Moveset:ice fang, learns more later on
backstory later on, but know she is a hard, friendless person, but soft at heart.
Password typhoon ( sorry I forgot to put a password, u have roleplayed with me before, and I can definitely do paragraphs)
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This Floof Nougat --->]

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 29/01/2021 20:25 (4 Years ago)

1: I highly doubt blue skin is realistic. We're talking human forms for pokemon, not really anthro Pokemon. Look up 'Suicune gjinka' to see what I mean. That may be just me being nitpicky, if you decide not to change that, I won't make a big deal of it, however...

2: Your ability is supposed to be the Pokemon's ability. In Suicune's case, Pressure or inner focus.

3: Suicune can't learn Quick attack or moonlight. You also need four moves

4: You clearly didn't read the rules

5: Judging by how much effort you put into your form, I can't really trust you to write in paragraphs. As this is a semi literate roleplay, that may be a dealbreaker, unfortunately
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sat, 30/01/2021 13:41 (4 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 86
Posted: Sat, 30/01/2021 14:48 (4 Years ago)
Character 1 | Hoopa | Samuel
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Username: -Fog

Character Name: Samuel 'Sam' / 'Sammy'.
Legendary/Mythical selected: Hoopa (Confined), not in possession of Prison Bottle.
Gender: Non-Binary; they / them.
Age: 19

Appearance: [sorry for the terrible art. idek what's going on with their arms.]

Personallity: With a childish atmosphere and an immature mindset, Sam is what some would consider a toddler, despite being nearly twenty. It's hard to tell whether they're really a morbid pessimist or just have a rather dark sense of humour, what with them constantly looking for any mistakes hidden within the depths of victory. They care for those around them dearly, but rarely show this, preferring instead to act as if they hate everyone, criticising them at every possible opportunity. They very much enjoy practical jokes, as any Hoopa would, and often upset others without meaning to as a result of this. They're extremely awkward in these circumstances, not knowing how to take care of a weeping soul.

Ability: Magician - This Pokémon steals the held item of a Pokémon it hits with a move.
Alliance: Prisoner / Escapee
Confined: Hyperspace Hole || Shadow Ball || Psychic || Phantom Force
Unbound: Hyperspace Fury || Psychic || Destiny Bond || Shadow Ball

Character 2 | Zapdos | Zae
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Username: -Fog

Character Name: Zaytiophilan [pronounced Zay - shoff - ill - an], but they go by 'Zae'.
Legendary/Mythical selected: Zapdos
Gender: Male
Age: 22


Personallity: Zae has always been somewhat distant, with a mind that wanders easily and thoughts that are constantly afar. He prefers to remain unseen, offering ideas only when nobody else can. He is constantly doubting himself and others which has lead him to discover darker places, some of which have left him scarred. Despite his introverted demeanour, Zae will always stand up for what he believes, hiding a courageous heart within his quiet outer shell.

Ability: Lightning Rod - only avaliable in certain generations. If not allowed, default to Static.
Alliance: Prisoner / Escapee
Moveset: Zap Cannon || Detect || Thunder || Rain Dance
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sat, 30/01/2021 17:48 (4 Years ago)
@-Fog Reserved

@ThatWeirdBlueUmbreon Have I roleplayed with you before? You might have changed your username or avi, because I don't recognize you. In any case, I'd prefer a bit more substance in your form as well as a link of some sort to the roleplay in question
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 112
Posted: Sat, 30/01/2021 18:48 (4 Years ago)
I used to be LoverOfBlueUmreons, also FoxmasterC. My avatar was a jolteon with a shame sign in it's mouth.
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This Floof Nougat --->]

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sat, 30/01/2021 18:50 (4 Years ago)
Can you show me a link of the roleplay we were in? Or just any roleplay with an example?