Margo Sat down and kneaded the belly with her paws. "Oh I've always
wanted to do this. . ." She gave up kneading and flat out rolled on
the Snorlax, throwing away all dignity.
Margo laughed. hard as she found out the secret. She jumped on the
snorelaxes bellybutton, and he Snore so loud it vibrated the Ditch.
She fell over laughing.
Margo grinned. "Look. See that wet green stuff around his mouth?
that means he ate. recently. Don't worry. Snorlax only wake up to
eat. and they only eat once a month. I think we are safe." She
grinned and her eye turned orange, proud of herself for figuring
that out.
Margo rolled her eye in mock annoyance. "fine. we can go on your
bubble." she harrumphed and turned away. Then she laughed and
jumped at Emerald, nuzzling him in the stomach. "I would never be
mad at you!"
Eventually Margo couldn't stand it anymore. She simply fell off the
balloon. Her ribs hurt, purple and orange tears the color of the
sunset leaked from her eye, and her iris was such a bright gold she
felt as though it could be used as a flashlight
Margo pretended to be deep in thought. "how about. . .YES." she
laughed and created a squeaky bubble of her own. She jumped way up
into the air, and landed hard on the bubble. It squeaked so loud it
startled the shiny umbreon and she fell off the bubble.
Emerald began to giggle as he dived onto Margo’s bubble,
faceplanting it and all. He tried to spread his body as much as he
could to squish the bubble with his entire body