Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → ☾ LUSAMINE: A PKMN RP // OPENcharacter name: Reuben Turner (commonly goes by Roe)
gender & pronouns: Nonbinary, mostly uses they/them pronouns but doesn't mind when people use other pronouns
age: 20
fused with?: Corviknight
appearance: A little bit over 6 feet tall, with a wiry build. Has long messy hair that was previously blonde but now black, and their eyes were once greenish-blue but are now red. They wear a black leather coat with faux fur on the inside and a floofy collar, a dark gray shirt, a pair of black pants, some dark shoulder armor, and some gauntlets and boots that resemble a bird's talons. They have a pair of wings, a set of tail feathers, and a mask/visor/helmet that resembles Corviknight's face.
personality: Often described as a gentle giant by those that they have worked with. Kind, caring, and enjoys helping others. Can be a bit carefree at times when not doing things related to their job.
backstory: The orphaned child of a wealthy family fron Hammerlocke who was taken in by a retired taxi cabbie at an early age. Though they were gifted with a shiny Rookidee at the age of 10, the age where one would normally get their first Pokémon and begin on their journey, Roe never really got into the battling aspect of being a trainer, only really battling to help their Rookidee, nicknamed Arthur, evolve into a Corvisquire, and then into a Corviknight. Instead of being the kind of trainer that one would normally think of when hearing the words "Pokémon Trainer", Roe, alongside Arthur, decided to start training Corviknight to become part of Galar's Flying Taxi service. The last thing they remember is gently petting one of the Corviknight they were training after getting it a freshly made plate of curry while Arthur was battling a wild Pokémon.
moveset: Steel Wing, Iron Defense, Dual Wingbeat, Rock Smash
character name ; Porie-Z
gender & pronouns ; It. No gender
age ; 14
fused with? ; Porygon-z
appearance ; A fourteen year old kid with blue arms and legs as well as a tail. His body's base color is pink with the porygon z stripe on it. His head looks like porygon z as well as his arms and legs floating detached from him. Hes lean.
personality ; Crazy half the time sane the other. He's either kind or merciless.
backstory ; The kid that has been fused with the porygon is from unknown origin, While the porygon was proably created in the labs. After the fusion he was nicknamed: Porie-Z.
moveset ;Tri-attack, magnet rise, signal beam, and discharge.
Hows this? should i change anything?
Character name: Amber
Gender & pronouns: She/Her
Age: 11
Fused With?: Dusk Lycanroc
Appearance: I made this fanart of her
Personality: She is very adventurous, she had tried to fight back the grunts, but failed, she loves to sleep in the ranger's lap when they sit down, Amber is more of a loner than the others.
Backstory: She was adventuring with her Dusk Lycanroc, Dusky, and her other pokemon before she was abducted, her mother loved her, but never packed up all the boxes from when she moved away from Sinnoh, she always loved her Alolan Riachu, Ratty, her Incineroar, Clawstar, her Gumshoos, Donald Trump, her Toucannon, Crest and Fido, her Charjabug, she loved to watch shows of others trying to defeat the Champion, all the pokemon and how they moved inspired her wanting to be a trainer.
Moveset: Accelerock, Thunder Fang, Counter and Sand Attack
Character name: Luke
Gender & pronouns: Male, he/him
Age: 15
Fused with?: Luxray

(not mine)
Personality: He is semi-friendly at first, but then gets friendlier the more you are with him.
Backstory: Luke considered himself to be a normal pokémon trainer. He had grown up in the Kalos region, and really liked it there. When he got his first pokemon, he made a goal that he would be the best pokémon trainer he could be. He took very good care of his pokémon, and one day decided that he wanted to travel the other regions, and he decided to start with Alola.
Moveset: Wild Charge, Crunch, Discharge, and Electric Terrain
character name ; Matilda
gender & pronouns ; female, takes any pronouns
age ; 14
fused with? ; buneary
appearance ; some fanart I found for this
personality ; really energetic, will go anywhere.
backstory ; she would feed the buneary near her and treat them, as if she where a pokemon breeder for buneary. Even having one, she evolved it into loppunny. But unfortunately, it froze slowly in snow until it turned into a ice statue. Yet she still remebers loppunny to this day.
moveset ; after you, headbutt charm and pound.
character name ; Adeline , Addy for short
gender & pronouns ; She | Her , Female
age ; 16
appearance ;

personality ; Calm and sweet, she has a long lasting temper, doesnt really get angry because of that. She´s kind and caring, almost overprotective, she sometimes just seems to appear out of thin air or gets easily overlooked (More to be rp´d)
backstory ; (just some general info for now real one is a wip) she´s no one else than Sebastians little sister, having gone to alola on her secret self proclaimed mission to find her brother after he went missing.
party ;

Character name: Yang
Gender & pronouns: Male/him/his/dude/boy
Age: 10
Fused with?: Absol
Appearance: x
Personality: Very open to suggestions, dose not like to argue, almost always happy.
Backstory: He was a homeless boy that lived in the PokeCenter on Mt. Lanakila, he was starving but happy as he entertained the trainers that entered and healed their pokemon there. He watched as a trainer released an Absol, the little thing sad but when Yang adopted it, the Absol was his first Pokemon.
Moveset: Thief, Ice Beam, Flamethrower and Calm Mind
Username: Ink_Sans
Character name: Ink
Gender & pronouns: He/him
Age: 11?
Fused with: Smeargle
Appearance: Wears the same style of cloths as Ink Sans, his tail's paint color is black, and he has yellow-ish fur and black eyes.
Personality: Calm, considerate and thoughtful, yet a jokester. He likes painting, and takes offense at plagiarism. He is pretty noticeable
Backstory: He lived on Alola, painting images for people, when Lusamine kidnapped him and fused him with Smeargle. He likes being Smeargle
Moveset: Sketch
Title: is This Okay?
Fused With: Zorua
Gender: Male
BackStory: Lives In Galar With Dad, Got Kidnapped By Lumasine Kidnapped Me When 6-7 yrs Old
Personality: Nice, Likes To Prank Sometimes (Bc Of Zorua Half), Smart
Appearance: Black Hair With Red Tips With Light Blue Tips, Blue-Green Eyes, Black & Red Jacket, Black & Red Shoes
Zorua Tail, Zorua Ears (Zoroark) Gloves With Red Metal Zoroark Claws, Long Red And Black Hair
Move Set: (Zorua)Night Daze-Agility-Fury Swipe-Hone Claws
(Can Evolve To Zoroark)
Title: is it okay to be pokemon?
Character name: Absol
gender: boy
fused with: umbreon
back story: i was walking around the forest hoping i don't see a trainer but suddinly i was grabbed! Not knowing where they where i freaked out and passed out. when i woke up i was fused with a pokemon named umbreon but at least i look cool.
personality: calm and shy
Appearance: pfp
move set:Psycho Cut, Dark Pulse, Payback, Thunder, Foul Play