Forum Thread
Aero's Small Sprite Shop (CLOSED!)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Aero's Small Sprite Shop (CLOSED!)Rules:

1. All PH Rules apply!
2. Do not rush me! I have a life outside of PH and have my own things to do. I'll go to your order when I can.
3. Do not order when the shop is closed! Please be patient!
4. Do not order when the slots are full! Please be patient!
5. Use the form on this page! It helps me know what you want!
6. Don't ask me for something I can't do.
7. I have the right to decline your order. I may not be able to fuse certain mons ect.
8. Please use the password in your form. The password is your fave shiny mon.
9. Don't steal ANY of the sprites you see here. The examples and orders are NOT free to use and only is to be used by the owner.
10. If you order any of my sprites, please credit me! I have a toyhouse profile as well which is @AeroDynamica
2. Do not rush me! I have a life outside of PH and have my own things to do. I'll go to your order when I can.
3. Do not order when the shop is closed! Please be patient!
4. Do not order when the slots are full! Please be patient!
5. Use the form on this page! It helps me know what you want!
6. Don't ask me for something I can't do.
7. I have the right to decline your order. I may not be able to fuse certain mons ect.
8. Please use the password in your form. The password is your fave shiny mon.
9. Don't steal ANY of the sprites you see here. The examples and orders are NOT free to use and only is to be used by the owner.
10. If you order any of my sprites, please credit me! I have a toyhouse profile as well which is @AeroDynamica

Palette swaps:

Aero! They swapped colors!
Pokemon: (Base pokemon)
Palette Pokemon: (Colors for the base)
Lighter colors:

Aero! The colors are lighter!

Aero! The colors are blending!
Color 1:
Color 2:

Simple Fusions

Aero! They fused!
Pokemon 1: (The base)
Pokemon 2: (The pokemon to be fused with the base)
Advanced fusions

Aero! More of them fused!
Pokemon 1: (Base)
Other Pokemon: (Maximum of 3)

Note: Pick a trainer sprite from here, please be specific with which generation. Some trainer sprites don't have 2D sprites, so I won't do them.

Aero! They're human!

Note: 5 warnings and you're banned,
meaning you cannot order from the shop. You may not complain about
me giving you a warning, you didn't see the rules and obviously
broke one. The password rule has 3 strikes. If you break it 3
times, you are given a warning. This is to make sure people who
actually want to order forgot to put the password.
-Floofington: 1 warning(broke rule #6, #8(1 strike))
-Floofington: 1 warning(broke rule #6, #8(1 strike))

I struggled a bit with the colors, but I managed to get them right in the end! Hope you like it~

I couldn't decide what form to do so I decided to do both! I hope you like them~

I couldn't decide what color for the hair thing, but I decided to make it yellow to mach umbreon's circle thing on their head. Hopefully it looks alright!
Pokemon: scolipede
Color 1: red
Color 2:black/grey u pick
Password:scolipede its my fav poke
Other: um I did not see a price if im just blind im sorry but could you tell me

It was a bit difficult finding what parts to use. But it managed to look alright! Hope you like it :]

I hope you like it :] I enjoyed making this! The colors look really nice!
Username: Yvelette
Pokemon 1: Leafeon
Other Pokemon: Reshiram, Spectrier, Zekrom
Password: your fave shiny mon
Other: Spectrier doesn’t exist in Pokeheroes so if you can’t do it exclude it out sorry. Could you also make the Reshiram shiny? I don’t have much to offer, But I could give you a Brown box and Green Key.
Its been 12 hours and you still haven't put in the password and also asked me for something I couldn't do. I'd have to give you 1 warning. I'm sorry, but rules are rules.
Accepted! And yeah, I won't be able to do spectrier sadly. Also sure! The mystery box and key will do as a tip, anything can tbh. I will work on it when I can :]

I'm sorry for the wait, but I managed to do it! I hope you like it! :]
The shop is now CLOSED!
Due to the fact that Christmas is coming in 4 days, I will have to close the shop due to me being busy with christmas stuff. Hopefully you guys can understand :3