Seeing the Pokecenter in the distance, Mystin picked up the pace.
When he saw Tidal, he waved, before reaching the Pokecenter. "See?
Safe and sound, just like I told ya."
She broke into a grin, despite still feeling like absolute garbage.
The absolute relief that flooded through her as she saw the
Articuno and Zacian brought to her attention just how worried she'd
been for them. However, her smile was visibly weak; the purple
flush to her face had become more apparent, and purplish dark
circles had formed beneath her eyes. It took physical effort to
remind herself that Kate ought to return presently with the
Mystin noticed the physical drain, and his face changed to a look
of concern. "Woah, Woah, is it really that bad?" He gestured around
his face. "You kinda-look like a Wiki Berry."
Kate picked that time to walk out of the Pokemart. She would appear
to just be a brown paper bag floating on it's own, filled with the
medicine. She seemed to have forgotten about her invisibility, as
she reached in and took out the yellow spray bottle.
"Hey," she sighed at Mystin's comment. Normally, she would have
reacted with a bit more strength, but the Lugia felt utterly spent.
She glanced behind her, then laughed weakly when she saw the
floating bag. "Hi, Kate," she said with relief. "Thanks, Mystin
deserved that."
Kate giggled, and the ginger girl came back into view as she
suddenly remembered that floating bags were weird. "Here. I think
you're supposed to spray it into your mouth or something?" She
handed over the bottle.
"Absolutely, but thank you for the concern," Tidal said as an
attempt at humor. She nodded her thanks to Kate, taking the bottle
with a look of confusion. "I'm not sure, but I'll try it..." The
Lugia sprayed the medicine into her mouth, immediately gagging and
trying to spit it out. A woman who had been passing by started
laughing, and Tidal heard her remark to the little boy beside her,
"And that is why you shouldn't do dares. That medicine is for
Pokemon, and you are supposed to spray it on their foreheads." With
a grimace, the Lugia did so. A moment later, it seemed as if the
poison veritably melted away.
Mystin laughed as he got up. "Who deserves what now?" He brushed
himself off, still smug even though he had been spooked. "I wonder
what antidotes taste like. Maybe you can tell me."
She wrinkled her nose at the Articuno, then held out the bottle of
Antidote. She'd had to use nearly all of it, but she reckoned there
was perhaps one dose left. "You tell me," she
grinned. The purple hue to her skin had faded, then disappeared
entirely, and while she would likely need to rest, she was rapidly
beginning to feel herself again.
"You doubt me?" she laughed. The Lugia then held up the potion.
"What, is the great legendary Articuno afraid of an Antidote?" she
teased. Dropping her arm back to her side with a grin, she added
with a twinkle in her eye, "What a shame. Oh well, maybe Blitz is
brave enough."
Mystin's attitude immeadiently changed. "Give me that antidote.
Now." He held out his hand, muttering something unintelliglble
under his breath that was somewhere along the lines of,
"Birdbrain," "Think's he's better than me cause of the type
advantage," and "just cause he eats 4 Tamoto Berries, he gets all
high and mighty-"
Riko, while looking amused, was rapidly tapping her foot. "As
adorable as you guys are, may I quietly remind you of the fact that
a certain adversary is literally on a clock to attacking us again?"
She was clearly referring to Xavier's frozen trap in the woods.
"You sure?" she grinned, holding it out to him. "I dunno, Mystin,
maybe I should just save it until we get back to the Whirl
Islands..." As she handed it to him, she turned and nodded at Riko.
"I think we're pretty safe in the city. Maybe we should stay here
for the night and leave in the morning? He'll catch up if we leave
now, anyways." The Lugia turned back to Mystin, watching
Mystin paused to glance at Riko. "Riko, this is of utmost
importance." He sprayed the antidote in his mouth, gagging and
dropping it with a clatter. "Oh-I-that is disgusting!" He stood
there for a minute, hands on his knees. "Worth it," he gasped.
Flicking an ear at Tidal's statement, she had to disagree. Xavier
had seemed pretty aggressive in his attempts to escape, and they
were in the nearest city... "Now that you've got that out of your
system..." He gave him an expectant look