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Clash Between Mythic and Mortal-SU

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Clash Between Mythic and Mortal-SU
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 01:16 (4 Years ago)
You may remember the old rp by me and Future Inc. A while back. We worked really hard on this RP and I feel like it died rather prematurely, so I'm revamping it. I was in love with the concept and it's so well developed that I want to expand on it further.


Plot: Mythical creatures. They were thought to be just that, a myth. From the humans on Earth, depictions of these creatures were thought of as material for stories and nothing else, for the last sighting that proved to be real was centuries ago. The stories of these creatures were passed down for so long they were no longer regarded as fact, as the animals had not been seen for ages. However, these creatures were real, very much real, and soon they will be sighted by humans once more.

At one point, these powerful beings had been at peace with the species known as humankind. These creatures lived in other worlds, travelling between dimensions to use their power for what they believed was good for all. This was before civilization got to what it is that we know in this day and age.

As soon as humans were seen out-populating the other creatures on Earth, the protectors were not happy, and thus started their disappearance from human sight. They appeared, only before the lesser creatures, to help them, to stop the spread of the ever powerful human beings. They created storms that blew the people back. They shape shifted into powerful earth beasts and guarded the land of Nature. One species was never to be too powerful. That was the thought, and it was hypocritical.

Each individual species of 'Mythical' creature is the ruler of it's designated land. It is where the creatures are born, and raised, and make the final decision to join the league of creatures that 'protect' other lands. The funny thing here is that, like humans, they rule their own world. They over populate and they reign supreme due to their power, and thus, once the humans would eventually see this, via their technology, they would start to protest. The year is now 6150. A dragon was spotted by humans. It misfired while in a battle and destroyed a part of the city. Now all Hell is about to break loose.

Creatures and habitats:

Info: There are two main worlds: The Human world(Earth) and the Mystical world(Land of Mythical creatures) All mythical creatures can travel between lands, and humans are developing a device that may allow them to reach other worlds themselves. 'Evil' humans wish to be the equals of monsters and use technology as a way to replicate their powers, and ultimately eliminate them. 'Good' Humans wish to make peace with the 'monsters' and work out their differences.

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Dragons come from the rocky peaks of the mountainous Land of Rocks and Fire. They mainly prey on mountain creatures that wander a little to close to their hidden dens among the boulders. All dragons are carnivorous reptilian beings and have the ability to fly with their wings, cut through almost anything with their razor sharp claws, and knock away any obstacle with their muscular tails. In addition, each dragon has their own special element that determines their 'special' powers. They can have the elements;

Poison: Gives a dragon the ability to use a venomous bite to kill and eat prey. They also gain the ability to spray acid that can melt through organic material as well as rock.

Electric: Gives dragons the ability to create lightning bolts from the sky. They do this by heating up water in their bodies to breath out storm clouds which then create lightning bolts that they manipulate to strike their targets. They can also cause a deadly shock if targets make close contact. (Though whether the shock is enough to kill depends on the age of the dragon and the size of the target)

Fire: Gives the dragon the ability to surround itself in fire, engulfing anything it touches. It can breath fire as well as spray smoke in the eyes of enemies to blind them temporarily

Nature/Plant: Generally a more peaceful species, among other dragons, anyway. They patiently wait, with the ability to blend into plants with their primarily green coloring, for prey to walk past for a swift kill. They can also manipulate plants to strangle or trip targets.

A dragon's elemental powers are often the same as its parents'. For example, if two fire dragons have an egg, the child will likely be a fire dragon as well, though all dragon eggs have the chance to be any element. There are never any hybrid elements (A dragon having two or more elemental powers)

Dragons also have an 'inferior' subspecies called wyvern. Wyverns are like dragons due to their similar build and abilities, though what sets them apart from dragons is their lack of elements and front limbs(They all use their wings to walk). All Wyverns only posses the ability to breath fire. Though they are still right next to dragons in the food chain, often competing for food and territory.

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Griffins rule The Plains of Shining gold, where the sun tips the plains where the creatures play and hunt. The Plains are filled with places for creatures to sun themselves, swim, hunt and watch young play. Griffins, the main inhabitants, have the ability to overpower their prey with superior muscle and sharp claws that rival those of dragons. They come in colors varying from gold, to white, some black, and in rare cases, Russian blue. Griffins live in prides that vary in size, though when they fly as a group they are sometimes refereed to as 'flocking', they function similar to lion prides on earth, ruled by a dominate male that has rights to all the females in the pride. Young males will be kicked out around age two to find their own pride. The diet of a griffin consists of large hooved prey, as well as birds, though the cubs may practice with smaller mammals as well. The 'special' abilities of a griffin include energy blasts that take on a blue color, as well as the ability to bring storms, varying in strength depending on the age and experience of the individual.

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The nine-tailed Kitsunes inhabit the caves known as The Dark Hollows, dark, maze-like caves underground where the shapeshifters prey on mice and rats that inhabit the burrows, as they are the results of magic worked by powerful kitsunes years ago. They venture to the surface to amuse themselves by pranking others. Kitsunes possess the ability to shapeshift into many forms, control either fire or lightning(50/50 chance at birth), and create pranks using their abilities of illusion. It's actually lucky pranks are the only things they do with those, as they are almost indistinguishable from reality. Kitsunes start life looking just like a normal fox kit, a single tail and no powers at all. In fact, if you put a baby kitsune on earth, it would probably think it was a normal fox until after the 100 years where it's tail split into two for the first time, and it started gaining powers. As a kitsune grows, it will gradually gain more tails, maxing out at nine, where it gain silver and gold markings and be at its most powerful, at about 900 out of its 1000 year lifespan.

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The hypnotic trickster known as the kelpie reigns over the land of The Ethereal Basin, a sea shore where the creature lurks around the shores, luring in prey. A kelpie's main form is an ordinary looking horse, often wet, with backward facing hooves. If it sees fit, it will use its ability to shapeshift to shift into a creature of the same species of its prey, often acting as if in distress, but sometimes replicating a mating cry, it then takes successfully lured and captured prey into the water where it drowns and eats them.

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The firebirds known as Phoenixes inhabit The Volcanoes of Rebirth, where they control the volcanic habitat in which they live. The Volcanoes that these creatures call home never erupt, due to the magic that the creatures placed once they took over. The Volcanoes are a common place for the birds to relax and swim in, them using the liquid fire as a hot tub, as they are immune to fire. Phoenixes possess the ability to burn in fire to heal themselves. The tears from these birds will also heal all those they touch, but perhaps the main ability these creatures are known for is their ability to rebirth themselves. When a phoenix reaches old age, it will burst into flames and be reborn from the ashes. This makes up for the fact that they rarely reproduce. They also have a bit of fire magic.

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Basilisks rule The Swamp of Deadly Sound. They can take the form of either snake or lizard and will cause death to anyone who hears their deadly hiss(Hence the very literal name for their home) as well as the ability to petrify any unfortunate soul that makes eye contact with them. They spend most of their time in the wet swamps of their home, catching any decent prey that catches their eye. The only creatures they stay away from are chickens, whose cries send them to sleep, and mongooses, their mortal enemy.

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Kirin inhabit The Forests of Mystery, dark, yet stunning woodlands that hide great treasures around every corner, as well as being one of the most healthy forests in the whole Mystical World. This is because its inhabitants practically float over the land. Kirins, sometimes called qilins as well, possess the ability to walk on water and air, practically floating above the ground as they trot. They love eating river plants and forest fruits, as well as bringing good luck to all those it befriends or sees worthy. It is considered bad luck to wound these creatures, and they can judge the guilt or innocence of an individual via their backward-pointing horn. Blue is guilt, green is innocence

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Unicorns rule The Plains of Shining Silver, where they frolic and run in a paradise filled with grass, toxic forests, and stunning streams, rivers, and waterfalls where they are supreme. Even though they are herbivorous, they have powers that tend to keep predators away. The horns on their head extend into swords which the herd will point at an enemy to warn it off, engaging in combat only if necessary. In addition, they have the ability to cure poison via their horns as well, depoluting the air or water using its magic. Due to this, their diet may consist of poisonous plants and berries, the poison of which they store to spray in the eyes of predators in particularly dangerous situations as well. Their blood can also cure any disease harming anything that consumes it, so, as a last resort, a unicorn will wound itself to save a creature in need. A herd may also gather the blood of a corpse for consumption later. When a baby unicorn foal is born, its horn is no more than a stub on its head, useless and buried under its main. The reason for this is the safety of the mother during the birthing process. As it grows, it is protected by its mother as it slowly learns to using its growing horn.

Sea serpent
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The toxic Sea serpent inhabits the Sea of Poison, filled with only the most deadly sea creatures. The sea serpent is a rare beast, hardly ever breeding due to their territorial nature, as females tend to stay away from unnecessary battles. The Sea serpent boasts incredible strength, as well as a venomous bite that hardly ever fails to kill. Sea serpents rarely venture to the surface, but are completely capable of surviving long periods on land. They sometimes venture into Kraken territory on accident, causing deadly battles.

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Krakens rule the Twilight Zone of the seas known as The Midnight Trench, practically pitch black, most creatures don't even need to bother with sight. Though Krakens boast no supernatural abilities, they are the largest species of squid in the mystical land, and have extreme strength as well as supernatural intelligence. Most creatures don't dare mess with it. If it deems it necessary, it will come to the surface and attack, being able to cause tsunamis with its sheer strength alone.

With Mythical creatures, all can travel across and between dimensions. The creatures as a whole are classified into three groups based on how they do their version of 'hero work'.

Travelers: Travelers will travel between dimensions to make sure that all worlds have equal 'balance' throughout. They are typically seen working with other species of mythical creatures and it was a traveler that started this whole fiasco.

Dud heroes: Dud heroes tend to stick with their own dimension and maybe one other one. They want 'balance' as well as the travelers and promote through their own acts of keeping borders and not allowing one single species to rule a world. Aside from the fact that the more powerful mythical creatures rule their own territories, of course.

Duds: Not interested in promoting 'balance' and just proceed normal lives with their peers, not into outrageous acts or heroism, as they see it.


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1: Don't be OP
2: This is a semi literate roleplay! What that means is that I will not tolerate one-liners (Exceptions will be allowed, just not consistently)
3: I have the right to deny your form for any reason! Be it you didn't read the rules or I have only ever seen single liners from you. I will try to be as considerate as possible, however, though I naturally have a low tolerance for things like this.
4: Include 'Moon' somewhere in the form so I know you read the rules


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Form for humans

Character Name:
Good or Evil:

Form for creatures

Character name:
Traveler, Dud hero, or Dud?:

My form:

(Might change this)
Character name: Yiucko
Gender: female
Traveler, Dud hero, or Dud?: Traveler
Species?: Kirin
Appearance: X

Username: BlackReshiram
Character name: Myku
Gender: Gender neutral. They don't care what you call them
Traveler, Dud hero, or Dud?: Traveler
Species?: Kitsune
Appearance: Black fur. Technically they have been alive for more than nine centuries, but they have only three tails. Myku has blue eyes and a hot pink flame pattern on their forehead, shoulders, and tail tips. They also have small pink floating embers that follow them around.
Backstory(Opt): Myku was a clever creature throughout their whole life, if someone crossed them, they'd always find a way to punish them unexpectedly, and gained quite the reputation for their way with words, and clever tricks. You were either their friend or their enemy, and that's all there was to it. However, at some point, outside of their knowledge, the nine tailed vulpine beast had managed to cross somebody who used this tactic against them. This particular creature knew of the mystical waters of the Youth Lake, and had slipped a small amount in their drinking water, causing them to age down physically, as well as taking away 6 of their magic tails and weakening their powers. They are still trying to find who that mysterious critter was, and make them pay.
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 01:21 (4 Years ago)
Can dragons mix types or are they type restrictive
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 01:22 (4 Years ago)
"There are never any hybrid elements (A dragon having two or more elemental powers)"

Does that answer your question?
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 01:30 (4 Years ago)
Character name: Sunstreaker
Traveler, Dud hero, or Dud?: Traveler
Species?: Fire dragon
Appearance: Black dragon, burning red eyes. Blue fire and slick body shape for speed. Has dark purple spines.

Younger brother to Thundercrack and prince of the dragons, he comes from a pair of electric dragons. Unlike his regal and mature brother, he has an adventurous spirit and likes to hop between dimensions, so his brother let him be a traveler so he could help his kingdom while doing what he loves. Now he keeps the peace between dimensions with the occasional help from his older brother.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 01:30 (4 Years ago)
Username: DarkSpark
Character name: Issico
Gender: Male
Traveler, Dud hero, or Dud?: Dud Hero
Species?: Kitsune
Other: Moon
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 01:31 (4 Years ago)
Accepted. Advertise if you would please

@Dark did you read the rules or is that a wip?
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 01:32 (4 Years ago)
WIP, sorry about that.

I edited it, I hope I did what I needed to do! Just let me know if I left anything out and I will fix it.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 212
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 01:39 (4 Years ago)
Username: ~Moon~
Character name: Tishri
Gender: female
Traveler, Dud hero, or Dud?: traveler
Species?: Kirin
Appearance: ya yeet

Username: ~Moon~
Character name: Amethyst
Gender: female
Traveler, Dud hero, or Dud?: dub hero
Species?: unicorn

The stars shine bright and are calling me to go

Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 01:43 (4 Years ago)
Dark accepted

Moon, your kirin image isn't working
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 01:45 (4 Years ago)
Character name: Thundercrack
Traveler, Dud hero, or Dud?: Dud hero
Species?: Electric dragon
Appearance: White dragon with pearcing blue eyes. Slick body and blue lighting attacks.
Backstory(Opt): Moon

Thundercrack is Sunstreakers older brother and heir to the dragon throne. He is much more mature than his younger brother and realizes that he has duties in his kingdom. He decided to become a dud hero so he could help his dimension and keep the peace at the same time.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 01:46 (4 Years ago)
Cy accepted again
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 212
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 01:50 (4 Years ago)
Hmm it works fine for me

Oki it should work now
The stars shine bright and are calling me to go

Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 03:04 (4 Years ago)
Could I....

=Imma fill these tmrw, just letting u know=

Username: EmmaWang
Character Name: Silver - Nickname Silv or S
Gender: Female
Good or Evil: Evil (cause she naturally wants to help her parents, without knowing the consequences, because her parents are part of the "scientists" group) /Good (once she realizes (kitsune name) is part of the creatures her parents want to "kill" and take, she stops helping them and tries to make peace)
Backstory(Opt): Rescued (kitsune name) at a young age (she thought (kitsune name) was just a regular fox with a birthmark), which bonded them together, making them "inseparable" (If one gets hurt, the other one also feels the pain). (char name) then got "kidnapped" and was forced to do an "experiment" by the scientists which almost killed her. But being the loyal "pet" (kitsune name) is, she rescued (char name) from the lab and brought her back home, tended to her wounds, and protected her until she was back to full energy. +Moon+

Username: EmmaWang
Character name: Spirit
Gender: Female
Traveler, Dud hero, or Dud?:Dud
Species?: Kitsune
Backstory(Opt): One day, (kitsune name) got lost, separating her from her family. She wound up in a water trench/sewer. She got found by (char name) and was brought back to her house. (char name) realized that (kitsune name) had a birthmark, but still cared for her even though she was different, until she was back to full health again, and they made a special bond. -inserts (char name)'s story here- But, when (kitsune name) was healing the wounds, she sometimes licked them, making the chemicals/poison spread through her body, making her end up "evil" and unable to control her powers. (She doesn't know much about her brother, only what he looks like and some other happy memories.) +Moon+

Username: EmmaWang
Character name: Karma
Gender: Male
Traveler, Dud hero, or Dud?: Dud hero
Species?: Kitsune
Backstory(Opt): Brother of (kitsune name). They got seperated at a young age. -inserts (kitsune name)'s story here- He started looking for her a week after his sister left, and he left home. He's still searching in hopes of finding (kitsune name). +Moon+

Question: can I make a character, then have him/her have creature and human forms?
"I'm not stupid, I'm just too lazy to show how smart I am."
- Oreki Houtarou

Meet Hiko~!

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 04:47 (4 Years ago)
Username: xx_Squidkid_xx
Character name: Silvertail
Gender: female
Traveler, Dud hero, or Dud?: traveler
Species?: Griffin
Appearance: a blue female Griffin with silver-tipped feathers like the moon
I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 11:41 (4 Years ago)
@Squid you seem to be forgetting something
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 15:52 (4 Years ago)
Username: LukeArch87
Character name: Shockwave
Gender: Make
Traveler, Dud hero, or Dud?: Dud hero
Species?: Dragon (lightning)
Appearance: Black and blue wings, dark grey claws and a dark blue body. He has black horns.
Backstory(Opt): Da moon.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 17:56 (4 Years ago)

It's fixed now
I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 17:57 (4 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 18:05 (4 Years ago)
Reshi, I need the answer to the question before i can complete my forms ;-;
"I'm not stupid, I'm just too lazy to show how smart I am."
- Oreki Houtarou

Meet Hiko~!

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 18/11/2020 18:06 (4 Years ago)
@Emma the answer to your question is no. The closest you'll get is Kitsune, who can shapeshifter into a human, but a human cannot be a creature at the same time.