Forum Thread
Pokemon Solar Orchid
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Pokemon Solar OrchidNot Accepting Forms
Sign Up Form

Age: (12-18)
Soul Amulet Color:
Starter: (Chikorita,Cyndaquil,Totodile,Riolu,Zorua)
My Form

Name: Jesus Soulki
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Soul Amulet Color: Purple
Starter: Riolu
Personality: Nice, Naive, Playful
Password: Chicken Alfredo

No Powerplay
Wild Encounters (Including Egg Hatches/Finds) Are determined by the RP Staff
No controlling other RPers or NPCs
Do not skip areas
Do not change the Plot without Owner's Permission
PH Rules Apply
Password is your Favourite Food
East Florrian Island

Eldibirch Village (Starting Town) (Pokemon Shelter) (8th Gym)
Neo Forest
Silv City (2nd Gym) (APFRO HQ)
Mt Bronz Fl 1 / Fl 2 (Requires Badge 3) / Peak (Requires Badge 5)
Ruba Town (1st Gym)
Alio Ravine (Abandoned Gold Mine)
Obsidi Town(4th Gym)
Nao Bay
Taio City (3rd Gym) (Ship Harbor)
West Floriian Island

Alpi Town (Ship Harbor) (6th Gym)
Olai Forest (Gracidea Flower Bed)
Pali City (5th Gym)
Lia Labyrinth (Team Gyla HQ)
Olape City (7th Gym)
Drained Lake (Florrian Lake Trio *8 badges required*)
Soulsky Plateau (Pokemon League)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Soul Amulet Color: (idk bout this soo) Silver (is that ok?)
Starter: Totodile
Appearance: Here
Personality: Tbrp´d (I´m not good with personalitys)
Password: Noodles... Just all kinds of Noodles
Age: (12-18)12
Soul Amulet Color: sky fire black (its a black rock from wof)
Starter: (Chikorita,Cyndaquil,Totodile,Riolu,Zorua)Chikorita

Personality:quiet, likes to read and draw, and will beat your butt

Age: (12-18) 17
Gender: Male
Soul Amulet Color: Gold
Starter: (Chikorita,Cyndaquil,Totodile,Riolu,Zorua) Zorua
Appearance: Nikephoros is tall and blond, he wears a dark sweater with a white button up underneath and chunky sneakers
Personality: To be RP'd mostly, but im going for a good camp counselor vibe
Password: Brussel Sprouts
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Soul Amulet Color: White/red=(to be RPed hopefully)
Starter: Zorua
Appearance: X
Personality: To be RPed~
Password: Bubble teaaaaa-
- Oreki Houtarou

Meet Hiko~!