Posted: Sun, 25/10/2020 20:56 (4 Years ago)
Goliath's eyes were closed once again, his body as still as stone.
As he stood, he heard footsteps approaching, and a voice called
out. The giant bristled, eight feet of muscle suddenly hyper-aware
of what was around it. Opening his eyes, Goliath shifted his
weight. 'A girl? Approaching me? That's a first...' His mind
questioned the girl silently, and Goliath became suddenly aware of
what the last conversation with a girl had led to. Narrowing his
eyes, Goliath turned fully towards the approaching girl. Bare feet
shifted in the sand, and a waist clothed in a pair of shorts
rotated with them. His chest was bare, his tan skin reflecting the
sun. A voice of thunder rolled across his tongue: "... Hello."