Forum Thread
Animals Rp
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Animals RpMine

Character name:Thunder
Gender: boy
Appearance:A sometimes a quiet cat and a nice cat sometimes a mean cat
Color breed:Black and white cat
Power:dark and fire
Character name:Thunder
Gender: boy
Appearance:A sometimes a quiet cat and a nice cat sometimes a mean cat
Color breed:Black and white cat
Power:dark and fire

they escaped a scientist and now they
on the run in they on the run in the forestand they got super
powers from being tested on
Character name: striper
Animal: bluestripe garter snake
Gender: male
Appearance: missing one eye from getting hit by a lawn mower, scara all over from fighting and the mower, and an tongue that cocks out the side of his mouth
Age: 23
Color breed: dark brown with red stripes on his back and belly, and blue on his sides
Username: PerryThePlatypus
Character name: crush
Animal: gliding snake
Gender: male
Appearance: able to elongate ribs, to glide through the sky, dull green, with pale yellow sides
Age: 24
Color breed: above up there, also dating striper

Character name: Snow/Silver
Animal: Arctic fox
Gender: Female
Appearance: Except with blackish pawtips and a gray spot on her eye
Age: 7 1/4
Color breed: White and a bit gray
Power: Ice/water- more tb unlocked
(Her eyes become either red or black depending on what she's feeling, her normal ones are a light blue color)
(She's got things that will be RPed)
- Oreki Houtarou

Meet Hiko~!
Character name: Cloudburst
Animal: Falcon
Gender: Female
Appearance: b i r b
Age: 17 (in bird years)
Color breed: Grayish with some white
Power: Wind/air powers
Title: Animals
Character nam: aidan
Animal: rattlesnake
Gender: male
Appearance: 5 feet 4 inches, brown skin, blue eyes, black shirt, gray pants, red socks, bronze shoes, black and a jacket with a diamond on the back.
Age: 16
Color breed: brown/gray
Powers: earth/rocks