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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Dherr0424.
Posted: Sun, 17/10/2021 15:31 (3 Years ago)

Title: My first poke game

I been a fan of Pokemon because in the past I play Pokemon trading card game and then I get Pokemon alpha sapphire and then I been a fan ever since.

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Posted: Sat, 16/10/2021 23:56 (3 Years ago)

Title: You are a banned

You are banned because you post something that is family friendly.

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Posted: Sat, 16/10/2021 23:55 (3 Years ago)

Title: Should I Marry the avatar


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Posted: Sat, 16/10/2021 23:48 (3 Years ago)

Title: Game

Switch Poke Unite, Smash bros ultmate
PS4 Fortnite mk11

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Posted: Sat, 16/10/2021 23:47 (3 Years ago)

Title: H

Can I have lugia as well

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Posted: Sat, 16/10/2021 23:11 (3 Years ago)

Title: Tried to do the challenge



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Posted: Sat, 16/10/2021 22:48 (3 Years ago)

Title: Favorite shiny

My Favorite shiny is
Shiny Rayuaza, Charzard, unbreon, beldum line, mew,

Also forget shiny lugia

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Posted: Sat, 16/10/2021 22:46 (3 Years ago)

Title: My first legend egg

MY first legend Egg was a lugia egg because I was in the gift trade and I saw a lugia voucher for 10K so I bought it and got a lugia

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Posted: Sun, 10/10/2021 20:58 (3 Years ago)

Title: Ditto

I’m new and I’m trying to get a ditto and it is really HARD to get so can someone help me get a ditto?

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Posted: Thu, 15/10/2020 20:49 (4 Years ago)

Title: Animals


That’s a cute cat




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Posted: Tue, 13/10/2020 23:41 (4 Years ago)

Title: Profile

How can you change you profile picture

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