Forum Thread
PMD Crossover - Rifts of Night (Sign ups)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → PMD Crossover - Rifts of Night (Sign ups)You woke up in an unfamiliar place. You seem to be near a river, in the middle of a forest. There doesn't seem to be any sign of civilization nearby, aside from the silhouettes of a few buildings in the distance. You see a few others near you, but you do not recognize many of them... You seem to be in a different body, and your mind is hazy.... In fact, you remember nothing at all...

1. PH rules apply
2. General roleplay rules apply (No godmodding/powerplaying, no bunnying, no derailing the thread, etc.)
3. You can play as canon characters and fandom-based OCs from practically any fandom or iteration of the Pokémon franchise, but try to tone down certain characters to keep this RP PG/PG-13
5. Like the ending of that expositional tidbit states, your characters will not remember anything, aside from their name, age, possibly the names of some people they knew, but nothing more than that
6. As of right now, the only Legendaries allowed are minor Legendaries and Mythical (ex. The musketeer trio, the Lati duo, Type: Null/Silvally, Meloetta, nothing crazy like Mewtwo, Groudon, Arceus, Zekrom, things like that)
7. Duplicate legends are allowed. If I ever allow major legends, this rule will only apply to minor legends
8. Fusions/hybrids are allowed as well. Unfortunately, I am not allowing fusions between two different legendaries
9. If you are an admin who is abusing that status, then I will have to revoke your position as admin
10. You leave the PP group, you leave the RP
11. You are allowed to have "illegal" moves or abilities, but only if those moves make sense for that character or for that Pokémon species. The signature moves of Legendaries are not allowed to be used as illegal moves
12. There is no character limit, but please don't make so many characters that you can't manage them all
13. You can yeet in characters who are from the same fandom, but came from different points in that universe's timeline, as long as you don't have two of the same character who are from different points in time
15. The rule above also applies to AUs. You can have alternate universe versions of characters, but you can't have two or more AU versions of the same character (I'm looking at you, all you AU Sanses)
16. If someone isn't posting immediately, please do not bug them about it. We all have a life behind the screen
17. If you break any of these rules, I will give you a warning. Three warnings, and you're banned.
18. Password is "Phantom, you forgot 4!"
19. Admin password is "Arrivederci"
2. General roleplay rules apply (No godmodding/powerplaying, no bunnying, no derailing the thread, etc.)
3. You can play as canon characters and fandom-based OCs from practically any fandom or iteration of the Pokémon franchise, but try to tone down certain characters to keep this RP PG/PG-13
5. Like the ending of that expositional tidbit states, your characters will not remember anything, aside from their name, age, possibly the names of some people they knew, but nothing more than that
6. As of right now, the only Legendaries allowed are minor Legendaries and Mythical (ex. The musketeer trio, the Lati duo, Type: Null/Silvally, Meloetta, nothing crazy like Mewtwo, Groudon, Arceus, Zekrom, things like that)
7. Duplicate legends are allowed. If I ever allow major legends, this rule will only apply to minor legends
8. Fusions/hybrids are allowed as well. Unfortunately, I am not allowing fusions between two different legendaries
9. If you are an admin who is abusing that status, then I will have to revoke your position as admin
10. You leave the PP group, you leave the RP
11. You are allowed to have "illegal" moves or abilities, but only if those moves make sense for that character or for that Pokémon species. The signature moves of Legendaries are not allowed to be used as illegal moves
12. There is no character limit, but please don't make so many characters that you can't manage them all
13. You can yeet in characters who are from the same fandom, but came from different points in that universe's timeline, as long as you don't have two of the same character who are from different points in time
15. The rule above also applies to AUs. You can have alternate universe versions of characters, but you can't have two or more AU versions of the same character (I'm looking at you, all you AU Sanses)
16. If someone isn't posting immediately, please do not bug them about it. We all have a life behind the screen
17. If you break any of these rules, I will give you a warning. Three warnings, and you're banned.
18. Password is "Phantom, you forgot 4!"
19. Admin password is "Arrivederci"
Form (do not include the things in parentheses in your form)

Character Name:
Gender: (If they use certain pronouns, please list what pronouns they use)
Pokémon species:
Original Universe: (The fandom that they originally came from)
Original Abilities: (Any powers they originally had in their home world)
Ability: (Their ability in battle. Please do not put their starting moveset in here)
Original Appearance: (Images or descriptions are allowed)
Pokémon Appearance: (What they look like as a Pokémon. Keep in mind that you can divert from the Pokémon's base appearance so that they look a bit more like themselves)
Personality: (If you don't feel like filling this out, you can just type "More in RP" or leave it blank so you can fill it out later)
Canon or OC?:
Character Name:
Gender: (If they use certain pronouns, please list what pronouns they use)
Pokémon species:
Original Universe: (The fandom that they originally came from)
Original Abilities: (Any powers they originally had in their home world)
Ability: (Their ability in battle. Please do not put their starting moveset in here)
Original Appearance: (Images or descriptions are allowed)
Pokémon Appearance: (What they look like as a Pokémon. Keep in mind that you can divert from the Pokémon's base appearance so that they look a bit more like themselves)
Personality: (If you don't feel like filling this out, you can just type "More in RP" or leave it blank so you can fill it out later)
Canon or OC?:
Admin form

Have you ever GM'd/DM'd/hosted a RP before?: Y/N
Would you like to help with playing some of the NPCs?: Y/N
Would you like to help with dungeon layouts?: Y/N
Would you like to help with making sure rules are followed?: Y/N
Anything else?:
Have you ever GM'd/DM'd/hosted a RP before?: Y/N
Would you like to help with playing some of the NPCs?: Y/N
Would you like to help with dungeon layouts?: Y/N
Would you like to help with making sure rules are followed?: Y/N
Anything else?:
My forms

Username: ThePhantomWolf
Character Name: Narancia Ghirga
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Pokémon species: Latios
Original Universe: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Original Abilities: Stand - Aerosmith (Resembles a toy fighter plane, equipped with machine guns, a bomb, and a radar that can detect all nearby sources of CO2)
Ability: Sniper (Changes to Aerilate when (and if) he Mega Evolves)
Original Appearance: (beep) (boop) (he bapy)
(Oh, and here's Aerosmith, and here's his CO2 radar)
Pokémon Appearance: Slightly smaller than Latios normally is, with purple eyes rather than red. The normally blue feathers are now dark purple, the red chest marking and the white head marking are both orange for him. His wings are red with a silver stripe through the middle and silver tips. His tail feathers are light orange with some small patches of yellow feathers here and there, similarly to his original skirt. He retains his original orange headband, as well as a bunch of floofy black head feathers that resemble his original hair.
Here's my drawing of him
- Still acts like a young child
- Gets angery easily
- Will not let up until the opponent does (or if he gets tired)
- Do not leave anything unattended around him, he will probably go over and inspect and/or touch it (or eat it, if it's food)
- Cannot do maffs
- Very loyal to those he trusts
Canon or OC?: Canon
Other: He babey
Password: 16 x 55 = 28
Username: ThePhantomWolf
Character Name: Terra Branford
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Pokémon species: Meowstic/Shaymin fusion
Original Universe: Final Fantasy VI
Original Abilities: Can cast various elemental spells, as well as some healing spells
Ability: Serene Grace
Original Appearance: (s h e) (i love her so much)
(Art not mine, both pics by ClaraKerber on DeviantArt)
Pokémon Appearance: She more closely resembles a female Meowstic than a Shaymin. The blue fur that would normally be on a female Meowstic is mint green for her. Her head tuft resembles her original hair, with a Gracidea going where her hair ribbon would normally go. Her necc floof has a Gracidea on either side of it, similar to a Land Forme Shaymin, and she has Sky Forme Shaymin's red petals coming out near the base of her two tails. She has lilac eyes with purple irises, and she wears her original cape. She is also a bit floofier than most Meowstic.
Personality: (Copy-pasted from the Final Fantasy wiki)
At the onset of Final Fantasy VI, Terra is confused and fearful and has amnesia, strengthening her hesitations. She has no idea who or what she is or what the war she is caught up is about. The few memories she has imply she was a willing soldier of the Empire, disturbing her and causing her to be wary of joining the Returners, uncertain if she belongs with them and can trust them. Terra comes to hate and fear her powers, as she feels they are only good for destruction and alienate her from others who fear her or would exploit her abilities.
Canon or OC?: Canon
Other: s h e
Password: Lemme introduce you to my obscure fandoms-
Username: ThePhantomWolf
Character Name: Frisk
Age: child
Gender: Nonbinary (uses she/her or they/them pronouns)
Pokémon species: Eevee (will not evolve)
Original Universe: Undertale
Original Abilities: DETERMINATION
Ability: Healer
Original Appearance: (here she is)
(Art not mine, artist unknown)
Pokémon Appearance: A floofy Eevee whose eyes are almost always closed. She wears a blue scarf/bandana around her neck with two purple stripes
- Doesn't talk very much
- Sof beane
- Doesn't usually resort to fighting
Canon or OC?: Canon
Other: f r o s k (Also, she'll primarily use status moves)
Password: * Seeing an Undertale character in this RP fills you with DETERMINATION
Character Name: Narancia Ghirga
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Pokémon species: Latios
Original Universe: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Original Abilities: Stand - Aerosmith (Resembles a toy fighter plane, equipped with machine guns, a bomb, and a radar that can detect all nearby sources of CO2)
Ability: Sniper (Changes to Aerilate when (and if) he Mega Evolves)
Original Appearance: (beep) (boop) (he bapy)
(Oh, and here's Aerosmith, and here's his CO2 radar)
Pokémon Appearance: Slightly smaller than Latios normally is, with purple eyes rather than red. The normally blue feathers are now dark purple, the red chest marking and the white head marking are both orange for him. His wings are red with a silver stripe through the middle and silver tips. His tail feathers are light orange with some small patches of yellow feathers here and there, similarly to his original skirt. He retains his original orange headband, as well as a bunch of floofy black head feathers that resemble his original hair.
Here's my drawing of him
- Still acts like a young child
- Gets angery easily
- Will not let up until the opponent does (or if he gets tired)
- Do not leave anything unattended around him, he will probably go over and inspect and/or touch it (or eat it, if it's food)
- Cannot do maffs
- Very loyal to those he trusts
Canon or OC?: Canon
Other: He babey
Password: 16 x 55 = 28
Username: ThePhantomWolf
Character Name: Terra Branford
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Pokémon species: Meowstic/Shaymin fusion
Original Universe: Final Fantasy VI
Original Abilities: Can cast various elemental spells, as well as some healing spells
Ability: Serene Grace
Original Appearance: (s h e) (i love her so much)
(Art not mine, both pics by ClaraKerber on DeviantArt)
Pokémon Appearance: She more closely resembles a female Meowstic than a Shaymin. The blue fur that would normally be on a female Meowstic is mint green for her. Her head tuft resembles her original hair, with a Gracidea going where her hair ribbon would normally go. Her necc floof has a Gracidea on either side of it, similar to a Land Forme Shaymin, and she has Sky Forme Shaymin's red petals coming out near the base of her two tails. She has lilac eyes with purple irises, and she wears her original cape. She is also a bit floofier than most Meowstic.
Personality: (Copy-pasted from the Final Fantasy wiki)
At the onset of Final Fantasy VI, Terra is confused and fearful and has amnesia, strengthening her hesitations. She has no idea who or what she is or what the war she is caught up is about. The few memories she has imply she was a willing soldier of the Empire, disturbing her and causing her to be wary of joining the Returners, uncertain if she belongs with them and can trust them. Terra comes to hate and fear her powers, as she feels they are only good for destruction and alienate her from others who fear her or would exploit her abilities.
Canon or OC?: Canon
Other: s h e
Password: Lemme introduce you to my obscure fandoms-
Username: ThePhantomWolf
Character Name: Frisk
Age: child
Gender: Nonbinary (uses she/her or they/them pronouns)
Pokémon species: Eevee (will not evolve)
Original Universe: Undertale
Original Abilities: DETERMINATION
Ability: Healer
Original Appearance: (here she is)
(Art not mine, artist unknown)
Pokémon Appearance: A floofy Eevee whose eyes are almost always closed. She wears a blue scarf/bandana around her neck with two purple stripes
- Doesn't talk very much
- Sof beane
- Doesn't usually resort to fighting
Canon or OC?: Canon
Other: f r o s k (Also, she'll primarily use status moves)
Password: * Seeing an Undertale character in this RP fills you with DETERMINATION
Accepted list

Narancia Ghirga (ThePhantomWolf)
Terra Branford (ThePhantomWolf)
Frisk (ThePhantomWolf)
Nightcrawler (PerryThePlatypus)
Ryuga (female_byleth)
Cosmoe (Zoroark_master)
Astelia Southernhood (Zoroark_master)
Kiru Ronbun (-Uhh)
Urami Mugen (-Uhh)
Jolyne Kujo (female_byleth)
Noriaki Kakyoin (CherryDonut)
Zero (CherryDonut)
Terra Branford (ThePhantomWolf)
Frisk (ThePhantomWolf)
Nightcrawler (PerryThePlatypus)
Ryuga (female_byleth)
Cosmoe (Zoroark_master)
Astelia Southernhood (Zoroark_master)
Kiru Ronbun (-Uhh)
Urami Mugen (-Uhh)
Jolyne Kujo (female_byleth)
Noriaki Kakyoin (CherryDonut)
Zero (CherryDonut)
Character Name: Nightcrawler
Age: 32
Gender: he/him
Pokémon species: Arbok
Original Universe: The great battle of gen 6 where mega evolution never happened
Original Abilities: A toxin so powerful it could shrivel an enemies limbs in seconds, razor sharp fangs
Ability: Liquid ooze
Original Appearance: An arbok heavily covered in battle scars, especially a grey eye with a huge zangoose slash through it. His hood pattern is special, in the shape of a kyurem face
Pokémon Appearance: Same as original, but with shorter fangs.
Personality: Very battle hardened, cold, and determined. Will not rest until he does what must be done.
Other: imma try this :p
Password: ah ah ah, find it out yourself

Character Name:ryuga
Gender: male
Pokémon species: charizard/latios
Original Universe: beyblade metal series
Original Abilities: n/a
Ability: blaze
Original Appearance: ryuga from the beyblade metal series
Pokémon Appearance: charizard/latios fusion with golden eyes
Other: yes i'm obessed with a beyblade character lolz
admin form
Have you ever GM'd/DM'd/hosted a RP before?: no
Would you like to help with playing some of the NPCs?: Yes
Would you like to help with dungeon layouts?: i can try
Would you like to help with making sure rules are followed?: sure
Anything else?:nope

Username: Zoroark_master
Character Name: Cosmoe (last name never revealed in series)
Age: 14
Gender: male
Pokémon species: Zorua
Original Universe: Galactic hot dogs
Original Abilities: no powers, but the closest is a small blob on his wrist named Goober that can shape shift into things, but can't leave his wrist or he'll die.
Ability: illusion (huh. Always thought Zorua gained the Illusion ability after evolving.)
Original Appearance: A earth human with blonde hair and brown eyes. Wears a red jacket, gray t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Just your average human boy.
Pokémon Appearance: A Normal Zorua with two yellow stripes under his right eye. Goober is still on his wrist, but its asleep forever.
Personality: more in rp.
Canon or OC?: Cannon
Other: hello.
Password: !
Character Name: Cosmoe (last name never revealed in series)
Age: 14
Gender: male
Pokémon species: Zorua
Original Universe: Galactic hot dogs
Original Abilities: no powers, but the closest is a small blob on his wrist named Goober that can shape shift into things, but can't leave his wrist or he'll die.
Ability: illusion (huh. Always thought Zorua gained the Illusion ability after evolving.)
Original Appearance: A earth human with blonde hair and brown eyes. Wears a red jacket, gray t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Just your average human boy.
Pokémon Appearance: A Normal Zorua with two yellow stripes under his right eye. Goober is still on his wrist, but its asleep forever.
Personality: more in rp.
Canon or OC?: Cannon
Other: hello.
Password: !

Username: Zoroark_master again.
Character Name: Astelia Southernhood.
Age: 13
Gender: female
Pokémon species: Silvally
Original Universe: Galactic hot dogs
Original Abilities: none.
Ability: RKS system (although it is kind of useless since she doesn't have the memory disks right now)
Original Appearance: Human girl with green eyes and brown hair, dyed in different neon colours
Pokémon Appearance: a normal Silvally with paint splatter-like blobs all over her body.
Personality: more in rp
Canon or OC?: OC
Other: Born on earth, adbandoned at birth and adopted by aliens from a galaxy far, far away...
Password: *repeats what I said before*
Character Name: Astelia Southernhood.
Age: 13
Gender: female
Pokémon species: Silvally
Original Universe: Galactic hot dogs
Original Abilities: none.
Ability: RKS system (although it is kind of useless since she doesn't have the memory disks right now)
Original Appearance: Human girl with green eyes and brown hair, dyed in different neon colours
Pokémon Appearance: a normal Silvally with paint splatter-like blobs all over her body.
Personality: more in rp
Canon or OC?: OC
Other: Born on earth, adbandoned at birth and adopted by aliens from a galaxy far, far away...
Password: *repeats what I said before*
May add more characters though

Username: -Uhh
Character Name: Kiru Ronbun
Age: 16
Gender: Female - she/her
Pokémon species: Kartana
Original Universe: EnclaveI dunno what counts as a universe ^^
Original Abilities: None; she was extremely good at martial arts and fighting.
Ability: Beast Boost, and she' s fast, even for a Kartana.
Original Appearance: here
Pokémon Appearance: The normal shape of a Kartana, but the colors are different - the orange stays orange, the white turns to black and the yellow turns to purple.
Personality: She is defensive, and takes everything seriously; she can't if something is a joke or not, so always assumes it isn't. She is quick to resort to violence when needed, and often defeats her opponents because of her training.
Canon or OC?: oc
Password: Phantom, you forgot 4!
Character Name: Kiru Ronbun
Age: 16
Gender: Female - she/her
Pokémon species: Kartana
Original Universe: Enclave
Original Abilities: None; she was extremely good at martial arts and fighting.
Ability: Beast Boost, and she' s fast, even for a Kartana.
Original Appearance: here
Pokémon Appearance: The normal shape of a Kartana, but the colors are different - the orange stays orange, the white turns to black and the yellow turns to purple.
Personality: She is defensive, and takes everything seriously; she can't if something is a joke or not, so always assumes it isn't. She is quick to resort to violence when needed, and often defeats her opponents because of her training.
Canon or OC?: oc
Password: Phantom, you forgot 4!

Username: -Uhh
Character Name: Urami Mugen
Age: 18
Gender: Male - he/him
Pokémon species: Phantump
Original Universe: Marvel Universelol
Original Abilities: He had powers similar to the Scarlet Witch's - he could manipulate matter to his will, sometimes ending in extreme destruction, and instead of red, his abilities were the same color as his eyes - a turquiosey color.
Ability: He can change the season of his 'stump' - normal is Summer, Spring has flowers, Autumn has fire-colored leaves and winter has a snow could above it. He can change to these at any times, though they somehow reflect his emotions. His actual pokemon ability is Harvest.
Original Appearance: Bwoop
Pokémon Appearance: A normal Pumpkaboo, other than his blue eyes, his season-changing head and the scarf around his neck.
Personality: He is quite shy, only talking if absolutely necessary. He hides a devastating past, which may be why he is often seen looking glum, and almost zombie-like. Not much, if anything, excites him, and if it does, all you would receive was a small raise of his eyebrows. Because of all this, he is seen as strange, and on another planet.
Canon or OC?: oc
Other: Ima try a different way of writing in this rp- so where I would usually write 'he said', I'm going to try writing 'I said'; first person. :D
Password: ^^^
Character Name: Urami Mugen
Age: 18
Gender: Male - he/him
Pokémon species: Phantump
Original Universe: Marvel Universe
Original Abilities: He had powers similar to the Scarlet Witch's - he could manipulate matter to his will, sometimes ending in extreme destruction, and instead of red, his abilities were the same color as his eyes - a turquiosey color.
Ability: He can change the season of his 'stump' - normal is Summer, Spring has flowers, Autumn has fire-colored leaves and winter has a snow could above it. He can change to these at any times, though they somehow reflect his emotions. His actual pokemon ability is Harvest.
Original Appearance: Bwoop
Pokémon Appearance: A normal Pumpkaboo, other than his blue eyes, his season-changing head and the scarf around his neck.
Personality: He is quite shy, only talking if absolutely necessary. He hides a devastating past, which may be why he is often seen looking glum, and almost zombie-like. Not much, if anything, excites him, and if it does, all you would receive was a small raise of his eyebrows. Because of all this, he is seen as strange, and on another planet.
Canon or OC?: oc
Other: Ima try a different way of writing in this rp- so where I would usually write 'he said', I'm going to try writing 'I said'; first person. :D
Password: ^^^
Character Name:jolyne kujo
Gender: female
Pokémon species:meinshao/cobalion
Original Universe: jojo bizzare adventure
Original Abilities: stand user stone free (i think)
Ability: justified
Original Appearance: jolyne kujo
Pokémon Appearance: a normal female meinshao/cobalion fusion
Personality: more in rp
Canon or OC?:canon
Other:daughter of jotaro kujo and is this ok

Username: CherryDonut
Character Name: Noriaki Kakyoin
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Pokémon species: Leafeon/Cherrim (Sun) fusion.
Original Universe: JJBA/JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Original Abilities: Stand: Heirophant Green, creates emeralds and can control people's bodies.
Ability: Chlorophyll (Makes sense seeing that somehow, even though he was in the desert, he was still wearing his uniform.)
Original Appearance: Boop And he has Sunglasses
Pokémon Appearance: Is a Leafeon with cherries on his ears with cherry blossoms coming out of them like Cherrim. The Leafeon tuft goes downwards and is curly like Kakyoin's tuft of hair and is the same colour as his hair. Has scars on his two eyes and has sunglasses on the top of his head that is the same as Kakyoin's. Has a cherry on the start of his tail where it goes into a green Leafeon tail with a pink tip.
Personality: -Calm and collective
-Kind to those he trusts, but would not back down to any enemies
-Seen as shy at first, but once you get to know him, maybe he'll open up to you.
-Being alone and having no friends in his childhood has made him feel lonely, therefore he has learnt how to get good at video games and drawing from a young age.
-more in rp
Canon or OC?: Canon
Other: Alpha gamer cherry donut boy
Password: Phantom! You forgot the worst number!