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Journey beyond the horizon

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Journey beyond the horizon
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Wed, 19/08/2020 17:37 (4 Years ago)

You stand in the local bookshop. It smells like old books and you breathe in heavily. You sigh. Recentally having finished a long book series, you begin to look around to find a new story to follow. In a deserted corner, you see an old, dusty looking book.Out of curiosity, you move closer.
When you pick it up, a cloud of dust billows off the cover.
Journey Beyond The Horizon, the cover reads.
Hmm, this looks interesting, you think to yourself.
After the removal of more dust, the cover is exposed and shows a scene of two silhouetted Pokemon sailing the ocean.
You flip the book and read the blurb.

Not everybody is fit for a quiet life. Equally so, not everybody enjoys a dangerous one. Some don't like abiding to the rules.
Pix was one of the later.
Her subdued tribal life did not suit her, or her best friend Kom. But what could they do about it?
Nothing really. They would never be allowed to leave, Tabu Fini would make shure of that.
Until one day, everything changed.

You decide to take out the book and open the book to the content page.

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Chapter list

Chapter One

In an Ideal world, I will post a chapter a week but that might not happen, I dont know
Also, I am sorry if there are a ton of typos here, I will try to check but might forget.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Fri, 28/08/2020 18:19 (4 Years ago)

Chapter 1

Most days just drift by like clouds, offering nothing, completely significant. Others burn deep into your life like the searing hot sun, like a bright white moon in a black night sky and you are left wandering the ocean forever.

The rain beat down on her tent, it beat down on her harder than any other rainfall she had ever seen. Likewise er tears of frustration streamed down. It had been a long, hard day. The hardest she had ever faced, at work anyway. She sighed and pulled off her bandanna and stared at the markings on it, the patterns and memories enveloping her.
She remembered the whole day, the sunrise; the exact trees she found the berries on; the painting of the worthless, yet priceless piece of cloth; the weight the Tapu look bore down on her as she tied her patterned bandanna around her neck; the applause from everybody watching. The feeling. Oh how she could never forget the feeling of being trapped, contained. Her job and Island,they were binding now. She was a battlefield medic now.
Tap, tap-tap, tap.
Wiping her tears with her nurses bandanna, she went to the entrance of her tent. She knew who it was, Kom always used the same knock.
She breathed heavily and opened her tent up and immediately embraced her friend.
'Oh, Pix, what's wrong?' Kom the Jangmo-o asked concerned for her friend.
'Oh,' Pix sniffed, 'Just a tough day at work, you know.' A look of sadness diluted her usually joyful eyes, wich was to be expected of course. The Tapu had trusted her with one of the most significant jobs. 'I mean, its just hard, seeing all of the fainted Pokemon and them running away when you help and... and...'
The tears again.
'Shh,' Kom rubbed up against her, 'I know that I don't know but come on, you have been trusted, you even have the bandanna to prove it.' Sighing, she looked down at her friends bandanna and wondered to herself how the something could represent such joy and sadness, at the end of the day, it as just a piece of cloth.
Well, I came to get you for a slightly more upbeat reason than to cry and be all doom and gloom. There are no clouds tonight nut I mean if you don't want to then...' Nervously biting on her scales as she stood there, feeling out of place, like herself and Pix had swapped roles. Being the optimistic one was not a role she usually played, nor was accustomed to.

Up high in the sky, a being watched and smiled. Two young Pokemon, an Alolan Vulpix, a Jangmo-O bot laid out on a bed of leaves under the blanket of the stars, gazing forever into the sea of the sky, wondering what the next day will bring. How cute, he thought to himself.

'You really are the best friend I could hope for you know Kom?' Pix said quietly.
Kom nestled in closer, 'I wish I could agree but I'm not,'
'What in the name of Arceus do you mean?!?!' Jaw dropped and eyes wide, she could not fathom why. 'But you are kind, friendly, loyal, need I go on?'
'But you are all of that and more. I, I should have warned you not to take that stupid job from the stupid Tapu and I should have been there for you today, what do I know? I have the most meaningless job on the island!' It was Koms turn to sob now.
'No, just no. You'r job is still important you know, plus if the Ta-'

'Fiineeeeeee!' Like a stone dropped into water the pain and terror rippled through the peacefull island.

The two Pokemon looked at each other and ran.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Sat, 12/09/2020 19:33 (4 Years ago)

Chapter 2

As the wind ran through their fur, as it danced as they tan the scene was not one of joy or hope. Two friends, destinies intertwined like the petals on a flower tearing towards the center of Poni island, to the guardian deity, to their first in command, to their terror, woe, hope and salvation. But they had no such time for feeble emotions as fear, for in the past their dear guardian has been known to wreak havoc on their home settlement in fits of unparalleled rage. Kom especially had been privy to such disasters due to her being by day and night her personal assistant, not that she herself made time for any of her lowly subjects.
Trembling and panting, they stood in fear. Here they were. At the gates to The Fini. Her screams were louder now that they were closer, shattering the inside of their souls as if it were a mere pane of glass. Pix turned towards her friend becoming lost in the comfort of a familiar face. She considered speaking but decided against it. They knew what to do.
A curtain of vines, draped over branches like fine cloth were the only barrier between them and their screeching overlord. The grotto was a totally different environment to the rest of Poni Island, even from behind a barrier you could tell that and with one big breath, the two companions pushed aside the greenery and entered the grotto.

Unknown to the two alolan friends, above them sat a creature. He was the unnamed puppeteer, the man who sees all, knows all but does nothing and as he sat there, knowing all too well the ripple like effect that this would have on these two Pokemon's lives, he sat and watched silently, like he had seen it all before.

They stepped in, not quite confidently nor quaking. Even Km who's entire job was to help the Tabu with her every will and desire never ceased to be amazed by the splendor of he space, the plants of every color, flowing waterfalls of flora cascading down from every crevice. The actual waterfalls serene and graceful at the same time, casting rainbows on the wall. The way the sun peeped through the canopy, as if it wanted to shine the tabu in the halo that was its golden rays. And in the center of it all were two statues, each taller than both of the Pokemon who had just entered and many times more ominous and seated aloof in the center was the Guardian Deity herself, surrounded as usual by an army of crabrawler and her own personal aqua ring, she was not one to take risks, no, not at all.
Even more of a surprise was the rest of their tribes sitting obediently on the other side of the altar, gazing up at her with a mixture of terror and wonder and the realization that it was not her screech that had aroused them form their peaceful stargazing trance but a bell, an alarm of sorts a warning to those slowpokes who had yet to arrive and the screeching was Tabu Fini declaring the beginning if the meting. They were faced with the back of the Tabu, a dangerous thing to see as it usually meant you were late for something - a deadly act of treason.

Before they had time to speak, Tabu Fini turned around, facing them with a deathly stare.
She spoke in a cold, harsh voice punctuated with many a heavy sigh and it in itself was never a pleasant thing to hear.

'So, my subjects, I see you have come at last, lateness is usually not tolerated but just this once I will give you to exception, but not you,' she looked disapprovingly at Kom in a way that said that she would deal with her later before continuing, 'It is a good thing that you showed up anyway for we have some important news to share with the whole island, now go, take your seat.'