Forum Thread
Jade Mountain Academy
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Jade Mountain AcademyWelcome To The Jade Mountain Academy Sign-Up
This is a sign up and we are deciding on how many people there are going to be.

In a world where humans (known as
scavengers) are few and hidden, 6 different tribes of dragons try
to rebuild their connections with one another after the war of
Sandwing Succession. One such attempt for unity is the Jade
Mountain Academy, which is a school for all the tribes and led by
the five dragonets of the prophecy.

Characters Name:
Dragon Tribe:
Powers (If any):
Characters Name:
Dragon Tribe:
Powers (If any):
My Form(s):

Characters Name: Iceberg
Dragon tribe: Icewing
Description/Personality: Prefers to be alone and by himself and slowly needs to trust people and not social. White scales and deep blue ocean eyes With ice cube colour spikes down his back. ( Likes egret)
Powers (If any): Is A Animus (Hides It)
Other: stays away from people and hides hes emotions because hes afraid to hurt people
Characters Name: Iceberg
Dragon tribe: Icewing
Description/Personality: Prefers to be alone and by himself and slowly needs to trust people and not social. White scales and deep blue ocean eyes With ice cube colour spikes down his back. ( Likes egret)
Powers (If any): Is A Animus (Hides It)
Other: stays away from people and hides hes emotions because hes afraid to hurt people
1.All PH rules apply
2.Don't be too overpowered
3.Hybrid dragons are allowed, but only two-dragon hybrid (again, don't be too OP)
4.Nightwings may only have one power
5.No one liners
6.We have the right to decline acceptance or remove you from the RP.
7. Npcs can be used by everyone. Only admin are allowed to use them in first person
8. No cuss language even with *. violation means immediate removal from RP
9. Password is Moonwatcher, to be put in others
charecters name: brightstar
species:crossbreed nightwing sandwing
personality: anti socail will talk to freinds does not want to talk gets nervous when talking about animus stuff or whith random dragons
other: may lash out in rage ;P and trough stone or random mineral snake at you when agrivated
ice berg hey ice berg i need you its about a student
jk this is me saying pls join
Characters Name: Swamp
Dragon Tribe: Mudwing
Description/Personality: Very extroverted. Loves to make new friends, big and strong. With dark brown scales. Would protect his Egret with his life
Powers (If any): None
Other: Moonwatcher
Username: Shess15
Characters Name: Egret
Dragon Tribe: Mudwing
Description/Personality: Small, youngest of the family. Massively Shy. Always seems to be hiding behind Swamp
Powers (If any): Gets fleeting glimpses of dragon's emotions. Linked to her nightwing great-grandfather
Other: Moonwatcher
Characters Name: Sandstorm
Dragon Tribe: Sandwing (well, duh.)
Description/Personality: Has a lovely poisonous barb on his tail. Constantly disappears. Not social. Highly skilled fighter, used to be an outclaw, considers himself the best fighter in the world.
Powers (If any): None
Other: Moonwatcher
Characters Name: Flicker
Dragon Tribe: Nightwing, Icewing hybrid
Description/Personality: Friendly, shy, smart
Powers (If any): Mind reading, frost breath
Other: Very scared of her powers
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Characters Name:
Dragon Tribe:
Powers (If any):
But I suggest you have a look at this first. It has the details of the RP
character's name:rose.
dragon tribe:rainwing.
disciption:a orange rainwing with yellow spots and purple wings and frile.
persaonality:chill,loves to paint,and like making new friends.
powers:venom,and scales can change colors.

Title: Wip
Characters Name:
Dragon Tribe: Rainwing
Powers (If any):

"you were too correct"
Characters Name: Iruka
Dragon Tribe: Seawing
Description/Personality: She has splendered at the sky, though her parents never let her use her wings until they heard of the Jade Mountain Academy. Wanting to educate their daughter, they taught her how to fly so she could go to the academy. She is usually quite shy, until you get to know her.
Powers (If any): well, unique ones to her? Well, she can shoot water from her claws, and that’s pretty much it.
Other: Is there such thing as a Moonwatcher? Like, a bit like a skywatcher, but they watch the moon? Just saying!
@TheFancyOwl accepted! Seeing as sea wings haven't ever had anyone who could shoot water from their claws, there could be an interesting story to that! (Let's sea what happens)
@KAA90909 That all seems to be in order! accepted!
Characters Name: Tree Frog (Goes by Frog)
Dragon Tribe: RainWing
Description/Personality: He's a little more lean than your usual RainWing. He's still pure RainWing, but he's much smaller. He likes to tease other dragons, but only playfully. He hates it when people are angry or aggressive, and always tries to stop fights.
Powers (If any): The usual RainWing powers: Camouflage and venom
Other: Moonwatcher