Ace said feeling slightly less nervous "yeah I guess we do" He
thought to himself "Do I say it in hope of not making myself look
like a fool or do i save it for later.... Definitly Later"
Ace thought for a second "i would really like to be her friend but
what if it happens again" as thoughts of his past clouded his mind
but then he thought "that was the past i gotta look to the future
ive really changed since i started coming here" he eagerly said to
Lia "I would love to be friends" and he thought to himself "and
maybe someday even more"
Lia kept gaming, you could see she was having fun for a while but
then she got bored and looked at the time -At what time can I get
out of here?- *She thought to herself trying to figure it out*
Ace thought to himself "I wonder why she was in such a hurry,
should i follow her it cant hurt to find out why was ran out like
that" so he decided to follow her