Lia felt something then she stopped and looked at the time -That
can't be right...- *She said* -Well I already left the room, so who
cares!- *She sat down and took out her phone waiting for the next
period to start*
as Ace was playing he told Shade "Sorry but i got stuff i gotta
take care" as he picked up his bag and walked out the room"
wondering what he could do until the next Period started
*Shade signed up*
*Shade Then rushed past Lia to his locker than past Lia again with
Many unique supplies*
*And Shade ran past Lia again because he dropped his bag*
"So...What you wanna do while we wait for the contest to end" Ace
said whilst looking around and when he saw Shade holding those
supplies he said "you must really be going all out"