Forum Thread
SHOWTIME!! (Sign-Ups Closed!)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → SHOWTIME!! (Sign-Ups Closed!)!!Hey! Please remember that I’m still learning how to manage an RP, I am trying my best! If you spot a mistake politely PM/PP me to let me know!!
!!This is a Multi-Fandom RP but it revolves around Kirby. In other words: Multiple Fandoms in Kirby’s world!!
!!once every slot is filled, I’ll PP you to give you extra info about your role!!
Welcome to Daydreams and Nightmares! Dreamland’s own game show! With your host, Magolor! Seems innocent enough right? Maybe...there may just be a dark secret waiting to be revealed! Now isn’t the time to think about that yet! You need to escape, else you’ll never get to see anyone but your fellow “contestants...” LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!

1.Follow all PH rules
2.Be kind to others
3.Don’t overpower your characters,it will ruin the fun for everyone
4.Password is Spyder S T O P (Only use if you’re a contestant)
5.Crew password is Lor Starcutter (Only use if you’re a crew member)
6.One-liners are allowed, but please don’t post a whole lot (max of 5 in a row)
7.Don’t be rude
8.Max of 5 characters
9.If you leave the Palpad group, you leave the RP
10.No Spam
11.LIGHT cursing allowed (nothing horrible, this one counts as two strikes)
12.LIGHT violence allowed
!!if you break these rules, you get a strike, 3 strikes and you are banned!!
One strike: Verbal warning
Two strikes: Second verbal warning and one-day ban
Three strikes: Banned
2.Be kind to others
3.Don’t overpower your characters,it will ruin the fun for everyone
4.Password is Spyder S T O P (Only use if you’re a contestant)
5.Crew password is Lor Starcutter (Only use if you’re a crew member)
6.One-liners are allowed, but please don’t post a whole lot (max of 5 in a row)
7.Don’t be rude
8.Max of 5 characters
9.If you leave the Palpad group, you leave the RP
10.No Spam
11.LIGHT cursing allowed (nothing horrible, this one counts as two strikes)
12.LIGHT violence allowed
!!if you break these rules, you get a strike, 3 strikes and you are banned!!
One strike: Verbal warning
Two strikes: Second verbal warning and one-day ban
Three strikes: Banned
Crew members

1. Magolor (TheLonelyFalinks)
1. Gor (SilverBoi)
Head of camera staff
1.Meta Knight (TheLonelyFalinks)
Camera staff
1.Virgil and N (Talis)
2.Bowser (PerfectBidoof)
3.Starcrossed (xX_Artemis_Xx)
Head of Mic Staff
1.Silverspire (xX_Artemis_Xx)
Mic staff
1.Template (Under_Cipher)
2.Tilikedash (Zander_Warcolf)
slaves Contestants
1.Meg (shockwave65)
2.Mirage (Mijumarulover1)
3.Scarlet (Sabastian)
4.Shieri (ThePhantomWolf)
5. Kolena Arcantus (Zecarnadawn)
6. Spyder and Enigma (TheLonelyFalinks)
1. Magolor (TheLonelyFalinks)
1. Gor (SilverBoi)
Head of camera staff
1.Meta Knight (TheLonelyFalinks)
Camera staff
1.Virgil and N (Talis)
2.Bowser (PerfectBidoof)
3.Starcrossed (xX_Artemis_Xx)
Head of Mic Staff
1.Silverspire (xX_Artemis_Xx)
Mic staff
1.Template (Under_Cipher)
2.Tilikedash (Zander_Warcolf)
1.Meg (shockwave65)
2.Mirage (Mijumarulover1)
3.Scarlet (Sabastian)
4.Shieri (ThePhantomWolf)
5. Kolena Arcantus (Zecarnadawn)
6. Spyder and Enigma (TheLonelyFalinks)
What each crew member does

Host: controls everything runs
the “show”
Co-host:gets rid of unwilling contestants helps run the
Camera staff:makes sure that the slaves stay on set Makes
sure the participants are able to be seen
Mic staff:makes sure the screams are heard makes sure
everyone is heard, and knows their lines, also do sound editing
Participants:trying to escape helping make the show
Camera staff:
Mic staff:
Fandoms that can be used

1.Pokemon (duh)
3.Bendy and the Ink Machine
5.Hat in Time
7.Super Smash Bros
8.Don’t Starve
9.Animal Crossing
10.Gravity Falls
11.Stranger Things
12.Wings of Fire
14.Star VS. the Forces of Evil
19.Steven Universe
!!These are the only fandoms that can be used!!
3.Bendy and the Ink Machine
5.Hat in Time
7.Super Smash Bros
8.Don’t Starve
9.Animal Crossing
10.Gravity Falls
11.Stranger Things
12.Wings of Fire
14.Star VS. the Forces of Evil
19.Steven Universe
!!These are the only fandoms that can be used!!

!!Your characters can be OCs or Canon
There can be relationships, as long as they’re not the main point of the characters or their respective stories
Also you can RP as character’s pets!!
Character name:
Crew position:
Appearance: (Picture or description)
Backstory: (completely optional)
Relationships: (friendships or other, if any)
Talents: (powers or other)
Other: (password + anything else I might need to know)
Appearance: (picture)
Crew position:
There can be relationships, as long as they’re not the main point of the characters or their respective stories
Also you can RP as character’s pets!!
Character name:
Crew position:
Appearance: (Picture or description)
Backstory: (completely optional)
Relationships: (friendships or other, if any)
Talents: (powers or other)
Other: (password + anything else I might need to know)
Appearance: (picture)
Crew position:
My Forms

Username: TheLonelyFalinks
Character name: Spyder
Fandom: Kirby
Gender: Female
Personality: quite shy and anxious, introverted, though is very extroverted with friends, very quiet, very protective, can seem rather pessimistic sometimes
Appearance: has three forms 1.Taranza-like 2.Human 3.humanoid (basically a mix of the previous two)
1. White hair, horns that curve around, horns are orange with a brown stripe in the middle and yellow from the stripe to the tips of the horns, mouth is always in kind of a “:3” shape, yellow eyes, no eyes on forehead, wears a white scarf, wears glasses
2. White hair, no horns, wears a black hoodie, wears jeans, wears glasses
3.Basically Taranza-like forms but with arms and legs
Backstory: (completely optional)
Relationships: TBRP
Talents: Puppetry, able to spawn string from hands
Other: Spyder S T O P! Looks up to Meta Knight
Username: TheLonelyFalinks
Character name: Enigma
Fandom: Kirby
Gender: Male, but no one can really tell until he tells them
Personality: Rather secretive, appears kind
Appearance: Wears a green and white cloak, has yellow hands and feet, no legs, yellow eyes
Backstory: He was a mad scientist that created an evil monster and got fired because of it (I’ll elaborate in the future)
Relationships: TBRP
Talents: Can levitate objects
Other: worked as royal scientist, still works as scientist. Spyder S T O P
Name: Magolor
Crew position: Host
Other:Lor Starcutter
Name: Meta Knight
Appearance: Here
Crew position: Camera staff
Other: Lor Starcutter
Character name: Spyder
Fandom: Kirby
Gender: Female
Personality: quite shy and anxious, introverted, though is very extroverted with friends, very quiet, very protective, can seem rather pessimistic sometimes
Appearance: has three forms 1.Taranza-like 2.Human 3.humanoid (basically a mix of the previous two)
1. White hair, horns that curve around, horns are orange with a brown stripe in the middle and yellow from the stripe to the tips of the horns, mouth is always in kind of a “:3” shape, yellow eyes, no eyes on forehead, wears a white scarf, wears glasses
2. White hair, no horns, wears a black hoodie, wears jeans, wears glasses
3.Basically Taranza-like forms but with arms and legs
Backstory: (completely optional)
Relationships: TBRP
Talents: Puppetry, able to spawn string from hands
Other: Spyder S T O P! Looks up to Meta Knight
Username: TheLonelyFalinks
Character name: Enigma
Fandom: Kirby
Gender: Male, but no one can really tell until he tells them
Personality: Rather secretive, appears kind
Appearance: Wears a green and white cloak, has yellow hands and feet, no legs, yellow eyes
Backstory: He was a mad scientist that created an evil monster and got fired because of it (I’ll elaborate in the future)
Relationships: TBRP
Talents: Can levitate objects
Other: worked as royal scientist, still works as scientist. Spyder S T O P
Name: Magolor
Crew position: Host
Other:Lor Starcutter
Name: Meta Knight
Appearance: Here
Crew position: Camera staff
Other: Lor Starcutter
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”
Pfp is by -Loki
This isn't edited very often-
Title: first
Character name: Fawna/gL!TcHp@w
Fandom: FNAF
Gender: Female
Crew position: Contestant
Personality: Fawna is kind and helpful, while Glitch won't hesitate to cut your throat.
Appearance: (Picture or description) Fawna: Boop!
gL!TcHp@w: Check my profile. It's Glitch.
Backstory: (completely optional) Still working on it.
Relationships: (friendships or other, if any)
Talents: (powers or other) She can change into gL!TcHp@w and I can tell you the rest seperatley.
Other: (password + anything else I might need to know) Spyder S T O P
character name: meg
fandom: wof
aperance:blond girl with greenish grayish wings
personality:brave but shy
backstory: was builled for being half dragon
friends: cliff *skwing and moon *nightwing
talents: can breath fire and is really good painter

@shockwave95 I need you to add a couple more things!
I changed the password because I forgot to do so earlier
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”
Pfp is by -Loki
This isn't edited very often-
Character name: Mirage
Fandom: Pokémon
Gender: male
Crew position: contestant
Personality: Mirage seems quite kind at first glance, but... is he hiding something? Only he knows.
Appearance: here
with a small bandana with the "Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon" logo on it, wearing it like a scarf
Backstory: Like other Mewtwo, Mirage was man-made. Unlike them, however, this one was made in a toy factory in Kanto as a tie-in to the special celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Pokémon franchise, "Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon". After his creation, some people in lab coats arrived, wanting to see the Mewtwo. Mirage's creators refused, so the strangers took the little guy by force. They took him to a laboratory, where they did experiments on him in an attempt to bring him to life. After the experiments were completed, he had gained sentience. The scientists eventually did some tests on Mirage, testing his strength and durability. The tests were neverending, eventually pushing the Mewtwo to blast away the wall with Aura Sphere and escape. He likes his newfound freedom, but deep in his industrial heart, he hopes to see his creators someday.
Relationships: because of what happened in his past, Mirage doesn't trust people easily
Talents: Mirage can use Roar, Psychic, Flash, and Aura Sphere. In order for him to use any of these, he requires three LR44 button-cell batteries, near the base and underside of his tail.
Other: Spyder S T O P; also, Mirage DESPISES Water-types, water-based attacks, and water in general

Sprites made by MetalHeadKendra, CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen, and froge, respectively. All credit goes to them. PFP is an image of Oshawott from the Pokémon manga.
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”
Pfp is by -Loki
This isn't edited very often-

Sprites made by MetalHeadKendra, CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen, and froge, respectively. All credit goes to them. PFP is an image of Oshawott from the Pokémon manga.
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”
Pfp is by -Loki
This isn't edited very often-
Name: Kirby (Nickname Kirb, Kirbo, Shadow Kirby, Meta Kirby)
Appearance: Kirby model from Smash Ultimate, Shadow Kirby from Star Allies (it’s a thing), Meta Kirby skin from Ultimate
Other: Kirby but with abilities from all games/appearances (For example, Shadow Kirby from Amazing Mirror or Meta Kirby from the Smash Bro’s series)
Extra abilities / OP abilities like U. Sword are nerfed, characters like bosses take less damage, Hypernova swallows object after 5 seconds, Robotbot armor nerfed, no Friend Star
Abilities: Can have abilities at any time in certain conditions, if no copy ability active, Smash ability takes over with full moveset from Ultimate, can have abilities from characters in SB universe, but only the move Kirby can steal.
Pass: Spyder STOP, Lor Starcutter
Twitter: pixlyJolt (@pixlblox9099)
Facebook: Joshua Sullano
Username: SilverBoi
Character name: Gor
Fandom: Kirby
Gender: Male
Crew position: Co host
Personality: He's kind, but tough and strong, he's not afraid of much
Appearance: He's dark pink, chubby, 2'3, Wears a purple vest with bright yellow stars(Picture or description)
Backstory: (completely optional)
Relationships: Spyder (friendships or other, if any)
Talents: Has a magic staff, he can suck up air and float (powers or other)
Other: Spyder S T O P, Lor Starcutter (password + anything else I might need to know)
@pixlyJolt what part of the crew do ya wanna be?
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”
Pfp is by -Loki
This isn't edited very often-
Host: runs the “show”
Co-host: helps run the “show”
Camera staff:
Mic staff:
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”
Pfp is by -Loki
This isn't edited very often-
Character name: Silverspire
Fandom: Warriors
Gender: female
Crew position: Mic person thingie
Personality: Friendly, intense, calm
Appearance: black pelt with silver markings and blue eyes
Backstory: (completely optional)
Relationships: (friendships or other, if any)
Talents: She can melt into shadows and create shadows intense enough to block sounds
Other: Lor StarCutter
Agent Fallows, signing out~
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”
Pfp is by -Loki
This isn't edited very often-
Username: Under_Cipher
Character name: Template
Fandom: Undertale
Gender: Female
Crew position: Mic Staff
Personality: Just here to do the job, nothing more. Serious, funny, a little bossy.
Appearance: (Picture or description) Femal Error
Backstory: (completely optional)
Relationships: (friendships or other, if any) Cross- Boyfriend
Talents: (powers or other) The ability to be able to glitch into different AUs
Other: (password + anything else I might need to know) Spyder S T O P, Lor Starcutter

"woah! that's swag dude!"
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”
Pfp is by -Loki
This isn't edited very often-
Character name: scarlet
Fandom: undertale
Crew position:participant
Personality:lazy until she hangry or hungry or angry then she gets violent
Appearance: (Picture or description)her
What attacks look like:what the bones are replaced with
what gaster blaster are replaced with
Backstory: (completely optional)
Relationships: (friendships or other, if any)
Talents: (powers or other)gaster blasters and "short cuts"
Other: (password + anything else I might need to know)Spyder S T O P shes from an au i made up because yes but the sans of her au
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”
Pfp is by -Loki
This isn't edited very often-