Princess turned her head at the crystals forming beside her,
causing her headdress to sparkle a bit. "Oh, sometimes I make large
diamonds without noticing. You can keep them if you want, as goes
with any diamonds I create."
"That's awesome! If it isn't a bother... Can you make a bunch of
diamonds? I love to craft necklaces, scarves, etc! In fact... On
the outskirts of town lies my burnt tree! There you will find me
when I'm not busy.... Bring me materials and I'll make you things
to wear!"
"Oh, not at all. It's easy." Princess had spent most her entire
life learning how to make diamonds with the diancie half of her
powers, to the point where she could literally make them in her
sleep, without even noticing. "Once I find a place to stay, my room
will be filled with them anyways." She smiled and began leaving the
"I know some trees you can live in! You will obviously be living
better than me! I don't even have a roof... just a burnt tree....
where my family died...."