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Words of the Day

Forum-Index Diaries Words of the Day
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Fri, 26/06/2020 01:44 (3 Years ago)
Hey everyone! I recently made a post with a collection of interesting words, and thought it might be cool to make a forum where I could share the new words I learned, to encourage me to learn new words, and you as well! So, if you're interested in learning a few new words each day, feel free to subscribe to this forum (but please don't post anything), and I'll post some interesting words I find, as well as their meanings!

Friday, June 26th, 2020, Day 1

1. Lionize - To treat someone like a celebrity (Really majestic, nice sounding word in my opinion)

2. Vacuous - Mindless, or not showing or having intelligence

3. Abet - To help or encourage someone to do the wrong thing, like a crime

4. Aibohphobia - The fear of palindromes (Ironic)

5. Ailurophile - Someone who loves cats; a cat lover (Thats me! Also, fun fact: the ancient greeks called Bastet, the Egyptian cat goddess, Ailuros, which is where I'm pretty sure this word comes from)
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Sat, 27/06/2020 00:08 (3 Years ago)
Saturday, June 27th, 2020, Day 2

1. Primp - To spend time making small adjustment to your appearance, like your hair, clothes, or makeup

2. Nonplussed - So confused and surprised that you don’t know how to react (Im nonplussed that there's a word for this feeling)

3. Complicit - Involved in a crime/illegal practice or wrongdoing with others

4. Benign - Kind or gentle (I’ve heard this word a lot but only learned what it meant recently, and let me tell you, it like the opposite of what I thought it was)

5. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - The fear of long words (Once again, an ironic phobia)

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Sun, 28/06/2020 00:36 (3 Years ago)
Sunday, June 28th, 2020, Day 3

1. Amscray - An old, informal way to say leave quickly, or scram

2. Requiem - An action of remembrance (and the 5th Dear Evan Hansen song title haha)

3. Askance - Suspiciously or skeptically

4. Partisan - (Noun) A strong supporter of a person or party, or (Adjective) prejudiced in favour of a certain cause.

5. Notwithstanding - In spite of/nevertheless

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 02:37 (3 Years ago)
Monday, June 29th, 2020, Day 4

1. Squalor - The state of being dirty because of poverty or neglect

2. Treatise - A written piece dealing with a specific subject

3. Astute - Able to accurately assess a situation or people and use this to your advantage

4. Destitute - Without the basic things that you need in life, like food or water.

5. Restitution - Restoration of something to its original form, or the restoration of something to its true owner.

(Oh yeah, did you notice that all of these words can be found in the song ‘Alexander Hamilton’ in Hamilton?)

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 23:45 (3 Years ago)
Tuesday, June 30th, 2020, Day 5

1. Intransigent - Not willing to change your opinion or views

2. Anemoia - Nostalgia for something you’ve never known or had ( I think I’ve had this many, many times, but then again, I suck at identifying emotions XD)

3. Ephemeral - Lasting for just a short time

4. Covenant - An agreement, promise or contract

5. Eglaf - A word that has no meaning, but can be used in place of any other word (this one is especially cool to me)

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Thu, 02/07/2020 00:06 (3 Years ago)
Wednesday, July 1st, 2020, Day 6

1. Animosity - Hostility

2. Verbose - Expressed using more words than needed

3. Superfluous - Unnecessary (too much, isn’t needed)

4. Farrago - A diverse mix

5. Vernacular - A dialect/language spoken by the majority of people in a particular region/area

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Fri, 03/07/2020 03:08 (3 Years ago)
Thursday, July 2nd, 2020, Day 7

1. Despondent - Feeling down because of lost courage and/or hope

2. Divisive - Causes hostility or disagreements between different people

3. Indecisive - Not able to make quick decisions (Looking at you, A. Burr)

4. Ambiguous - Unclear, or having more than one meaning, specifically with language

5. Equivocate - Using ambiguous language to hide the truth or your opinion (Look, the previous word is found in the definition!)

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Fri, 03/07/2020 21:12 (3 Years ago)
Friday, July 3rd, 2020, Day 8

1. Revel - (Verb) To enjoy yourself with lively dancing and drinking, or (Noun) a party/festivity with lively dancing and drinking

2. Grievance - A real or imagined wrongdoing that causes protest or complaint, such as unfair treatment

3. Confer - To have a discussion, especially exchange opinions, or to grant or bestow something such as a title, degree, etc

4. Homily - A religious writing or speaking intended for spiritual education; a sermon

5. Inimitable - Unique and unusual, impossible to copy

(A form of all of these words are from Hamilton again haha; the movie came out today on Disney +, so it's appropriate)

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2020 16:17 (3 Years ago)
Saturday, July 4th, 2020, Day 9

1. Fervor - Strong, intense feeling (Honestly I really like this word; I should use it more often)

2. Slumming - To spend time lower than your rank or social level, usually because of curiosity

3. Rabble - An unorganized crowd, or a mob (Heed not the rabble...)

4. Zeal - Energy and enthusiasm for a cause

5. Ardent - Passionate and enthusiastic

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Mon, 06/07/2020 00:31 (3 Years ago)
Sunday, July 5th, 2020, Day 10

1. Estrangement - The fact of not being part of a certain group or being on good or friendly terms anymore

2. Emancipate - To set someone free from restrictions, be it social, legal or political

3. Mediocrity - The state of being mediocre, or someone who has mediocre skills and traits (AKA Me)

4. Candidacy - The fact of being considered for a certain position, generally in an election

5. Reticent - Not readily or freely showing your thoughts

(Guess what! Once again… every word here is found in Hamilton XD Or a version of the word, like singular or a different verb conjugation)

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Mon, 06/07/2020 14:22 (3 Years ago)
Monday, July 6th, 2020, Day 11

1. Exacerbated - Made worse

2. Syntax - The arrangement of words and phrases to make proper sentences in language

3. Tepid - Slightly warm, usually relating to liquids (I have a sneaking suspicion that this word helped play a part in the naming of a certain fire pig starter pokemon, though I may be totally wrong)

4. Rubbernecking - Turning your head to stare at something

5. Machismo - Aggressive masculine pride

(Today, all of the words can be found in… surprisingly not Hamilton this time; but instead from another one of my favourite musicals, also by Lin Manuel Miranda: In the Heights! Its underrated and outshone by Hamilton; I do prefer Hamilton but that's besides the point, I think you should check it out, and I’ll stop talking now)

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 02:41 (3 Years ago)
Tuesday, July 7th, 2020, Day 12

1. Sepulchral - Gloomy, or relating to a tomb, funeral or burial

2. Abibliophobia - The fear of being out of things to read (Back to some phobias! And I don’t have this, but it’s certainly annoying and disheartening when I run out; I’m a bookworm XD)

3. Scrutiny - Meticulous observation/examination

4. Meticulous. - Thorough, precise and careful, with great attention to detail (Look, it’s used in the definition above! Also, tiny Lion King reference; it's the only piece of media where I’ve actually heard the word)

5. Tenacity - The quality of being able to firmly grip, or determination/persistence (Another Lion King reference, once again to ‘Be Prepared’! “Meticulous planning, tenacity spanning, decades of denial is simply why I’ll…”)

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2020 14:48 (3 Years ago)
Wednesday, July 8th, 2020, Day 13

1. Palomino - A tan or golden breed of horse with a whilte tail and mane, bred originally in the southwestern part of the USA (I’m honestly not sure why I chose this word, but it sounds cool… oh wait. It’s in Newsies. I listened to newsies today. Nevermind XD Still sounds cool though)

2. Apricity - The warmth/heat of the sun in winter (Didn’t know there was a word for this, but there is and that's great)

3. Cantankerous - Irritating/annoying and/or hard to deal with

4. Nyctophile - Someone who loves darkness

5. Nyctophobe - Someone who fears darkness (thought it would be cool to demonstrate how for phobias and philias, you need just a prefix, and then you add the phile/philia or phobe/phobia)

(Aaahhh I forgot to put these words yesterday, so sorry! I really want to keep the once a day thing though, so pretend I uploaded these yesterday, and get ready for a double dose of words today!)

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Fri, 10/07/2020 03:35 (3 Years ago)
Thursday, July 9th, 2020, Day 14

1. Soliloquy - In a play/show; the act of speaking your thoughts out loud alone, but for the audience to hear (You know I was thinking about musicals when I chose this one haha)

2. Pang - A sudden, sharp emotion; usually of pain, or a negative feeling, such as sadness or guilt

3. Coerce - To persuade someone to do something by using force or threats

4. Bereaved - Deprived of a close/loved one, like a friend or family member; usually through their death (Sad word)

5. Inveterate - Having a habit/activity established for a long time, and isn’t likely to change (Example cause this one seems a bit confusing to use: ‘They were an inveterate liar’, meaning that they lie out of habit, and aren’t likely to change that habit.

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Fri, 17/07/2020 01:24 (3 Years ago)
Sorry I haven't been updating this regularly, y'all! I've sort of lost motivation...

However, I'll still look for unique words! I'll post them one at a time, but I'll do my best to update regularly. Sorry, and thanks for staying with me!

Gesticulating: Using dramatic gestures to emphasis words when speaking (y'know, when you move you hands while you're speaking to try and show your point)
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2020 01:19 (3 Years ago)
Y'all'dve'f'i'd've - A contraction for 'You wall would have if I would have'
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2020 15:14 (3 Years ago)
Cairn - A pile of stones, usually built high up and usually built as a memorial or landmark
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2020 23:11 (3 Years ago)
Aquiece - To accept something reluctantly, but without complaining (Honestly this one could be pretty useful...)
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Fri, 24/07/2020 16:42 (3 Years ago)
Chimerical - Hoped for, but impossible to attain/achieve
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 304
Posted: Sun, 26/07/2020 16:56 (3 Years ago)
Elucidate - To explain or make clear