Anthony looked away from Holly, grasping his arms. "But it's not
fine. I- you weren't the only one I attacked that night." He
whimpered, shutting his eyes and pressing his palms to his eyes.
Holly looks sadly at Anthony. She gives him a hug. "It IS fine."
she murmurs. "Remember the story about that werewolf named Remus
Lupin? And how his friends didn't desert him?" she asks.
Aurora ignores the comment. She frowns again, but not at Sam.
His smile has a grip on me <3
Agent Fallows, signing out~
"That's different! He never- I-!" Anthony couldn't speak anymore,
instead reduced to hysteric gasping. He felt like he was going to
cry, but the tears never came, leaving only the tightness in his
Anthony shook his head. He didn't want to talk about it, to
remember it. He just tucked his knees into his chest, the screaming
of an innocent Gryffindor chaser ringing in his head.
Aurora's thinking about a very complicated theory in which people
use to return souls to people who get the kiss. Would it work to
return someone's happiness?
Holly looked at Anthony. "Is there something you aren't telling
me?" she asks quietly.
His smile has a grip on me <3
Agent Fallows, signing out~
"I was at the wrong place at the wrong time, I got caught by a
bunch of death eaters. James tried to kill me, and I was imperio'd
to the forbidden forest. There, another death eater. An adult this
time, tried to kill me. I guarded myself using a spell I had
created. The spell klled my patronus and left me wantig, then I
killed that guy. Thats it"
I might sould like a bot, but I'm alive P.H. Times
Anthony shook his head. "I don't think that's a good idea. I'm able
to take the wolfsbane correctly most of the time. Besides, you
could get seriously hurt."
"That doesn't change the fact I hurt you. Had I managed to bite
you, you'd be dealing with this stupid thing too, and that's only
if you end up living." Anthony huffed, throwing his arms out as if
it helped prove his point.