Forum Thread
The Ultimate Vengence, A Legendary RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Ultimate Vengence, A Legendary RPJack goes over to Bri and sits down to relax. He sighs, happy to have a friend like him and to be with a legendary that he knew.
Luke passes the human children and goes out of the cave, looking for someone to try and get: Giovanni.
Fyssi watched Jack on the bubble. "Is he okay? I didn't get any more medicine, but I still have money left over." The shadow lugia's voice was a whisper, carrying over to the others without waking Farore, who was asleep safety now.
Luke jumps from tree to tree. He thinks he got rid of the childish side, which was good. Now he was all serious. He goes to where he remembers the place where Tam Rocket was at, then knocks on the doors. After that he jumped up and got two rocks that could knock out the grunts that came to answer it.
Blue sees Luke pass by quickly. "Who was that?" he asked.
Blue then says to Flick, "So, how did you get to be like that?" His instincts think Team Rocket but there were other teams too, but Team Rocket was the most obvious choice.
Luke sees the grunts come out. He drops the rocks and the grunts are kocked out. He enters the base, hoping to find Giovanni somewhere inside.
"Too late, we're going. Watch Farore, okay?" her voice was fair, but that was not a request at all, coming from a OPT mother. She attempted to help support Bri in case he fell trying to get out of the cave. She could see Flick still facing the humans. The moon was rising.
Jack just sits there watching Farore, bored out of his mind.
Luke makes it in the base and then yells, "Giovanni, come out and face me like a man."
Flick stared at the children for a while. "Alright, then...except for the fact that we don't exactly need protecting..." His tail had stopped flicking as hard. "Who are you, anyway? Aside from Silver, could have sworn I know you from somewhere, but I can't quite place my finger on it..." He studied them closely with his gaze.
Red said nothing, his pikachu had sparks flying from its cheeks, glaring at Flick.
Fyssi emerged into the open, she stopped silent at Flick's question, and stared at the children. before allowing them inside, she supposed it wouldn't be a bad idea for them to know who they were just, letting in... Her gaze was kinder and less scrutinizing than Flick's, but her eyes were asking the same question as Bri went past. "Be quick, it's night." She whispered to him.
Blue says, "I'm the gym leader of the Viridian Gym and my name is Blue." he says, then goes inside the cave.
Jack sees Bri. "You know you didn't have to get it for me." he says.
Fyssi put a claw on Flick's shoulder. "Let them in, Flick. Just for the night. I want to know why they are here." She glances at the sky. "We all need sleep."
Most of the shadow pokemon were fine. A houndoom jumps on Luke, biting his shoulder. A flygon uses iron tail, knocking him to the ground. The woman shook her head. "Well, boys! Looks like a wild idiot has appeared!" She motioned to her Liepard. "Miko, play rough." The cat pokemon obeyed, mercilessly beating the dragon pokemon up.
Jack relaxes, as he is almost been put to sleep. He lets Bri comfort him, happy that he is being healed but upset that he needs it.
Blue says thank you to Fyssi and says to everyone, “Come on in. We can stay the night here.” and then walks in with the rest of the group.