Could you draw my something?
Please draw: Pixel Drawing with shading(type of graphic)
It should be in size of: Whatever's easiest for you!
It should contain: Him in this pose
Price: 90k (I read that humanoid things are difficult, I presume
that counts to humanoid pokemon...? So here's more for the
The password is peace and quiet!
Could you draw my something?
Please draw:with shading pixel drawing
It should be in size of what works best
It should contain Lace reading a romance book with an goofy smile
on his face
Price: 60k pd
The password is Sleep
Could you draw my something?
Please draw: a two frame animated avatar
It should be in size of 150 x 150
It should contain my girl rose~
Price: 70k
The password is a n i m a l c r o s s i n g hehehehe...
Could you draw my something?
Please draw: Shaded Pixel Drawing
It should be in size of your choice!
It should contain: one of them. I need art of all, so it’s your choice :)
Price: 300k?
The password is borbs
Could you draw my something?
Please draw: Two frame animated avatar (normal), please
It should be in size of 150 x 150
It should contain Rose Kitty
Price: 70,000 PD
The password is kitties!
Could you draw my
Please draw: Character drawing ( flat pixel drawing; fullbody)
It should be in size of: you pick whatever size you want
It should contain this cute boy
Price: PD+tip
The password is plushies