Forum Thread
Shut down
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shut downMade By:Fortychimp09
Hello welcome to the shop we sell pokemon that we agree to breed we reserve the right to refuse our services to anyone if your ok with that then continue
If you break the rules once you get a warning if you break them twice then you will be banned
Rules: 1 all pokeheros rules apply 2 don't rush the breeders 3 only people who say they will breed shinys will get you shinys 4 all staff keep the money they make as payment for working here 5 prices are completely up to the breeders 6 if you want to buy from me go to my boxes and look in the breeders pairs thats all i sell 7 staff get a 20% discount 8 put a price on what your selling so people know how much they are paying 9 if you don't within a week of joining the shop you will be removed from the group
Feel free to try to pay with nuggets poke dollars any mystery boxes with keys
Forms are the following
Pokemon wanted:
Side note not all the staff is breeders
Staff:Omnibork charstar13 Theapple Dragon-Bork-Z xX_Artemis_Xx Nickit_Off_The_Top Pokemon19984 LukeArch87 kylerules123
If you would like to join the shop then use #borkshop also please make a box of breeding pairs so customers can see what your selling
Pokemon you want:
The price is 900-1,000 Pd for one regular feebas!
also chespin at 2500 to 5000 also scorbunny at 2500 to 5000 nicket for 500 to 1500 also Eiscue at 1000 to 3000 also poliwag 500 to 1500 and tentacool 500 and retro chicorita 2500 to 5000 and qwilfish 1000 to 1500 and vulpix (Alolan) 500 to 1500 ralts 1000 to 1500 also riolu 500 to 1500 also torchic 2500 5000
to pay in keys and boxes just count the sell price for them and give that much if you pay over you will get your extra that was spent back my breeding box
This leads to the creator of this profile picture goomybr
Contact goomybr if you want to use poke dollars
To buy awsome images like this one

im not obsessed with anime you are
Event breeding: will have to wait until shiny hunt is over, but I have rodeo scraggy, pharraloin and coocoot. around 10000 pd, can negotiate.
Will take shiny slots for eevee, and for my next hunt, honedge.

I have multiple breeding pairs so I can hatch many types of pokemon including:
~ 200 (M)
~ 500 (F)
~ 250 (M)
~ 400 (F)
~ 75 (M)
~ 100 (F)
~ 100 (M)
~ 100 (F)
~ 500 (M)
~ 500 (F)
Raticate (Regular & Alolan Male, Regular female)
~ 75 (M)
~ 100 (F)
~ 75 (M)
~ 100 (F)
Magikarp (Calico male, regular female) Male is featured below
~ 100 (M)
~ 250 (M Pattern)
~ 100 (F)
~ 300 (F Pattern)
Vivillion (Male polar, females are Sun, Modern, Archipelgo) Pictures in order
~ 100 (M)
~ 200 (M Pattern)
~ 100 (F)
~ 200 (F Pattern)
You can also request to have me breed a specific pokemon if you have the pokemon that would breed with one of mine. PM for details.
Male Riolu for 300 PD
Female Riolu for 600 PD
Combee for 300 PD
Weedle for 200 PD
Bulbasaur for 1,000 PD
Treecko for 1,000 PD
Male Eevee for 300 PD
Female Eevee for 600 PD
Gastly for 400 PD
Ponyta for 400 PD
Male Absol for 300 PD
Female Absol for 600 PD
Yamper for 400 PD
Rookidiee for 400 PD
Male Ralts for 600 PD
Female Ralts for 900 PD
I will take normal and shiny breeding requests.
Shiny pokemon range from 10,000 to 50,000 PD or 100 to 500 nuggets.
Please PalPad me if you are interested.
Thank you. :D
So that OmniBork and I can interview you!
Female Absol 1000 PD
Tenacool 500 PD
Machamp 300 PD
Gastly 200 PD
Eevee 500 PD
Sneasal 200 PD
Litwick 100 PD
Shinx 100 PD
Rockruff 100 PD
Applin 100 PD
Grookey 700 PD
Sorry will not accept shiny breeding requests. Shiny requests will be comeing soon.
Thank you
Female Absol 1000 PD
Tenacool 500
Machamp 1000 PD
Gastly 1000 PD
Eevee 3000 PD
Sneasal 1000 PD
Litwick 1000 PD
Shinx 1000 PD
Rockruff 1000 PD
Applin 1000 PD
Grookey 2000 PD
Sorry will not accept shiny breeding requests. Shiny requests will be comeing soon.
Thank you
Mega Able Feebas- 90,000 pd or 60 nuggets
Shiny Feebas- 170,000 pd or 113 nuggets
Shiny Mega Able Feebas- 8,000,000 pd or 5,333 nuggets or 1 Ditto
Regular Feebas- 800pd
Listen here! I have the following breeding pairs, if you want one of them don't hesitate to tell me!
1. Butterfree
2. Vulpix
3. Basculin
4. Vivillon
5. Gogoat
7. Lycanroc (x2)
8. Toxtricity
Agent Fallows, signing out~
This leads to the creator of this profile picture goomybr
Contact goomybr if you want to use poke dollars
To buy awsome images like this one

im not obsessed with anime you are