"Ok, a couple of berries coming up..." He holds the in his teeth
and walks to her "Well Umm...can you eat with hooves? I'd
imagine it would be hard. Hmmm"
"Haha, me too." He thought to himself. He should likely eat
something normal in front of her, he can't eat Mareep in front of a
stranger... "Well, I'll go get myself some too, I'm staving.
"Hmmm...everything just feels better than before now and I don't
know know why..." He paused and looked at Ally, and smiled. He
went to another room and got a blanket. He came back and threw it
over her.
His heart felt warm. As if the hunger just, faded. He didn't
know this feeling, but it made him feel safe. However, he did get
hungry soon. He went to his fridge. One more Mareep wouldn't hurt
him, right? He dragged it over to his room and started to eat
"Really?" He walked over and lied down close to her "Well,
your herd can come up with some beautiful songs then. Gosh..."
He seemed slightly bothered by something but contenued to smile