He looked at Ally at his side, and frowned a tad bit. "Hey
it's ok...once we get to my house there isn't going to be anyone
there to mess with you. I hate it when it happens to anyone..."
"Haha, of course I'm going to worry some bit if you are injured
like that." He sighed and looked the the entrance of his
house. "Alas, we have arrived" He opened the door and
allowed Ally in. He hasn't ever invited someone to his house. It
was rather lonesome where he lived all alone. He guessed nobody
wanted to stay with a weirdo like him until now "Ah, stay
anywhere you like. How am I going to help that leg of yours..."
He trailed off
"Alright then." He began trying to lay the ice pack on her leg.
He was able to make it stay put there "Hmm, should do some more
research on how I can help you. Whatever happened, it messed that
leg up kinda bad...I'm sorry..."
"So much has happened today...man...I meet a Indeedee that was
looking for a necklace, the towns people messed with me and that
brave small one, but the Indeedee helped us...and I went in the
woods looking for food and found you..." He panicked from two
things in his last statement "N-Not that you are actually
bothering me I am so sorry-"
Oh god, he followed her scent because of his slight amount of
bloodthirst. He really needed to take a break from the meat. He
hoped she didn't think he wanted to hunt her.
"A-Ah you're probably hungry aren't you? Would you like something?"
"A-Ah, I'll take that as a yes...hmm what do Deerlings eat..."
He turned away, slightly embrassed that he too may accidently
show himself blushing. He started to wonder why he didn't just kill
her or leave her at first. He started to feel fuzzy. "Hmm...you
would like something plant related is my guess?"
He cracked up "Yeah, I can't understand how people like
those...reminds me of PokeSchool where some of those kids would eat
them in class all the time. Ugh..." He looks to his fridge
"Berries, berries, berries...well all I have is Sitrus ones right