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An Afternoon with Eevee and Friends

Forum-Index Roleplay An Afternoon with Eevee and Friends
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Fri, 21/02/2020 12:31 (4 Years ago)
The sun was shining bright over Nymphi Valley as a train pulled into the station near the top of the valley. It was here that most of our fun friends came from each day to play with each other, a safe place hidden away from humans and inaccessable to big pokemon. From the train station Parent pokemon could be seen waving or hugging their little ones before they went to play.

One pokemon however didn't have to take the train to get to Nymphi Valley, for she lived there with her Mom. That was Elora, and she was eager as always to greet her friends early in the day as she did every day, waiting to see what adventures they could make up today.

"Oooh! I hope they get off the train soon! I want to see my friends again!" Elora said happily to herself as she watched several pokemon leave the station. Her tail started wagging happily as she saw the other pokemon finally start leaving the station.

Sebastian, a Shiny Rowlet, was usually first from the train to make it into the Valley as he flew over the heads of the other pokemon, rather quickly taking a perch upon a low branch near Elora as he waited for their friends to show up, giving a light coo sound as he waited patiently for the others.

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for context, Nymphi Valley is similar to the wild area in Sword and Shield, however much smaller and is typically only accessible by the train that arrives each morning and evening.

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Fri, 21/02/2020 12:49 (4 Years ago)
"Now now my dear," a suave french voice could be heard as Laquiox, a shiny female Inteleon, knelt down to gently hold her son in her arm, lightly kissing his forehead. "Be good and do whatever Miss Millie or Mr. Blitzo tells you..Am I clear?"

"Crystal!" The small Sobble smiled brightly as he raised his arms happily, his neckerchief lightly covering his mouth a little before he gently using his little feet to lower it from his mouth. "D-don't worry!"

He could hear his mom's low chuckle as she gently stroked his head frill. "I know you will, Marcel." she lightly smiled. "Now off with you." She gently stood back up and waved to him as he left.

"Au revoir maman!" Marcel cooed happily before arriving at Nymphi Valley, smiling as his light blue eyes glanced down to see his best friend awaiting for him and their other friends.

"Ah! Bonjour Elora!"
Not too far from arriving was Loki, a shiny Impidimp who loved to pick on Sebastian. He was on the same train as Marcel however, he was on top of the train, despite the conductor's wish to have him inside.
"Naah! I don't need ta ride inside, mate!" He playfully stuck out his tongue as they arrived to Nymphi Valley. He then did some parkour to get off of the train and land smack dab right beside Elora. He looked to her and gave a playful hidden wink.
"Ha! Afta'noon Elora! Whea' the rest of the mates?"
"I'm coming! Je suis désolé for my slowness!" Marcel replied nervously before gently exiting the train.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,278
Posted: Fri, 21/02/2020 19:52 (4 Years ago)
*Carrot was ready to go and meet his new friends. His mother which Cindy the cinderace started to groom his fur*

Cindy: now make sure you be careful out there ok? Always stick together and please don’t get lost....

Carrot: yes momma

Cindy: good... *finishes grooming him and kisses his forehead* you know I love you right?

Carrot: *nods and his ears go down in embarrassment* y-yes momma.....

Cindy: *smiles gently * ok well take care...

Carrot: I will *kisses her cheek and runs out the doo pr and heads to the train*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. °`

Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 832
Posted: Fri, 21/02/2020 21:48 (4 Years ago)
“Now. Remember to enjoy yourself.” A Lucario was seen talking to a Riolu. This would be Yung talking to Emerald. “Your first adventure alone...I can’t help but worry. Not that you’ll miss me of course...” he chuckled

“Dad...Of course I’ll miss you...but I want to show you I can do this alone! You said yourself right? Wind flower, snow moon; I’ll live it to the fullest!” Emerald punched the air. “And...I’ll make sure you can draw a map of here too!”

He laughed. “Yeah...now go have fun, alright? That’s your priority. I need to learn more about the region...oh, if you get lonely or worried...remember those songs...” he waved goodbye

Emerald would give him one last hug before heading to them, already singing. Elora could hear his voice. “One more time, one more time...I’ll roll along again today!”
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,278
Posted: Fri, 21/02/2020 21:50 (4 Years ago)
Carrot: *arrives at nymphi valley and gets off the train* I wonder what kind of pokemon I'll meet here

Pixie: *also arrives and gets off the train quickly and pants* ph-ph-phew....

Cora: *arrives as well and gets off and looks around*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. °`

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sat, 22/02/2020 03:32 (4 Years ago)
"Ah!" Elora jumped as she saw Loki land next to her, before her tail started wagging again, realizing who it was. "Oh! Loki! HiHiHi! Glad to see you could make it today! Was the train driver mad you werent in the car again?" she asked before she leaped again happily. "Well, you and Sebastian are the first here as usual! Sebastian's in the tree above us!"

She smiled as she looked up towards the tree to point towards the shiny Rowlet in the tree before her attention turned towards a familiar voice, seeing who it was she beamed brightly before bounding ahead, playfully leaping onto Marcel's head. "Hiya Marcel! You're fine! I... still don't know what that means, but you're okay Marcel! Didja want a ride?" She wagged her tail as she offered to give Marcel a ride towards the usual meetup spot for the group of them, her ear twitching a little as she heard the Riolu singing as it went into the valley.
Sebastian looked down towards Loki, his eyes glinting a little as he was contemplating on landing on the imp's head before deciding to stay in the branch. "Ah, Good day to you Loki. As energetic and reckless as usual... When will you learn that you're supposed to be in the train incase the train has to go through the tunnel again? You don't want to be running down the tracks again do you?"
From within the train a Low Key shiny Toxtricity was carrying his daughter into the station, gently rubbing under her chin. "You ready to play with your friends again Princess?" Rose had asked, gently nuzzling her before setting her down at the bottom of the stairs so she wouldn't have to climb down them herself. "I hope you'll have fun dear. Behave alright?" He gave Cera a soft smile as he knelt down and gave her a pet on her head before standing back up, ready to head back to the train.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Sat, 22/02/2020 03:55 (4 Years ago)
Loki smirked playfully once more before playfully brushing his bangs away for a second to make sure he was looking at her, which he was so he instantly brushed his bangs back to normal.

"Ah! Cheers!" Loki chuckled before he rested his hands on his hips, sticking his tongue out in the direction where the train was. "Eh, as usual! But it's no fun without a little thrill an' advencha! An' nothin's mo' fun than feelin' the wind rush against ya!" He then blinked a little as he heard Sebastian was here, playfully snickering before doing a Morgrem style brush the bangs away from his eye. "Well uh course he is! Goody goody has ta upstage everyone Ha!" He then glanced up at the branch above them, laughing cutely.

"Cheers, Sebby!" He smirked again before playfully waving at the air, nodding a little before he chuckled as Impidimp's do. "Aww come on, mate. Ya know life's more fun when ya take risks!" His glance then went back down towards Elora who greeted Marcel. "Cheers, Marcel!"

His ears then flickered a little as he also heard a Riolu singing, raising a non-existant brow. "Singin'? And it ain'y you, Elora? What's this madness? HA! Not tuh mention it looks like Nymphi Valley's gettin' bigga huh?"
Marcel gently finished stepping out from the train, only to be glomped by his best friend. He made a small squeak sound as she landed on his head before he playfully shook it off and smiled a cute dopey smile.

"B-Bonjour Loki!" He replied back to the Impidimp before his attention went back to Elora, "M-Merci! And a ride sounds great! Hopefully someday i'll be faster...." He gently frowned a little, he knew he was the slowest pokemon in the group, but he wanted to get faster.
"YEAH! C'mon Mommy i'm gettin' ancyyyyyyyyy!" Cera pouted cutely as her tongue gently dangled from her mouth as she smiled happily as Rose rubbed under her chin, playfully biting his finger. "Heh! <3 I'm always ready to play with my peasant friends! You know this!" She chuckled again before nuzzling him back, licking his cheek before she looked towards the train as it arrived back from it's first stop.

"Behave? Ha! Does daddy behave? I doubt it! But i'll try....maybe." she smirked cutely and patted his head with her paws before gently getting onto the train, waving cutely.

"Bye Mommy! I'll see you later!"
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 832
Posted: Sat, 22/02/2020 20:49 (4 Years ago)
He kept singing the song. The words weren’t in English but rather Japanese. But he’d occasionally switch to English, as a translation to the song. He continued going through the valley, in a relaxed demeanour. He noted that there were a group of pokemon gathering but he didn’t seem to be in a rush. “One more time, one more time, I will roll again today, they once said, they once said while the meaning is played by words!”
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,278
Posted: Sat, 22/02/2020 22:12 (4 Years ago)
Carrot: *looks around* hm....

Pixie: *looks around for other pokemon that also arrived*

Cora: *walks around*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. °`

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 22/02/2020 23:53 (4 Years ago)
Echo hopped out of the train, excited for an adventure. He spotted more Pokémon around, and started wondering what was the reason they were here.
Hi, I’m not dead yet

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,278
Posted: Sun, 23/02/2020 03:47 (4 Years ago)
Carrot: *wonders if there are other pokemon that arrived*

Pixie: *starts walking around the nymphai valley and looks for other pokemon*

Cora: *ears go down and couldn't see any other pokemon who arrived at the valley*
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. °`

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sun, 23/02/2020 08:34 (4 Years ago)
"Upstage? Hardly." Sebastian gave a small scoff before he went down to the grass where Loki, Elora and Marcel were, fluffing his feathers a little before he looked around, there were some new faces in Nymphi Valley and he admitted he was curious, though he wasn't quite sure of them yet. "I just being in our usual place on time, unlike you it seems, you thrill seeking imp." He gave a small chuckle before shaking his head, remembering how reckless Loki always way, much to his dismay.
Elora tilted her head as she lifted Marcel onto her back, smiling happily as she trotted back towards her friends, her ears perking as she heard the song. It seemed familiar somehow, like she's heard it before, but she remembered her mom saying it was a sad song, if it was the same one she thought it was, so she was curious as to why someone would sing a sad song on their first day in Nymphi Valley. "I wonder who's singing that?"

"It's no trouble Marcel! I'm always happy to give you a lift! I know you'll be faster one day!" She smiled towards him as her tail wagged, gently nuzzling her head against him before she started to bound forward with him on her back, turning her head to see the other pokemon who were arriving. "you know, I see a bunch of new pokemon, but I don't see Cera yet! Did she miss the morning train?"
Sebastian tilted his head before he shook his head, flying over towards Elora to bop her lightly on the head. "Silly, you know she gets to ride a special train. She's always late because of it!"
Rose gently bapped her nose as she bit his finger, smiling lightly as he watched her get onto the train, shaking his head a little giving her a little sack with berries to snack on later. "heh, dear, I know you're my little princess, but You'll have to stop calling your friends that sometime, they might get upset. but have fun, I'll see you tonight." He gently waved as the train started to leave, his little girl going off to have fun again.
Hiding on that same train a shiny Wooloo was sitting in one of the furthest back seats, keeping her eyes closed as she kept her head low, worried that she was on the wrong train, muttering so quietly she could bearly be heard. ".......I'm in so much trouble... I just know it..."
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Sun, 23/02/2020 09:15 (4 Years ago)
Loki laughed a little, resting his hand on his chest similar to how Morgrem laughs in Pokemon Camp, he loved seeing how flustered Sebastian would get from time to time when they talked.

"Aww come on, mate! Why are ya gettin' so touchy about this?" He snickered again and watched as Sebastian went down to join them on the grass, lightly smirking as he rested his arms on the Rowlet's head.

"You know you'd be worried if I didn't do that stuff!"
Marcel perched comfortably on her back, his tail gently uncurling a little as it wrapped around her stomace a little so that he would be more secure in case she wanted to run. He then blinked a little before he tilted his head, he wasn't really paying attention since he was more focused on making sure he wouldn't fall off of Elora.

"Je suis désolé, Elora...I don't hear anything.." he gently smiled nervously as she told him it was no problem for her to give him a ride, it may not actually have been for her, but he still felt bad since there would be no other way to keep up with them. He lightly glanced over his shoulder to her tail, smiling lowly before he flinched slightly at her nuzzle, blushing faintly before he lightly nuzzled her back before looking ahead as she started to bound off, looking to see that Loki was strutting behind them, but then watched as Sebastian bopped her on the head, nodding a little.

"Oui, Elora! She gets to ride the rich pokemon's train."
Cera made a raspberry sound with her tongue as she was bapped on her nose, causing her to giggle loudly before she looked back at him from the train window. She licked her lips playfully as she gently grabbed the sack of berries that Rose had given her, reaching into the bag to snag a quick berry before she pouted to him.

"Aww I know that, Mommy! I was just kiddin!" She then smiled wide as she waved gently.

"Bye, Mommy! See you tonight!" She then paused a moment as she raised a small brow as she turned around in her seat, peeking down to see the shiny Wooloo, smirking playfully as she waved a little, calling out to her.

"HAAAYYY! LILITH! UP HERE!" She then waved more, "Come up here and sit with meeeee!"
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 832
Posted: Sun, 23/02/2020 10:32 (4 Years ago)
Emerald continued to walk, singing that song. He would pick a berry and then eat it after finishing his song. He walked over to dome of the pokemon who seemed to be gathering. “I wonder what’s gonna happen first...” he murmured as he sauntered across the fields
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,278
Posted: Tue, 25/02/2020 20:35 (4 Years ago)
Carrot: *his ears go down and sits down* guess no pokemon came yet....

Pixie: *keeps looking around and sees a shiny scorbunny and walks over to him* hi! You came from the train as well right?

Cora: *looks around also and her ears go down* ...
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. °`

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 27/02/2020 09:32 (4 Years ago)
Sebastian gave a small glare towards Loki who used him as an armrest, he knew he was small, but he didn't really care for the reminder, jokingly as it was since it was Loki doing it.

"You might be right that I would be worried if you didn't. but you don't need to be using me as an arm rest!" he scowled as he flapped his wings, skaing off Loki's arm from his head. "You just wait until I'm grown up! Then I'll be tall!"
"je sui de-sol-ee? uh... Sorry, I.. still don't understand all of your fancy french words Marcel.." Elora tilted her head as she tried to fathom what he said, but she at least understood that he didn't hear anything and gave a small nod. "But okay. I just thought I heard singing over there." She used her nose to point towards the direction the Riolu went before she turned her attention back towards her other friends.

"O-oh yeah! I forget that Cera gets to ride the second train! eh heh heh~" She gave a small giggle as she watched the silly antics of her friends around her before she noticed a few other pokemon nearby, wondering if they wanted to play with her and her friends.

"I wonder who those ones are. Shall we go say hi guys?"
The shiny wooloo jumped the moment she was called by name, she had hoped she wouldn't have been seen, but almost instantly relaxed as she saw it was Cera. She gave a bright smile as she stood up, giving a small leap to get up towards Cera's seat as the train moved on, seeing Rose waving goodbye to Cera for only a moment as the train moved away from the station.

"h-h-hi Cera..!" She said quietly as she sat beside the shiny Toxel, her wool fluffing up a bit, making the bell around her neck ring a little. "how are you doing? and s-sorry for getting on the wrong train...again..."
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 832
Posted: Thu, 27/02/2020 10:47 (4 Years ago)
Emerald picked up the pace and hurried over to them. “Oh! Are you...the ones I was told to meet...??” He wagged his tail in an extremely friendly manner, and he was eager to make friends
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Thu, 27/02/2020 11:10 (4 Years ago)
"Uh course i'm right!" Loki smirked once more, still resting his arm on Sebastian's head, to the Rowlet's dismay. He then watched as Sebastian flapped his wings, causing him to pull his arm back, but laugh at how angry his friend was getting.

"Ah come of it, wouldja?" Loki smirked and gently rested his hands on his hips, "I'll be tolla' than you! Just you wait!" With a small pause he ligthtly chuckled before looking back to Elora and Marcel, lightly crossing his arms a little and then playfully waved hsi hand towards Elora's comment, sticking out his tongue to her.

"I think i'll pass on that one, sheila." He then took a seat by the tree and leaned against it, lightly using his finger to play with his bangs.

"Ya know I don't normally play well with othas otha than you guys."
Marcel lightly blinked again before playfully waving his arms in an 'i'm sorry' manner. "Ah! S-Sorry Elora!" He stammered a little as he went back to clinging to her so he wouldn't fall off of her. "I'm still learning English..." He frowned a little before gently shaking it off as he gave her a small nervous nod, he did like meeting new pokemon and was usually very outgoing, but his Sobble nature of being shy usually prompted him to not be the first to say hello.

"I wouldn't mind going with you, Elora! We could use some more friends..!"

"No we don't." Loki chimed in with a small frown, not looking towards them, but looking right ahead. He would never admit it, but he liked his close knit circle of friends, they were more of a family to him then his own family, and he didn't want or need it to get bigger. But that's all he was going to say before slumping back against the tree.

"Ah....?" Marcel tilted his head slightly towards Loki's comment, but shrugged a little before looking back to Elora.

"S-So..What should we do..? We should still meet them, oui?"

He was a little startled when he looked over and saw a Riolu appear from out of seemingly no where, lightly smiling as he gently waved.

"Bonjour! I'm Marcel..!"
Cera instantly smirked as she saw that she startled the Wooloo, who she watched leap up to her seat to sit with her. Her tail flopped happily on the seat before she smiled back to Rose before he went out of view, then looked back to Lilith with a playful grin.

"Heya! What's up?" The Toxel asked with a wide dopey smirk, if there was one thing she got from her mom it was the dopey grin, and she flaunted it when she could. She then looked slightly crosseyed at the bell around Lilith's neck before chuckling again.

"Doin' better since I have some nice non-rich pokemon to sit with! Eehh it's cool! I know my mom an' dad don't mind you riding with me! Knowing my mom he probably paid for you anyway!"
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,278
Posted: Thu, 27/02/2020 15:40 (4 Years ago)
Carrot: *sees pixie* huh? Oh! Yeah I did who are you?

Pixie: I'm pixie! Nice to meet you *holds out her paw at carrot*

Cora: *her ears are still down while looking around* ...
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. °`

Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 832
Posted: Fri, 28/02/2020 19:46 (4 Years ago)
“Ah! Kombanwa! The name’s Emerald! Please to meet you!” He sprung towards Marcel with a cheerful manner. His green scarf and flower charm bounced with him as he ran around them excited. “Is this...Nymphi Valley?”