Trainer Card form: Username:CrashKing Background:This one plz Character:Gary Pokemon:Mega Charizard Y Mega Heracross Mega Banette Mega
Manectric Mega Blastoise Mega Aggron BadgesKanto Badge case Trainer name: CrashKing
Actually, I've been experimenting with the idea of doing banners
and possibly avatars so I can at least try and do something cool
for you ^^ What exactly would you like?
GummyBear: I'll get to work on that in a minute :3
XxToothlessXx: I use to make my sprites ^^
Everyone who ordered a trainer card: I don't think I'll be able to
do trainer cards, sorry everyone! It just takes a lot of time to do
and I think they may be just too hard to do with school going on.
Again, I'm very very sorry!
Pokeball fusion form: Username:XManuel1239 Pokemon:Piplup Other:Mega Mewtwo Y (if you can't use normal mewtwo)
Splicing Form: Username:XManuel1239 Base Pokemon:Piplup Secondary pokemon:Mega Mewtwo Y (if you can't use normal
mewtwo) Tertiary Pokemon(optional):Arceus Any specifics?:Make it cool and epic :P
WOAH! Can you make me an avatar like that? With A little thing that
says:"Meteor" and a Vibrava? (surprise background?)
⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and
profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these
⠀call me ender/victor/damie(n) ! she/any prns ! oc enthusiast
⠀. . . ☆ the character in my icon and
profile decor is my own oc, please don't use these