Forum Thread
Frozen Minds (Rp)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Frozen Minds (Rp)"Huh...minus the cold it hasn't really changed much...Has it, Cosmos?" She had glanced over to her right shoulder, which Cosmos, her Mew, was gently sitting cutely. Cosmos gently looked around before shivering and then trying to wrap herself up in the hooded part of Alice's hoodie.
"Yeah...I getcha, Cosmos. It is really cold..Hey Ashe, think you can make us a fire?" She looked behind her to her Cinderace who was practicing her boxing moves. Without hesitation, Ashe nodded and began to go gather some wood, Acantha, on the other hand, was making sure the wood was proper and well taken care of as the flames started to grow.
"So...Any idea what we're gonna have for dinner?" Alice turned to her companions, each one shaking their head.