Okay, when we have the full party and adopt a Pokemon (emera beach,
safari zone, honey tree or shadow radar) the Pokemon is sended
immediately to a storage box
Why don't do the same with eggs?
This could be useful when founding "surprise eggs" (Christmas
gifts, harvest sprites) or when needing to adopt an egg (for
example a very rare egg from lab like ditto or a legendary
These eggs would be send to egg storage and if you don't have
enough maybe you can get the option to buy one or to not claim the
I like this idea, when im adopting eggs from the lab and theres one
I want (i think I missed a moltres once) but cant get it because my
party was full. What would happen if egg storage is full? Anyway,
support! :)
I’m on the edge on this one. Let’s say I get eggs from alola
mission. Now sometimes when I’m unchecking the poke/egg I wanna
adopt I miss some caus of thick thumbs and similar reasons. For
Pokemon it’s easy cause boxes have large capacity so one more can’t
hurt. But I only have 15 egg storages. Now I would hate for them to
be used over unnecessary eggs I don’t even want. I know I can clean
the storage later but I can’t cause of this sm hunt. Get me?
To possibly solve the potential issue Guest brought up: Eggs
wouldn't be just automatically sent to your egg storage and instead
you get a pop-up message along the lines of "Your party is full.
Send this egg to your Egg Storage?" So you can decide if the egg's
worth that spot in the box.
Yes please. I came here specifically hoping to find this
suggestion. It would speed up getting eggs from the Daycare too.
I'm not concerned one way or the other with the pop up, although
there have been times I wished I could delete/abandon an egg I
didn't mean to grab.