Scriptus and Temporus returned to the castle. Scriptus grabbed a
piece of paper and wrote:
The Shades were, surprisingly, at fault for the incident earlier.
They found a way to fuse themselves into one giant Shade with the
ability to create more Shades, actively building armies. They are
also much more organized, having gone past the level of singular
barbarians and reaching the level of small packs. Everyone must be
alerted of these changes."
"You should know, though, that this forest is sometimes called
Shadewood. And for good reason. Have you thought of looking in
front of you?"
About 20 Shades were standing in front of them, having somehow
learned basic combat formations. They were wielding maces and
wearing leather armor. Temporus said:
Elestra sighed and let Darkrai keep watch while she went after
Vestige. She had no intention on bringing him back, only seeing
what he was doing. She saw the shades and readied her sword.
Temporus pushed Vestige forward, throwing it right between the
"You don't get to attack- you're just the useless bait. Let me make
this clear. Unlike the old man Scriptus, I would not regret
sacrificing all of you if it means getting to crush those
Temporus started preparing an attack to vaporize both the Shades
and Vestige:
"I'm sorry, but I never leave witnesses."
Scriptus woke up and realized what Temporus wanted to do, so he
geared up and ran towards the woods.
"It could be either..." Relic stated. Vestige had stopped shaking
and had sat down to clean its wounds. "One thing is for sure. I
don't want to find out what 'soul-sucking' is..."