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Forbidden (Wings of Fire Role-Play)

Forum-Index Roleplay Forbidden (Wings of Fire Role-Play)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 10:54 (5 Years ago)
Hey everyone! The rp is starting up again!

Brimstone kept looking for Shine and Aurora.

Sprite made by xXMidnightGoldXx

Please check out this Wings of Fire rp!
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Thu, 02/01/2020 13:11 (5 Years ago)
Nightflower stayed with them, unsure of what to do now.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Fri, 03/01/2020 06:41 (5 Years ago)
Brimstone gave up on her search. She went back to Nightflower. She wanted some way to be able to cross the Great Ice Cliff.

Sprite made by xXMidnightGoldXx

Please check out this Wings of Fire rp!
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Fri, 03/01/2020 23:45 (5 Years ago)
The trekking dragons decided to set up camp for the night. (Please let it be night)
They all went to sleep, except for Protector.
He had constant nightmares about his sister, Shadowslayer. He decided to explore a bit.

Spider heard rustling nearby. One of the dragons camping in her territory must be coming to explore...
She smiled at the prospect of prey larger than a mouse or bird. (I’m taking Spider until Sobuck becomes active again)
Queen Skadi800 of the IceWings, RainWings and MistClan
Btw its by xXMidnightGoldXx
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sat, 04/01/2020 01:18 (5 Years ago)
Nightflower sat there. She tried to look into the future, she only foresaw dragons attacking them on sight. She forcefully removed the vision from her mind, but a tear rolled off her snout. "Why, mother....?"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Sat, 04/01/2020 11:09 (5 Years ago)
(I'm fine with that)

Brimstone flew back to where Nightflower was and landed. She laid her head down and wondered what to do next. She then remembered her mother's letter and decided to head to Claws od Clouds mountain tomorrow.

Sprite made by xXMidnightGoldXx

Please check out this Wings of Fire rp!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Mon, 13/01/2020 11:09 (5 Years ago)
Brimstone settled down and fell asleep.

~The next morning~

Brimstone woke and flew towards Claws of Clouds mountains.

Sprite made by xXMidnightGoldXx

Please check out this Wings of Fire rp!
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Mon, 13/01/2020 13:08 (5 Years ago)
Nightflower watched Brimstone go
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Mon, 13/01/2020 13:09 (5 Years ago)
Brimstone landed outside the entrance to Claws of Clouds mountains.

Sprite made by xXMidnightGoldXx

Please check out this Wings of Fire rp!
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 01:09 (5 Years ago)
Demon roared. She hacked and slashed at the trees with her talons and brushed her wings along others.
She light the rainforest on fire. She destroyed everything she touched, voicing her pain and anger threw
her talons.
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 01:14 (5 Years ago)
Brimstone saw the fire. She ran into Claws of Clouds mountains to warn the dragons there but some were already rushing out.

Fathom enchanted the village to be immune to the fire. Both the Rainwing and the Nightwing parts.

Sprite made by xXMidnightGoldXx

Please check out this Wings of Fire rp!
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 01:24 (5 Years ago)
Demon howled with demonic laughter. She set more stuff on fire. She killed hundreds of trees and bushes and flowers. She could hear the minds of panicking dragons outside the forest and in there villages. She thought this one spell: " I enchant my fire to never go out except for when I call it back."

Howling with laughter she says one more thing: "I also enchant me to never be able to cast another spell unless a hybrid accepts me.

Glacier sat up. She could smell smoke! "Give me a peice of paper now" she commanded. "I enchant this scroll to tell me where fires are"

Three words lit up the paper:

The Rainforest Kingdom
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 01:30 (5 Years ago)
Many dragon flew out of the cave to try to stop the fire. One shoved Brimstone into the cave to protect her.

Fathom enchanted a scroll to stop the fires closest to the village.

Sprite made by xXMidnightGoldXx

Please check out this Wings of Fire rp!
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 01:32 (5 Years ago)
Demon laughed as she set more trees on fire. Her flames now lapping with a deadly black in them
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 01:59 (5 Years ago)
Kalahari flipped her tail absentmindedly, waiting for her father. She was instructed to wait here. Her father suddenly barreled into her. "Listen sweetie, you have to go." He brushed her cheek. "I love you. Goodbye." Kalahari's eyes widened, but she understood. She flew away immediately.

Name: Viv
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage

I will throw my queerness at you
My sprite shop
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 07:36 (5 Years ago)
Fathom started to panic. "These flames aren't going out! We need to find a way to stop them before the rainforest is destroyed!"

Sprite made by xXMidnightGoldXx

Please check out this Wings of Fire rp!
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 13:07 (5 Years ago)
Nightflower smelled smoke. "What the...?"
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 20:59 (5 Years ago)
Demon could hear dragons, panicking. She shrieked and howled and grinned as she watched the rainforest burn. She swished her tail and blew her fire everywhere.
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Fri, 17/01/2020 08:59 (5 Years ago)
The Harmonywing dragons were watching the fire. None of them could get close enough without hurting themselves. They flew back to the Claws of Clouds mountain and landed. Their leader seemed very upset that he couldn't do anything to help.

Fathom grabbed her harp that allowed her to enchant objects as long as it was a beneficial spell for others. It wouldn't use her soul either witch is why Fathom used it. She played it and enchanted a downpour to start so the fire would go out. The thunderstorm was quite violent so she flew outside and told all the dragons to get inside. Atlantic had been helping and he flew inside as well as Fathom's father Nightseer.

Sprite made by xXMidnightGoldXx

Please check out this Wings of Fire rp!
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Fri, 17/01/2020 12:03 (5 Years ago)
Demon watched a thunderstorm appear. She smiled viciously. She wanted revenge! And better yet, she was going to get it. (her father was a nightwing that left her mother at birth because hyrbids were illegal) The nightwing village was close. She watched her flames, the didn't go out.
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~