Forum Thread
(Steven universe) Spinel fanclub
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → (Steven universe) Spinel fanclubYou can: make theories about Steven universe future, analyse the backstory of spinel and more!
Rules: uh... none for now just respect Spinel I guess
Can I join the club?
What spinel picture do you want for your icon in the club members list:
What color do you want for your username in the club members list:






Username: Bitter_Spinel
What spinel picture do you want for your icon in the club members list: the one I already have xD
What color do you want for your username in the club members list: any shade of pink cos Spinel is p u r e
Other: n/a
People of Fontaine, your sins are forgiven."

Username: Cherry_Cater-pie
What spinel picture do you want for your icon in the club members list:[url=]this one
What color do you want for your username in the club members list: Can I choose black and white? If not, just Red
Other: I look forward to this club's future
Username: TheRealMew
What spinel picture do you want for your icon in the club members list: The one I'm using for my profile pic.
What color do you want for your username in the club members list: Reddish pink.
Other: spinel is babey
@Cherry_Cater-pie it didn’t work so I copy-pasted the link, saved the picture and put it through an image Resizer
What spinel picture do you want for your icon in the club members list:i don't really care which spinel picture you give me
What color do you want for your username in the club members list:a color that isn't barely readable
Username: Eat_Yo_Oatmeal
What spinel picture do you want for your icon in the club members list: this one, please!
What color do you want for your username in the club members list: this color uwu ( #ff85d1 )
Other: i love spinel she is precious and must be protected