Forum Thread
Pokemon Masters Acadamy
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Masters AcadamyTylai: *looks around and sees a path and points at it with tail and looks up at her and nods head "yes"*
Diamond: *sees the path* thanks let's go *follows it*
Tylai: *follows diamond*

Tylai: *looks at diamond while walking the path with her and nods in agreement*

"Baur bwai...(Fine, but it's a bit creepy to me...)" , the Buizel responds.
Psy: Abr-bra! (Idk maybe we should follow those people) *falls asleep*
"Uuuhh, Psy, return" He huffs, tired from the walk
Please level up my Tobies!
Tylai: Espe? (Huh?) *sees a tyranitar*
Diamond: is that a tyranitar?
Tylai: *nods* Espeon... (yes and I dont think it's in a good mood...)