Forum Thread
Clash Tournament Sign-Ups
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Clash Tournament Sign-UpsName:Zynare (z-eye-n-air)
Pokemon:Lycanroc (Eclipse Form Custom)
Gender:Genderless (though prefers to be called male)
Appearance:Like a midday form but neck spikes lowered unless attacking, smaller body, shorter back paws, bushier tail, rocks on tail, blue dragon shape marking on chest, main skin dark grey, main fur orange, secondary fur white, tail fur crimson.
Personality: Alert, shy, serious, sometimes funny
Backstory (Third person):I used to live at the house of a girl named Lillie. She has a pokemon playground, and I stay there. When I was a rockruff, I was shorter than all of the others. I was never teased, but I felt ashamed. I would usually go with Lillie but not show myself to her friends. I was good friends with Lillie, but for a while she couldnt touch me. One day, after she became able to touch me, during an eclipse, she had to stop an Ultra Beast with her friends. I followed her and watched from the ground, but Lunala fell and sent me flying into the forest. No one noticed, but a Poipole emerged through the Ultra Wormhole, went into the forest, and attacked me. I was weak and couldnt fight back but suddenly I felt my power blast to new heights as I evolved. Now, after wrecking the Poipole, I started living in the caves and trust very few.
Crush: Mariah (Milotic)
Other: Rock and Ghost type, Knows more than four moves, exclusive due to evolution variables
the rp is here
Title: Sign up
Pokemon: Torterra(Normal form)
Gender:Male(prefers to be called he or him)
Age:14(what a coincidence!)
Personality: cocky, reassuring, meathead most times, lazy, gluttonous
Backstory (Third Person):How's life?! I'm living great without my trainer!My life is no different then it is now everything is just wash, rinse, repeat.(sigh)I do miss my friends though don't get me wrong its just i'd rather not be bothered with wimps like those always complaining that i'm hitting to hard, the whole point of battling is to hit hard!Heck if I was in a real battle i'd do just great.Life as a little guy was hard even then i still got better, the only reason i left was to be even greater and look for a real challenge without a pesky trainer holding me back.
Crush: none
other: ground and grass type, only knows four moves, plays by his own rules
Please level up my Tobies!
Please level up my Tobies!
Please level up my Tobies!
it’s on the BBCode pagePokemon: Scizor
Gender: Female
Appearance: A midnight blue instead of Red, and white instead of black. She has a Mega Stone necklace
Personality: She is not very talkative, kinda shy, doesn’t really like to fight
Backstory (Third person): Hey there! My trainer kinda... abandoned me, so I started living alone. I found a nice place to stay in the woods, and learned how to cook! Pokémon from the woods come every day to have a meal, and I enjoy that! Back to my backstory though. The inky thing my trainer left for me was a Mega Stone. Surprisingly, it still works! I uh... I don’t have much else to share, other than I have 2 children, so I guess I will see you at the tournament? I honestly didn’t want to go, but something made me feel like I should, so why not?
Crush: No one
Here is a form for others
Backstory (Third person):
Backstory (Third person):
Pokemon: Ninetales
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Appearance: A light black ninetales instead of light orange and with her tails tips pink instead of orange
Personality: kind, likes to battle other pokemon, loves singing, is shy sometimes, and doesnt talk with anybody
Backstory (Third person): trainer's name is amy and me and her love battling other trainers sometimes when me and her go on adventures we normally see what kinds of pokemon there are since we are always friendly to them...I enjoy singing alot with her and sleep in her room...and I realized that I got invited to a tournament? I already know that I like to battle other pokemon but not that I guess I can try...
Crush: None
Other: Hi