“It’s ok...” He hugged her deeply and fell back onto the bubble
with her. She would find that his fur was ridiculously soft. He
began send a wave of calming aura around him
“You may have lost a friend in the past...but look positive, look
at the present time. You’re gaining new friends and they will
support you to the ends of the earth.” He said, not letting go
“Uhh...” she stared at the bag. “What’s your definition of “cool”?”
She asked, letting out a slight giggle. She wiped the last of her
tears out of her eyes.
“Like...a cool costume!” His tail wagged. It was clear he was
referring to superheroes. He knew full well that the costumes
belongee to an evil organisation though
“I suppose you can look...” Sure there was a rocket grunt out fit
inside but there were other hero like costumes as well, with capes.
He didn’t actually steal anything though, these were old costumes.