She continued, making sure to be careful with what she said. “I’ll
share my experience in each region later, but for now, let’s talk
about the break-in. So, what she didn’t tell me was that her
“friend” was a Yveltal. It was GINORMOUS, bugger than anything I’ve
seen. Anyway, we burst in, battled a few of the weirdos, then made
our way to the room Yveltal was kept. We were stopped in our tracks
by the leader of the gang, who I think his name was Giovani, and we
almost didn’t make it. Zebstrika was knocked out, and I was about
to as well, hanging on to the last bit of strength I had. I was up
against an armored Mewtwo.” She looked at the Mewtwo beside her.
“Of course, not this one.” She mentioned.