Forum Thread
Sounds for Fishing (Optional)
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Sounds for Fishing (Optional)When clicking, I don't really have to pay attention. I can just tap tap tap on my tablet and keep watching anime~
With fishing, that's not feasible. The cue is really easy to miss, and static screens are generally unexciting (Nothing moves, there are no sounds, etc). The player is actually forced to pay attention to a boring, unmoving screen.
If there was a sound cue for fish biting, that'd be an enormous help.
That's it for this suggestion, really. I said it'd be small. :P
EDIT: Oh, and as stated in the title, an option to enable or disable sounds.
And it'd also be awesome if in case there are multiple sounds, we could choose which sounds do and don't play
Fishing is not engaging at all, whatsoever. Even basic animations could help, but I feel sounds would help people actually want to play this minigame. A splash when something bites, maybe? Something really basic would go a long way.
It's just.. such a chore right now. I don't really want to look at the unmoving beach with no sounds, but I want to get the rewards. It's just sooooo boring.