Hikari nearly drops her weapon, falling to the ground with that
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than
that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of
Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs
"you were too correct"
Yoni frowned, turning his head towards
the castle and sliding his eyes towards Fernando. “Just trust me,
okay?” He growled, frustrated. Sending a ribbon towards the castle
to attach it to a tree, he began to run and soon jumped, letting
out a grunt as he got close to the castle. “Hey Yurei, in a second
you need to talk to Hadrian. You got that?” He asked, seeing Yurei
nod. Taking a step backwards when he reached the backside of the
castle, he began to run up the castle, ready to dig his knife in if
he found himself slipping. When he got to the top of the wall, he
dug the knife into the wall and flipped himself over, snatching the
knife out in mid air. Gripping into his knife, with a fizzle of
blackness, Yurei faded into behind body again.
Yurei slipped into his bedroom window
and snuck out, searching for Hadrian’s room. Finding the door, he
swung it open and called for his brother. “Hadrian?”
Aia and Akira were in their hideout. A secret office in the second
floor of the castle. Aia looked worried. "Something wrong is in the
air Aki, I feel it." Akira looked at her, he was standing by the
door, arms folded. "That skunk was so cute..." He whispered under
his breath.
Aia slapped her brother's head. "Idiot. Can't you feel it? That
Hadrian has gone psychotic!"
Akira sighed. He rubbed his head. "So, what has this to do with us?
Hadrian is going to ascend the throne but he's gone crazy, hasn't
he always been though? This has nothing to do with us. We should
stay away from all this."
Aia looked away. She was tensioned, clearly her twin didn't care.
But she did. She loved Hadrian, and why wouldn't she? He was her
elder brother.
Taking a Wild guess that Drake was
being outward to his brother, asking if he was evil and whatnot,
Yurei took a step forward, “Drake I think it’ll be best if we don’t
pressure him. I’ll talk to you in a minute,” He told him in a calm
mannor, “Hadrian, can you follow me? I’ll tell you why on the
Hadrian looked at Drake, “I have already given you an answer Drake.
And now I must go deal with something.” Hadrian looked over at
Yurei then glanced away. “Not right now” he said then Hadrian faded
away into the air. He appeared in front of Aia’s And Akira’s
(Yoni saw Baz join Minerva, and they were saying 'master' so that
basically confirmed it in Yoni's eyes. Yurei is still in disbelief
so eh)
Yurei blinked at the way he fizzled
into the fog. "Huh." He muttered, turning to Drake. "Follow me,
I'll tell you what's going on." He prompted, and began to trudge
into his room.
Gaz was torn between two choices. First option was stay and help
Minerva fight Fernando and Hikari. Then again, Minerva could easily
handle this herself. Second option is go back to Hadrian and deal
with Drake and Yoni. Then again Hadrian could defend himself."
“That’s not important” Hadrian said as he threw the dead skunk back
into their hideout. “I’ve known about it for some time now” Hadrian
said as he stepped closer.
Aia glared at him. They were face to face and she glared into his
eyes. However, she felt shook. The space between them had grown so
much along the years. She felt she could not take it and turned
away. "Come in."
Akira moved the corpse away with his foot. "What are you doing
here? Need us to do something?"
Hadrian glared at Aia with his one eye. The other was covered with
his hair. “Let this be a warning, If you ever do something like
that again, You won’t like what happens to you after” Hadrian said
with a glare.
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than
that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of
Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs
"you were too correct"
"Because I plan to crash back first." He explained politely
charging backwards into a tree hoping Fernado would let go from the
slam. If not he'd always try again.
Yurei felt nothing but a lack of
energy. He needed to drag Hadrian outside, and fast. He
began searching the house, looking in each room. “Yoni, could you
keep an eye on my far pheripheral?” He questioned, his voice
slightly panicky. The demon nodded and begin watching