"Cheshire! I need you to go to everyone and tell them to stay
inside and don't go out for anything. Can you do that for me?" She
asks quickly.
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than
that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of
Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs
"you were too correct"
Realising Yoni's time of holding the
body was coming short, he began to get desperate to make Yurei
upset. Say something quick, even if you have to lie... something
something..! "Notice how all your siblings have left you to die?
They aren't good siblings, they'd never defend a powerless person
like you. Why have they kept you around? You don't have a power,
you're possessed by an Oni who has powers. You're weak." This
seemed to have upset Yurei a decent amount, giving him more power.
Yoni took a step into the light. "Coward! Come fight me if you're
so full of yourself!" He tried his most convincing sneer, realising
he was bluffing.
(Ok, this for the other role players, I was accepted into this
server, through a private message, I did this because I thought the
creator didn’t see my message, so, if you see any new posts, please
note that I was accepted into this role play, and don’t want to be
Cheshire was still looking to Roxanne in the closet with the only
cracking it partly open. The sudden shout of her name deviated her
attention to Hikari at the door. Cheshire waved happily in reply,
"Hikari! Hi! Wait, what's going on outside? Aureliance was saying
the same thing about not leaving the building earlier."
*Drake leaves to find his brother the next line in line to be king,
it took several hours to get back to the castle but he quickly went
running passing by the guards until he saw one of them who serve
him* You there! Go find me the future king now! *he said very angry
at the guard unable to control his outburst*
Right away sir! *the guard ran as fast as he could looking for king
room. Reaching the room fatigued he knocks on the door a few times*
My liege your brother Vermilion Drake ask for your presences, is
very urgent
Farnando, now at a a fair amoubt of power, was not focusing on
there fight, but instead looking for something. Randomly destroying
trees and punching random spots on the ground, looking for Minerva.
"God- where is she?!" Farnando says to himself, frustrated.
However, he did not realize he was slowely isolating himself from
the rest of the people fighting.
Oh. Shoot. This was bad. He would
normally try to take them on, but not today - he needed back up. He
sent a ribbon onto a tree and ran towards it to create momentum (as
he did before), he jumped back to the other group. "I need help,
back up is arriving..." he told his siblings. He felt fear rising
in Yurei, giving Yoni a bit more strength.
"There are people out there! They are trying to kill Yueri and
Soros! They are curently fighting them now, but I need to go help
them! Please, just tell everyone to stay inside!"
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than
that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of
Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs
"you were too correct"
"Umm... Alright, I can do that," Cheshire responded as she left
Roxanne's room. "Luke, maybe you could keep an eye on Roxy until I
come back?" She stood outside the entrance next to Hikari before
doing what she had been told.
Meanwhile, Camelot had arrived in the dining hall to aid in
cleaning the area. He hadn't heard of the fighting outside yet, but
he believes something peculiar is going on. He heard a voice from
the kitchen.
Hikari nods before running back to where the fight took place.
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than
that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of
Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs
"you were too correct"
"How do you keep up with me? I was moving well over forty miles per
hour..." He explained gathering the materials to make raw cookie
dough from the cabinet.
I think I’m imma royal, but I’m not sure. My parents can’t explain
my weirdness, especially my eyes.
She shows him her two colored eyes, one being blue and the other
being yellow...
"Well if you aren't sure if you are part of the royal family what
are you doing in the castle?" He asked even more confused starting
to mix the ingredients together. "Only the king's kids and servants
live here."